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The research progress on the impact of antibiotics on the male reproductive system
Environment International ( IF 11.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-24 , DOI: 10.1016/j.envint.2024.108670
Lirui Hou , Yuhan Fu , Chong Zhao , Lihong Fan , Hongbo Hu , Shutao Yin

Antibiotics are extensively utilized in the livestock and poultry industry and can accumulate in animals and the environment, leading to potential health risks for humans via food and water consumption. Research on antibiotic toxicity, particularly their impact as endocrine disruptors on the male reproductive system, is still in its nascent stages. This review highlights the toxic effect of antibiotics on the male reproductive system, detailing the common routes of exposure and the detrimental impact and mechanisms of various antibiotic classes. Additionally, it discusses the protective role of food-derived active substances against the reproductive toxicity induced by antibiotics. This review aims to raise awareness about the reproductive toxicity of antibiotics in males and to outline the challenges that must be addressed in future research.


