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Global adaptive output-feedback tracking with prescribed performance for uncertain nonlinear systems
Science China Information Sciences ( IF 8.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-19 , DOI: 10.1007/s11432-023-3948-y
Yuan Wang , Yungang Liu

At present, one typical control strategy for guaranteeing transient and steady-state performance is funnel control and prescribed performance control. The strategy features completely discarding the system nonlinearities, even if they are completely known and available. Such an intrinsic feature requires the controller to produce a larger control effect to eliminate the negative impact caused by the high nonlinearities, leading to a conservative controller. In this paper, we fully take advantage of known information on nonlinearities in control design, instead of completely discarding it as done in funnel control. Particularly, we leverage adaptive techniques (i.e., high-gain dynamic compensation) to deal with unknown system nonlinearities. Meanwhile, we integrate the tools of output feedback, tracking control, and the performance guarantee. As such, an adaptive output-feedback scheme is developed for global tracking with spatiotemporal performance specifications: arbitrarily given tracking accuracy and accuracy-ensured time. A simulation example supports the developed approach.



