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Outpacing choices: Examining dynamic consumer preferences across multi-generational information-intensive digital products
International Journal of Information Management ( IF 21.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-19 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ijinfomgt.2024.102784
Neha Chaudhuri , Gaurav Gupta , Sujeet Kumar Sharma

The frequent launch of new product upgrades and the explosion of online user reviews have profoundly impacted consumer purchase behavior in various product categories, especially digital ones. This research examines how the rapid innovation and frequent updates in digital product categories (such as fitness wearables) influence consumer demand and sales of new product generations varying in feature intensity and update frequency. Through a mixed-method approach, this study reveals that consumer feedback and expert feedback polarities differentially impact sales, and these effects are amplified for more complex, rapidly updated products. The results provide empirical validation for key premises argued in the literature that user-generated content helps overcome information asymmetry, but also introduce contingencies based on product characteristics. This study contributes unique evidence substantiating the strategic value of online opinions and interest metrics in an omnichannel context. The findings offer actionable guidance for marketers to leverage consumer insights and tailor digital product positioning amidst information overload.


