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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter December 4, 2019

Recommendations Pertaining to the Education of Library and Archives Conservators

  • Cathleen A. Baker

    Dr. Cathleen A. Baker was the paper conservator for the Courtauld Institute of Art, London, during the 1970s, and she taught that subject in the State University of New York conservation program, located first in Cooperstown and then in Buffalo from 1978–1993. She is author of numerous articles and books including By His Own Labor: The Biography of Dard Hunter (2000) and From the Hand to the Machine. Nineteenth-Century American Paper and Mediums: Technologies, Materials, and Conservation (2010). She has an MA in Art History from Syracuse University and MFA in Books Arts and a PhD in Communication Studies, both from the University of Alabama. In 2005 she joined the conservation department at the University of Michigan Library, and was paper and book conservator and conservation exhibition coordinator. Upon her retirement in 2016, she was honored with the title of Conservation Librarian Emerita. Cathy is also proprietor of the award-winning The Legacy Press, established in 1997, which specializes in publishing books about the printing, paper, and bookbinding arts.

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Is it time for the U.S. based art-conservation graduate programs to take dramatic steps in order to better prepare students to enter the field of professional library and archives conservation? Having been in the field as a conservator for almost 50 years, and for about half of that time, carrying out extensive research using a variety of library and archival materials, the author reflects on the current educational situation and makes recommendations to lengthen the course of study by one year and to eliminate the science-courses prerequisite.


Die Ausbildung zur Restaurierung von Bibliotheks- und Archivgut in den USA

Ist es an der Zeit, die akademische Restaurierungsausbildung in den USA an ein neues Profil von Papierrestauratoren anzupassen, damit Absolventen besser auf ihre Tätigkeit in Archiven und Bibliotheken vorbereitet sind? Die Autorin war fast 50 Jahre lang als Restauratorin tätig und führte dabei umfangreiche Recherchen zu einer Vielzahl von Bibliotheks- und Archivmaterialien durch. Sie reflektiert die aktuelle Ausbildungssituation und empfiehlt, Studiengänge um ein Jahr zu verlängern sowie die Voraussetzungen für das Studium zu überdenken.


Recommandations au sujet de la formation des restaurateurs de bibliothèque et d’archives

Le moment est-il venu pour les cursus de formation en restauration d’Amérique de prendre des mesures radicales pour mieux préparer les étudiants à l’entrée sur le marché professionnel de la restauration de bibliothèque et d’archives? L’auteur étant restaurateur depuis presque 50 ans et ayant environ la moitié de ce temps conduit des recherches approfondies en utilisant différents matériaux de bibliothèque et d’archives réfléchit à la situation actuelle de la formation et fait des recommandations visant à allonger la durée des études d’un an et à éliminer le prérequis de cours scientifiques pour les postulants.

About the author

Cathleen A. Baker

Dr. Cathleen A. Baker was the paper conservator for the Courtauld Institute of Art, London, during the 1970s, and she taught that subject in the State University of New York conservation program, located first in Cooperstown and then in Buffalo from 1978–1993. She is author of numerous articles and books including By His Own Labor: The Biography of Dard Hunter (2000) and From the Hand to the Machine. Nineteenth-Century American Paper and Mediums: Technologies, Materials, and Conservation (2010). She has an MA in Art History from Syracuse University and MFA in Books Arts and a PhD in Communication Studies, both from the University of Alabama. In 2005 she joined the conservation department at the University of Michigan Library, and was paper and book conservator and conservation exhibition coordinator. Upon her retirement in 2016, she was honored with the title of Conservation Librarian Emerita. Cathy is also proprietor of the award-winning The Legacy Press, established in 1997, which specializes in publishing books about the printing, paper, and bookbinding arts.

Received: 2019-08-22
Revised: 2019-11-15
Accepted: 2019-11-18
Published Online: 2019-12-04
Published in Print: 2019-11-18

© 2019 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

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