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Enriching Cultural Heritage Communities: New Tools and Technologies
Interacting with Computers ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-21 , DOI: 10.1093/iwc/iwae009
Alan Dix 1, 2 , Elizabeth Jones 1, 2, 3 , Rachel Cowgill 4 , Charlotte Armstrong 5 , Rupert Ridgewell 6 , Michael Twidale 7 , J Stephen Downie 7 , Maureen Reagan 7 , Christina Bashford 7 , David Bainbridge 8 , Carys-Ann Neads 3 , Vince Davies 3

This paper explores ways in which scholarly skill and expertise might be embodied in tools and sustainable practices that enable communities to create and manage their own digital archives. We focus particularly on tools and practices related to the recording and annotation of digitized materials. The paper is based on co-production practice in two very different kinds of community. Although the communities are different we find that tools designed for a specific community are valuable for others, thus offering the promise of general tools to support community-centred digitization and potentially also traditional archival practice.


