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Multi-Triplon Excitations of Hubbard Ladders with Site-Dependent Potentials
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-22 , DOI: 10.7566/jpsj.93.054707
Nobuya Maeshima 1, 2 , Ken-ichi Hino 1, 2

We study low-lying spin-singlet excitations of two-leg Hubbard ladders with site-dependent potentials. Using general formulas of the charge disproportionation induced by the site-dependent potentials, we derive the contributions of spin degrees of freedom to the spectral functions such as the dynamical charge structure factor \(N(\boldsymbol{k},\omega )\) and the optical conductivity σγ(ω) along the γ (\( = x,y\))-direction of the two-leg ladders. Numerical results obtained by the Lanczos diagonalization method have clarified that the multi-triplon singlet states, including two- and three-triplon excitations, can be detected by observing these quantities. Furthermore, we have found that ladders with random potentials also have non-negligible contributions of these excitations to σx(ω).