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An update on the mechanisms of Takotsubo syndrome: “At the end an acute coronary syndrome”
Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology ( IF 5 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-18 , DOI: 10.1016/j.yjmcc.2024.04.009
Filippo Crea , Giulia Iannaccone , Giulia La Vecchia , Rocco A. Montone

Takotsubo syndrome (TTS) is an acute reversible form of myocardial dysfunction, often preceded by a physical or emotional stressful event, that acts as a trigger. Despite, recent advances in the comprehension of the mechanisms leading to TTS, its pathophysiology is far from being completely understood. However, several studies seem to suggest that an acute coronary microvascular dysfunction may represent a crucial pathogenic mechanism involved in TTS occurrence.



Takotsubo 综合征 (TTS) 是一种急性可逆性心肌功能障碍,通常由身体或情绪压力事件触发。尽管最近在理解导致 TTS 的机制方面取得了进展,但其病理生理学还远未完全了解。然而,一些研究似乎表明,急性冠状动脉微血管功能障碍可能是 TTS 发生的关键致病机制。