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Jurassic sedimentary evolution model and its implication for the sandstone-type uranium mineralization in the Kamusite area in eastern Junggar Basin, NW China
Ore Geology Reviews ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-16 , DOI: 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2024.106042
Huali Ji , Jun Zhong , Zhongbo He , Hong Chen , Ziying Li , Mingkuan Qin , Bin Zhu , Yu Wu , Qian Dong

The Junggar Basin in the northern Xinjiang Province, northwestern China, is a large hydrocarbon basin with tremendous reserves of oil, gas and coals. Tens of sandstone-type uranium showings, occurrences and/or anomalies have also been discovered in the Junggar Basin since the 1960s, yet hitherto only one large uranium deposit, the Kamusite deposit, has been identified in the Middle Jurassic Toutunhe Formation sandstones in the eastern part of the basin. Sand bodies with high-permeability are the prerequisite for the formation of the leachable sandstone-hosted uranium deposit, nevertheless the spatial distribution and genetic types of the sand bodies, as well as the deposition model in Jurassic time in the Kamusite area both remain unclear, which largely hindered the understanding of the sedimentary evolution and uranium exploration directions in the region.