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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter Mouton March 22, 2023

Gastrofonia: a new cultural horizon of music and food

  • Raffaella Scelzi ORCID logo EMAIL logo and Nicola Difino
From the journal Semiotica


The meaning of matter is determined by our interpretations. Even food has its own frequencies, which can be aligned with the specific notes of a musical scale. When presented with a dish we might ask not only “how does it taste?” but also “how does it sound?.” Gastrofonia is defined not as the musical accompaniment to a cooking demonstration, but the actual sound of it: music is made by food. Built upon an experiment initiated by John Cage to try to make music with objects, gastrofonia examines sound as a possible connection among the visual and material arts. Combining music with taste, musician Roy Paci identified a biosonic perception of food. This chapter aims to analyze the case of gastrofonia in light of the increased scientific and artistic interest in food characterizing our contemporary society, that is, an orthorexic society where food has become a specific form of language, a communicative vehicle through which we express our identity, interests, social-ethical choices, and new concepts of art. From a sociosemiotic perspective, the gastrofonic dish is an example of a textual polyphonic discourse combining different languages, related to the five senses in a performance that becomes a form of shared communication.

Corresponding author: Raffaella Scelzi, Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro, Bari, Italy, E-mail:


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Received: 2022-03-13
Accepted: 2022-12-05
Published Online: 2023-03-22
Published in Print: 2023-05-25

© 2023 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

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