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An international factorial vignette-based survey of intubation decisions in acute hypoxemic respiratory failure
medRxiv - Respiratory Medicine Pub Date : 2024-04-21 , DOI: 10.1101/2024.04.16.24305906
Christopher J Yarnell , Arviy Paranthaman , Peter Reardon , Federico Angriman , Thiago Bassi , Giacomo Bellani , Laurent Brochard , Harm Jan De Grooth , Laura Dragoi , Syafruddin Gaus , Paul Glover , Ewan C Goligher , Kimberley Lewis , Baoli Li , Hashim Kareemi , Bharath Kumar Tirupakuzhi Vijayaraghavan , Sangeeta Mehta , Ricard Mellado-Artigas , Julie Moore , Idunn Morris , Georgiana Roman-Sarita , Tai Pham , Jariya Sereeyotin , George Tomlinson , Hannah Wozniak , Takeshi Yoshida , Rob Fowler ,

Purpose Intubation is a common procedure in acute hypoxemic respiratory failure (AHRF), with minimal evidence to guide decision-making. We conducted a survey of when to intubate patients with AHRF to measure the influence of clinical variables on intubation decision-making and quantify variability.



目的插管是急性低氧性呼吸衰竭 (AHRF) 的常见操作,指导决策的证据很少。我们对何时对 AHRF 患者进行插管进行了调查,以衡量临床变量对插管决策的影响并量化变异性。