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Microglia pack a toolbox for life
Trends in Immunology ( IF 16.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-13 , DOI: 10.1016/j.it.2024.03.010
Kristine E. Zengeler , John R. Lukens

After decades of being overlooked, a recent wave of studies have explored the roles of microglia in brain health and disease. Microglia perform important physiological functions to set up and maintain proper neural network functions, as well as orchestrate responses to toxic stimuli to limit harm. Many microglial transcriptional programs, extracellular sensing molecules, and functional outputs are seen throughout life. A stark example is the similarity of microglial responses to stressors during neurodevelopment and neurodegeneration. The same themes often match that of other tissue-resident macrophages, presenting an opportunity to apply known concepts as therapeutics develop. We argue that microglial signaling during development and neurologic disease overlap with one another and with other tissue-resident macrophage pathways, in part due to similar sensed stimuli and a conserved sensome of receptors and signaling molecules, akin to a toolkit.



