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Preventive Maintenance for Sustainable Engineering in Shipping Company
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Pub Date : 2024-04-01 , DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/1324/1/012089
K Liman , F Kurniawan

Improvements in ship reliability for shipping companies are an important factor in surviving in global competition. Therefore, appropriate maintenance activities are required to increase the reliability of vessels. Selecting an effective maintenance strategy is necessary to minimize breakdowns. Continuous maintenance of facilities has a big impact on efforts to accelerate sustainable industrialization, which is one of the goals of sustainable development. This research intends to shorten the excessively long breakdown period of ships, which may take up to seven months to restore a ship’s body. Preventive maintenance methodology is utilized in this study, which complies with the operation for sustainable system engineering. The result of the research shows the mean time to repair and mean time before failure are still below decent standards (95%). Finally, ship body repairs should be carried out using reactive, preventive, and predictive maintenance procedures.


