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  • Contributors

Amelia DeFalco is a professor of contemporary literature at the University of Leeds. Her research focuses on contemporary cultural depictions of ageing, vulnerability, and care. Her most recent book is Curious Kin in Fictions of Posthuman Care (Oxford U. Press 2023). Previous publications include Uncanny Subjects: Aging in Contemporary Narrative (Ohio State U. Press 2010), Imagining Care: Responsibility, Dependency, and Canadian Literature (U. Toronto Press 2016), a co-edited special issue of the journal Senses and Society on the topic “affective technotouch” (2023), and the co-edited collection Ethics and Affects in the Fiction of Alice Munro (Palgrave 2018).

Felix Lüttge is a historian of science in the Department of Media Studies at the University of Basel. His research focuses on the history of the marine, earth, and life sciences, the media history of archaeology, and the history of environmental thought and practice in the sciences and humanities. His book, Auf den Spuren des Wals: Geographien des Lebens im 19. Jahrhunderts, was published with Wallstein in 2020.

Zach Pearl is a queer and neurodivergent writer, designer, and feminist media scholar of Jewish heritage living and working in Tkaronto/Toronto, Canada. He currently holds a post doctorate fellowship in non-profit arts publishing at the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design at York University and serves as the managing editor of PUBLIC: Art | Culture | Ideas. Pearl earned his PhD in English, with a focus on media theory, from the University of Waterloo, and his MFA in criticism and curatorial practice from OCAD University, where he has taught courses in graphic design and interactive media since 2012.


