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From waste to wealth: Exploring biochar’s role in environmental remediation and resource optimization
Journal of Cleaner Production ( IF 11.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-16 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2024.142237
Thamiris Renata Martiny , Luisa Bataglin Avila , Tereza Longaray Rodrigues , Luana Vaz Tholozan , Lucas Meili , André Ricardo Felkl de Almeida , Gabriela Silveira da Rosa

In today's technologically advancing and increasingly urbanized world, the search for new materials like biochar has become crucial to address environmental challenges such as pollution and agricultural needs. Biochar, derived from pyrolyzed biomass, offers a sustainable solution for soil improvement and pollution control. This review explores biochar's diverse applications in waste management, pollution control, and agriculture, emphasizing its potential for promoting sustainability and circular economy practices, while also discussing emerging applications like supercapacitors. Compared to previous works, this review offers a comprehensive examination of biochar's diverse applications and its potential for future trends in environmental sustainability.


