1 Introduction

It is a very widespread phenomenon in logic that if a theory \(S_1\) can formulate a truth predicate for a theory \(S_2\), then \(S_1\) is stronger than \(S_2\), a claim which can be made precise in many different ways.

This phenomenon, stripped down to its essence, is investigated in the area of truth theory. Truth theories are axiomatic theories which arise by adding a fresh predicate T(x) to a base theory B which handles syntactic notions (Peano arithmetic, \(\text {PA}\), is an example of such a theory). The intended interpretation of T is the set of (codes of) true sentences of the base theory. By considering various possible axioms governing the behaviour of T, we investigate the impact of various notions of truth on the properties on the obtained theory.

One line of research in this area asks what precise properties of the truth predicate make a theory with a truth predicate non-conservative over the base theory. (A theory \(S_1\) is conservative over its subtheory \(S_2\) if it does not prove any theorems in the language of \(S_2\) which are not already provable in that subtheory.)

It is rather straightforward to see that if we add to \(\text {PA}\) a unary truth predicate which satisfies compositional axioms and the full induction scheme in the arithmetical language extended with the truth predicate, then by induction on lengths of proofs we can show that all theorems of \(\text {PA}\) are true and hence arithmetic is consistent. On the other hand, by a nontrivial result of Kotlarski, Krajewski, and Lachlan from Kotlarski et al. [1], the theory of pure compositional truth predicate with no induction is conservative over \(\text {PA}\). Recent research brought much better understanding of which exact principles weaker than full induction yield a nonconservative extension of \(\text {PA}\).Footnote 1

One of the persistent open questions in this line of research asks whether the compositional truth theory over \(\text {PA}\) with an additional axiom expressing that all propositional tautologies are true is conservative over arithmetic. We know that related principles such as “truth is closed under propositional logic” or “valid sentences of first-order logic are true” are not conservative and indeed are all equivalent to \(\Delta _0\)-induction for the truth predicate.Footnote 2

In this article, we provide a partial answer to Cieśliński’s question. We show that \(\text {CT}^-\) extended with the principle expressing that propositional tautologies are true becomes nonconservative upon adding quantifier-free correctness principle \(\text {QFC}\) which states that T predicate agrees with partial arithmetical truth predicates on quantifier-free sentences. The principle \(\text {QFC}\) can itself be easily seen to be conservative over \(\text {PA}\) (we include a proof in the Appendix B; it is routine).

Our result can therefore be seen as a certain no-go theorem. Our methods for showing conservativity of truth theories behave very well when we demand that several such properties are satisfied at once. Therefore our theorem seems to impose certain restriction on what methods can be used to attack the problem of propositional tautologies.

The argument presented in this article is the original proof of nonconservativity of the compositional truth with the principles “propositional tautologies are true” and the quantifier-free correctness. However, subsequently, another proof, based on different ideas, has been found by Cieśliński and, after placing in a more general framework, published in Cieśliński et al. [5], Proposition 15. We believe however, that the argument presented in the present article might still be of interest, as it is based on a significantly different technique, disjunction with stopping conditions, introduced implicitly in Smith [6] and discussed more systematically in Kossak and Wcisło [7], which we think might find still further applications in the study of models and proof-theoretic properties of truth predicates.

2 Preliminaries

2.1 Arithmetic

In this paper, we consider truth theories over Peano Arithmetic (\(\text {PA}\)) formulated in the language \(\{+,\times , S,0\}\). It is well known that \(\text {PA}\), as well as its much weaker subsystems, are capable of formalising syntax. This topic is standard and the reader can find its discussion e.g. in Kaye [8] or Hájek and Pudlák[9]. Below, we list some formulae defining formalised syntactic notions which we will use throughout the paper.

Definition 1


  • \(\text {Var}(x)\) defines the set of (codes of) first-order variables.

  • \(\text {Term}_{\mathscr {L}_{\text {PA}}}(x)\) defines the set of (codes of) terms of the arithmetical language.

  • \(\text {ClTerm}_{\mathscr {L}_{\text {PA}}}(x)\) defines the set of (codes of) closed terms of the arithmetical language.

