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Language and identity: The dynamics of linguistic clustering in multinational enterprises
Journal of World Business ( IF 8.635 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-17 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jwb.2024.101541
Komal Kalra , Wade Danis

Research on language diversity in international business has shown that language is a core element of one's social identity and employees in MNEs often form homophily-based clusters with those who share their native language. Such clusters can significantly influence communication and knowledge sharing processes within MNEs. However, research assumes that language-based clusters are monolithic in nature. In this study of two MNE headquarters in India, we develop a model to depict the dynamic processes by which language intersects with other salient identity attributes such as gender, regional dialects, and education to change the composition of language-based clusters and alter group dynamics and organizational processes.


