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Women, Climate Change and the Law: Lessons for Tanzania from an Analysis of African Nationally Determined Contributions
Journal of African Law ( IF 0.277 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-19 , DOI: 10.1017/s0021855324000135
Erika Techera , Anabahati Joseph Mlay

Women experience climate change in different ways to men and are often disproportionately affected, highlighting the need for gender-focused climate initiatives. Strengthening laws and policies to address women's and gender issues is one way forward. Yet, less research attention has been given to women and gender in climate change law than in other issues. This article seeks to advance the field by exploring the relevant law, policy and governance commitments made by all African nations under the Paris Agreement. The findings indicate that most African nations include some gender-related commitments, but only a few include detailed legal initiatives ready for implementation. These more detailed initiatives are synthesized to identify a toolbox of options, which are then applied to Tanzania as a case study. This article contributes to the literature by comprehensively analysing the African climate change commitments and by making tangible recommendations for Tanzania.