  • \(\text {Num}(x,y)\) means that y is (the code of) the canonical numeral denoting x. We will use the expression \(y = \underline{x}\) interchangeably.

  • \({t}^{\circ }=x\) means that t is (a code of) a closed arithmetical term and its formally computed value is x.

  • \(\text {Form}_{\mathscr {L}_{\text {PA}}}(x)\) defines the set of (codes of) arithmetical formulae.

  • \(\text {Form}_{\mathscr {L}_{\text {PA}}}^{\le 1}(x)\) defines the set of (codes of) arithmetical formulae with at most one free variable.

  • \(\text {Sent}_{\mathscr {L}_{\text {PA}}}(x)\) defines the set of (codes of) arithmetical sentences.

  • \(\text {SentSeq}_{\mathscr {L}_{\text {PA}}}(x)\) defines the set of (codes of) sequences of arithmetical sentences.

  • \(\text {qfSent}_{\mathscr {L}_{\text {PA}}}(x)\) defines the set of (codes of) quantifier-free arithmetical sentences.

  • \(\text {Pr}_{\text {PA}}(d,\phi )\) means that d is (a Gödel code of) a proof of \(\phi \) in \(\text {PA}\). \(\text {Pr}_{\text {PA}}(\phi )\) means that \(\phi \) is provable in \(\text {PA}\).

  • \(\text {FV}(x,y)\) means that y is (a code of) an arithmetical formula and x is amongst its free variables.

  • \(\text {Asn}(\alpha ,x)\) means that x is (a code of) an arithmetical term or formula and \(\alpha \) is an assignment for x, i.e., a function whose domain contains its free variables.

  • If \(t \in \text {Term}_{\mathscr {L}_{\text {PA}}}\) and \(\alpha \) is an assignment for t, then by \(t^{\alpha }=x\), we mean that x is the formally computed value of the term t under the assignment \(\alpha \).

In the paper, we will make an extensive use of a number of conventions.

Convention 2


  • We will use formulae defining syntactic objects as if they were denoting the defined sets. For instance, we will write \(x \in \text {Sent}_{\mathscr {L}_{\text {PA}}}\) interchangeably with \(\text {Sent}_{\mathscr {L}_{\text {PA}}}(x)\).

  • We will often omit expressions defining syntactic operations and simply write the results of these operations in their stead. For example, we will write \(T(\phi \wedge \psi )\) meaning “\(\eta \) is the conjunction of (the codes of) the sentences \(\phi , \psi ,\) and \(T(\eta )\).”

  • We will use formulae defining functions as if they actually were function symbols, e.g. writing \(\underline{x}\) or \({t}^{\circ }\) like stand-alone expressions.

  • We will in general omit Quine corners and conflate formulae with their Gödel codes. This should not lead to any confusion.

  • We will use expressions \(x \in \text {FV}(\phi )\) and \(\alpha \in \text {Asn}(\phi )\) interchangeably with \(\text {FV}(x,\phi )\) and \(\text {Asn}(\alpha ,\phi )\). Moreover, we will use the expressions \(\text {FV}(\phi ), \text {Asn}(\phi )\) as if they had a stand-alone meaning, denoting sets of free variables and of \(\phi \)-assignments respectively.

In this paper, we analyse the compositional truth theory. Let us define the theory in question.

Definition 3

By \(\text {CT}^-\) we mean a theory formulated in the arithmetical language extended with a fresh unary predicate T(x) obtained by adding to \(\text {PA}\) the following axioms:

  1. 1.

    \(\forall s,t \in \text {ClTerm}_{\mathscr {L}_{\text {PA}}} \ \Big (T(s=t) \equiv {s}^{\circ } = {t}^{\circ }\Big ).\)

  2. 2.

    \(\forall \phi \in \text {Sent}_{\mathscr {L}_{\text {PA}}} \ \Big (T \lnot \phi \equiv \lnot T \phi \Big ).\)

  3. 3.

    \(\forall \phi , \psi \in \text {Sent}_{\mathscr {L}_{\text {PA}}} \ \Big (T (\phi \vee \psi ) \equiv T\phi \vee T \psi \Big ).\)

  4. 4.

