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Analysis of the metaphorical meanings of symbols in Milan Kundera’s novels

  • Qian Zhao EMAIL logo
From the journal Semiotica


Milan Kundera is one of the most influential writers in contemporary world literature. In his novels, there are many symbolic metaphors related to numbers, dreams, and animals. Combing through the plots of Kundera’s novels, we can discover that among all the numbers, seven and twenty are used most frequently. These two numbers have rich metaphorical meanings. Besides, there are many other digital metaphors in Kundera’s novels, including 6, 4, etc. Apart from number symbols, Kundera has also inserted various kinds of dream symbols in his artistic creation. For Kundera, dreams are not just an individual’s physical and psychological activities, but also a continuation and supplement of real life. It can be concluded that dream narration is a perfect medium for the author to express his philosophical ideology. In addition, dream symbols also serve as an important medium for Kundera to demonstrate narrative skills and present important themes. In Kundera’s novels, animal symbols are integrated with the plots, revealing the personal traits of the relevant characters, and mirroring their spiritual world at the same time. Besides, Kundera also expressed his ecological ethics through the narration of animals’ death. In conclusion, the metaphorical meanings of different symbols in Kundera’s novels play an active role in highlighting the themes, revealing the inner thoughts of the characters, showing the special features of the characters, and expressing the author’s philosophical thoughts. These symbols help Kundera to break the limitations of time and space, which has become an important part of his polyphonic art. What’s more, Kundera has also tried to expand the original metaphorical meanings of these symbols to create some new poetic meanings.

Corresponding author: Qian Zhao, Anhui Business College, Wuhu, China, E-mail:

Funding source: Key Project of Humanities and Social Science Research sponsored by Ministry of Education of Anhui Province

Award Identifier / Grant number: SK2020A0832

Funding source: Anhui Province Excellent Young Talents Support Program

Award Identifier / Grant number: gxyq2019180


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Received: 2021-09-09
Accepted: 2022-12-05
Published Online: 2023-03-17
Published in Print: 2023-05-25

© 2023 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

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