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The Linkage Between Economic Growth and Ecology of Urban Area Development in Indonesia: A Systematic Review
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Pub Date : 2024-04-01 , DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/1324/1/012086
Irfan Maulana Ashgaf , Dominicus Anindita Bagaskara Utomo , Susilo Kusdiwanggo

In this decade there are often disasters and other things of natural damage that have an impact on the lives of the global community. Pollution and disasters are the reasons for the difficulty of realizing sustainable development goals indicators. Rapid economic growth accompanied by large population growth and energy fulfilment needs every year causes a surge in global-scale crises. The industrial area that was formed is also increasingly expanding which cannot be ignored that land use has also changed. In this study, we will examine the relationship between economic growth and ecological conditions in urban development areas in Indonesia. This study uses a qualitative description method with a systematic literature review approach. The findings of this study are that economic growth is a major cause of environmental damage by industrial activity and the expansion of urban development areas. Even so, prevention efforts by examining more deeply each aspect by involving every party, including architecture, to be able to realize sustainable development.


