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Algorithms for Square Root of Semi-Infinite Quasi-Toeplitz M-Matrices
Journal of Scientific Computing ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-22 , DOI: 10.1007/s10915-024-02491-8
Hongjia Chen , Hyun-Min Kim , Jie Meng

A quasi-Toeplitz M-matrix A is an infinite M-matrix that can be written as the sum of a semi-infinite Toeplitz matrix and a correction matrix. This paper is concerned with computing the square root of invertible quasi-Toeplitz M-matrices which preserves the quasi-Toeplitz structure. We show that the Toeplitz part of the square root can be easily computed through evaluation/interpolation. This advantage allows us to propose algorithms solely for the computation of correction part, whence we propose a fixed-point iteration and a structure-preserving doubling algorithm. Additionally, we show that the correction part can be approximated by solving a nonlinear matrix equation with coefficients of finite size followed by extending the solution to infinity. Numerical experiments showing the efficiency of the proposed algorithms are performed.


半无限拟托普利茨 M 矩阵的平方根算法

