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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter July 27, 2023

Site quality impacts tree form, heartwood content and veneer production of plantation-grown Pinus patula

  • Jaco-Pierre van der Merwe , Sechaba Madiope , Olwethu Spogter , Hilton Kuisis , Jaco Potgieter , Oscar Tait , Charlie Clarke and Shawn D. Mansfield EMAIL logo
From the journal Holzforschung


Plantation forest species were introduced into South Africa due to limited availability of native forests for wood-derived products. Currently, the Mexican pine species, Pinus patula, is the most widely planted softwood species in the country. To study the effect of growth environment on wood and processing properties for the species, sample plots were established in a 20-year rotation covering a wide range of soil geologies and altitudes in Mpumalanga, South Africa. Temperature and seasonal rainfall were also determined for the sample plots. Randomly selected sample trees were harvested from the plots and processed at a plywood plant to determine veneer recovery and quality. Trees grown on sites composed of granite soils, with higher annual maximum temperatures and less rainfall, found in the Highveld region, displayed superior tree size, slenderness, and volume growth, compared to trees grown on dolomite and shale soils common to the Lowveld region. Veneer derived from Lowveld trees had more splits which were largely related to defects. Larger trees also had a greater percentage volumetric heartwood and a smaller live crown, compared to smaller trees. Highveld trees had greater net veneer recovery and produced better quality veneer than trees grown on the Lowveld. In the Mpumalanga forestry region, strong co-relatedness exists between soil geology, altitude, and climate. Although tree form and wood properties were found to differ with varying soil geology and altitude, these differences were primarily related to climate rather than soil properties. These findings highlight the pitfalls associated with neglecting either climate or soil properties when analysing site-specific growing conditions on tree growth and form.

Corresponding author: Shawn D. Mansfield, Department of Wood Science, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4, Canada; and Department of Botany, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4, Canada, E-mail:

Funding source: York Timbers


We would like to thank all of the York Timbers staff who assisted in the forests and at the Sabie processing facilities, to ensure the samples were collected, processed, and analysed. We would also like to thank the late Chief Executive Officer of York Timbers, Mr. Piet van Zyl for allocating funding to this project and believing in the power of science. This publication is dedicated to him.

  1. Author contributions: Jaco-Pierre Van der Merwe collected the data, completed the modelling, and wrote the manuscript. Charlie Clarke and Shawn Mansfield aided with project conceptualisation, and reviewed and edited the manuscript. Sechaba Madiope assisted in processing and measurement of disc core samples. Hilton Kuisis and Olwethu Spogter supervised the debarking of sample logs, including automated log form measurements, and log batching. Oscar Tait and Jaco Potgieter supervised the peeling of veneer logs, drying, and grading of veneer sheets.

  2. Research funding: Funding for this project was provided by York Timbers, South Africa, as well as sampling and the allocation of company resources.

  3. Conflict of interest statement: The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest regarding this article.


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Received: 2023-03-19
Accepted: 2023-07-05
Published Online: 2023-07-27
Published in Print: 2023-09-26

© 2023 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

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