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Innovation Ecosystems: A Cross-Industry Examination of Knowledge Flows and Collaboration Dynamics
Journal of the Knowledge Economy ( IF 1.815 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-23 , DOI: 10.1007/s13132-024-01986-x
Mingyang Nan , Longyang Huang

This comprehensive study investigates the intricate dynamics of knowledge flows and collaboration within the innovation ecosystem of the United Kingdom, employing a concurrent embedded design that integrates qualitative and quantitative methods. By examining facilitators, impediments, and industry-specific influences, the research provides nuanced insights into the multifaceted nature of innovation ecosystems. Triangulating qualitative and quantitative findings, the study reveals the critical roles of trust, effective communication, and network density in fostering knowledge exchange. Exploration of diverse collaboration forms, from formal partnerships to mentorship programs, underscores their prevalence and impact on innovation outcomes. The study advances existing literature by offering a cross-industry perspective, introducing a novel theoretical framework, and providing empirically grounded recommendations for cultivating more effective and impactful innovation ecosystems. While acknowledging certain limitations, such as the focus on a specific geographical context, the study significantly contributes to our understanding of these dynamic environments, offering a foundation for future research and practical guidance for stakeholders involved in fostering innovation.



