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Bioelectronic interfacial matching for superior implant design
Cell Reports Physical Science ( IF 8.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-13 , DOI: 10.1016/j.xcrp.2024.101877
Alexander J. Boys , Scott T. Keene

Bioelectronics offer unprecedented spatiotemporal resolution in medicine, opening new doors to electronic therapies and monitoring systems. However, the development of bioelectronic medicine requires the construction of a stable interface between a device and tissue. Here, we focus on generating a framework from which to view this interface, specifically for the case of bioelectronic implants. We discuss general criteria that are important to consider when constructing a bioelectronic implant, with a major focus on the structure of the interface as it pertains to tissue. We categorize different mechanical, electrical, and chemical strategies that can be considered in tandem when designing a bioelectronic interface. This perspective aims to provide a useful framework to consider interfacial construction to aid in the development of new areas of bioelectronic medicine using implantable devices.



