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Moisture absorption and desorption characteristics and prediction model analysis of building thermal insulation materials
Applied Thermal Engineering ( IF 6.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-16 , DOI: 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2024.123196
Kang Liu , Hongda Niu , Yingying Wang

Understanding the isothermal moisture absorption and desorption characteristics of building thermal insulation materials and how they affect thermal conductivity, is curial for accurate building thermal design and energy-saving calculation. In this paper, five types of building thermal insulation materials are selected for investigation. First, the variation trend of the equilibrium mass moisture content of materials in different moisture absorption and desorption stages is studied employing the saturated salt solution method and the constant temperature and humidity box method, and the effect of temperature on the moisture absorption and desorption processes is evaluated. Additionally, the applicable model of the material in the moisture absorption and desorption process is obtained through a fitting analysis of the experimental data. Finally, the influence of the material’s moisture absorption and desorption characteristics on the thermal conductivity is analyzed using the transient thermal conductivity test method. The results highlight that there is a need to consider the moisture absorption and desorption processes to accurately determine the wet material thermal conductivity, and the hysteresis effect of the material in the moisture absorption and desorption processes is directly related to its microstructure and the relative humidity at the initial moisture desorption. At a temperature of 25 , the autoclaved aerated concrete exhibits its highest hysteresis rate of thermal conductivity during the moisture desorption process of third stage, reaching 13.2%.


