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Psychiatric complications following SEEG-guided radiofrequency thermocoagulations in patients with drug-resistant epilepsy
Epilepsy & Behavior ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-26 , DOI: 10.1016/j.yebeh.2024.109806
Marianna Bregianni , Francesca Pizzo , Stanislas Lagarde , Julia Makhalova , Agnes Trebuchon , Romain Carron , Lisa Soncin , Marie Arthuis , Fabrice Bartolomei

SEEG-guided radiofrequency thermocoagulation (RF-TC) in the epileptogenic regions is a therapeutic option for patients with drug-resistant focal epilepsy who may have or not indication for epilepsy surgery. The most common adverse events of RF-TC are seizures, headaches, somatic pain, and sensory-motor deficits. If RF-TC could lead to psychiatric complications is unknown. In the present study, seven out of 164 patients (4.2 %) experienced psychiatric decompensation with or without memory deterioration after RF-TC of bilateral or unilateral amygdala and hippocampus. The appearance of symptoms was either acute, subacute, or chronic and the symptoms were either transient or lasted for several months. Common features among these patients were female sex, mesial temporal epilepsy, and a pre-existing history of psychological distress and memory dysfunction. Our study highlights the possibility of neuropsychiatric deterioration in specific patients following SEEG-guided RF-TC, despite its rarity.


耐药性癫痫患者 SEEG 引导射频热凝术后的精神并发症

对于可能有或没有癫痫手术指征的耐药局灶性癫痫患者,SEEG 引导致癫痫区域射频热凝 (RF-TC) 是一种治疗选择。 RF-TC 最常见的不良事件是癫痫、头痛、躯体疼痛和感觉运动缺陷。 RF-TC 是否会导致精神并发症尚不清楚。在本研究中,164 名患者中有 7 名 (4.2%) 在双侧或单侧杏仁核和海马进行 RF-TC 后出现精神失代偿,伴有或不伴有记忆恶化。症状的出现可以是急性、亚急性或慢性的,并且症状可以是短暂的或持续数月。这些患者的共同特征是女性、颞叶内侧癫痫以及既往有心理困扰和记忆功能障碍史。我们的研究强调了 SEEG 引导的 RF-TC 后特定患者神经精神恶化的可能性,尽管这种情况很少见。