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Does Instruction Tuning Make LLMs More Consistent?
arXiv - CS - Computation and Language Pub Date : 2024-04-23 , DOI: arxiv-2404.15206
Constanza Fierro, Jiaang Li, Anders Søgaard

The purpose of instruction tuning is enabling zero-shot performance, but instruction tuning has also been shown to improve chain-of-thought reasoning and value alignment (Si et al., 2023). Here we consider the impact on $\textit{consistency}$, i.e., the sensitivity of language models to small perturbations in the input. We compare 10 instruction-tuned LLaMA models to the original LLaMA-7b model and show that almost across-the-board they become more consistent, both in terms of their representations and their predictions in zero-shot and downstream tasks. We explain these improvements through mechanistic analyses of factual recall.



指令调优的目的是实现零样本性能,但指令调优也被证明可以改善思想链推理和值对齐(Si 等人,2023)。这里我们考虑对$\textit{consistency}$的影响,即语言模型对输入中的小扰动的敏感性。我们将 10 个指令调整的 LLaMA 模型与原始 LLaMA-7b 模型进行了比较,结果表明,它们几乎全面变得更加一致,无论是在零样本和下游任务中的表示和预测方面。我们通过事实回忆的机械分析来解释这些改进。