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Thermal Welding of Liquids
Advanced Materials ( IF 29.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-24 , DOI: 10.1002/adma.202403015
Yunhui Wen 1 , Kaijuan Li 1 , Jiaqiu Luo 1 , Weixiao Feng 1 , Shaowei Shi 1

Welding of thermoplastics is a common practice in many industrial sectors, but it has yet to be realized with fluids. Here, the thermal welding of liquids by using the assembly and jamming of nanoparticle surfactants (NPSs) at liquid–liquid interfaces is reported. By fine-tuning the dynamic interaction strength within NPSs, the interfacial activity of NPSs, as well as the binding energy of NPSs to the interface can be precisely controlled, leading to a dynamic exchange of NPSs, maximizing the reduction in the interfacial energy. With NPSs jammed at the interface, the structures of liquids can be manipulated to complex geometries by applying an external force and, due to the temperature responsiveness of NPSs, when bringing liquids into contact and heating the system, welding of liquids can be achieved. This work provides a straightforward strategy for the construction of modular all-liquid fluidics, opening up numerous opportunities in fields like biotechnology, healthcare, and materials science.


