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Case report: Prinzmetal angina in adolescent
Cardiology in the Young ( IF 1 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-24 , DOI: 10.1017/s1047951124025022
Anisa Rahmadhany , Birry Karim , Mohamad Yanuar Amal

Prinzmetal angina is a rare condition more likely to be reported in adults. Vasospasm is by far notable for causing this condition. We present a case of Prinzmetal angina in a 17-year-old male who experienced unexplained resting chest pain for 2 days.


病例报告:青少年 Prinzmetal 心绞痛

Prinzmetal 心绞痛是一种罕见疾病,更可能发生在成人身上。迄今为止,血管痉挛是导致这种情况的主要原因。我们介绍了一名 17 岁男性患有 Prinzmetal 心绞痛的病例,他经历了 2 天不明原因的静息胸痛。