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Numerical integrator for highly oscillatory differential equations based on the Neumann series
Numerical Algorithms ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-25 , DOI: 10.1007/s11075-024-01841-9
Rafał Perczyński , Grzegorz Madejski

We propose a third-order numerical integrator based on the Neumann series and the Filon quadrature, designed mainly for highly oscillatory partial differential equations. The method can be applied to equations that exhibit small or moderate oscillations; however, counter-intuitively, large oscillations increase the accuracy of the scheme. With the proposed approach, the convergence order of the method can be easily improved. Error analysis of the method is also performed. We consider linear evolution equations involving first- and second-time derivatives that feature elliptic differential operators, such as the heat equation or the wave equation. Numerical experiments consider the case in which the space dimension is greater than one and confirm the theoretical study.