    \(\forall \phi \in \text {Form}^{\le 1}_{\mathscr {L}_{\text {PA}}} \forall v \in \text {FV}(\phi ) \ \Big (T\exists v \phi \equiv \exists x T\phi (\underline{x})\Big ).\)

  5. 5.

    \(\forall {\bar{s}}, {\bar{t}} \in \text {ClTermSeq}_{\mathscr {L}_{\text {PA}}} \forall \phi \in \text {Form}_{\mathscr {L}_{\text {PA}}} \ \Big ( \phi ({\bar{s}}), \phi ({\bar{t}}) \in \text {Sent}_{\mathscr {L}_{\text {PA}}} \wedge \bar{{s}^{\circ }} = \bar{{t}^{\circ }} \rightarrow T\phi ({\bar{s}}) \equiv T \phi ({\bar{t}})\Big ).\)

Notice that in the axioms of \(\text {CT}^-\) we do not assume any induction for the formulae containing the compositional truth predicate.

Definition 4

By \(\text {CT}\) we mean the theory obtained by adding to \(\text {CT}^-\) the full induction scheme for formulae in the full language (i.e., arithmetical language extended with the unary truth predicate).

By \(\text {CT}_n\) we mean \(\text {CT}^-\) with \(\Sigma _n\)-induction in the extended language, for \(n \ge 0\).

It is very well known that \(\text {PA}\) (and,in fact, its much weaker fragments) can define partial truth predicates, i.e., formulae which satisfy axioms of \(\text {CT}^-\) for sentences of some specific syntactic shape.Footnote 3 In this paper, we will only need a very special case of this fact.

Proposition 5

There exists an arithmetical formula \(\text {Tr}_0(x)\) which satisfies axioms 1–3 of \(\text {CT}^-\) restricted to \(\phi , \psi \in \text {qfSent}_{\mathscr {L}_{\text {PA}}}\), provably in \(\text {PA}\).

2.2 The Tarski boundary

Recall that a theory \(S_1\) is conservative over \(S_2\) if \(S_1 \supseteq S_2\) and whenever \(\phi \) is a sentence from the language of \(S_2\) and \(S_1 \vdash \phi \), then \(S_2 \vdash \phi \). It is a persistent phenomenon in logic that the presence of a truth predicate adds substantial strength to theories in question, as witnessed by the following classical theoremFootnote 4:

Theorem 6

\(\text {CT}\) is not conservative over \(\text {PA}\).

The compositional truth predicate can be employed to prove by induction on the size of proofs that whatever is provable in \(\text {PA}\) is true. This allows us to derive the consistency statement for \(\text {PA}\) which is unprovable in Peano Arithmetic itself by Gödel’s Second Theorem. The straightforward argument mentioned above uses \(\Pi _1\)-induction for the compositional truth predicate, but as shown in Łełyk and Wcisło [11], one can do better:

Theorem 7

\(\text {CT}_0\) is not conservative over \(\text {PA}\).

As a matter of fact, as shown in Łełyk [12], \(\Delta _0\)-induction is equivalent over \(\text {CT}^-\) to the following Global Reflection Principle (\(\text {GRP}\)):

$$\begin{aligned} \forall \phi \in \text {Sent}_{\mathscr {L}_{\text {PA}}} \ \Big (\text {Pr}_{\text {PA}}(\phi ) \rightarrow T \phi \Big ). \end{aligned}$$

Note that \(\text {GRP}\) is, in a way, the exact reason why \(\text {CT}\) is not conservative over \(\text {PA}\). On the other hand, one of the most important features of \(\text {CT}^-\) is that it cannot prove any new arithmetical theorems.

Theorem 8

(Essentially Kotlarski–Krajewski–Lachlan) \(\text {CT}^-\) is conservative over \(\text {PA}\).

Now, as we can see, compositional truth by itself can be deemed “weak,” but it becomes strong upon adding some induction. One of the main goals of our research is to understand what principles can be added to \(\text {CT}^-\) in order to make it nonconservative. It turns out that \(\text {CT}_0\) plays a crucial role in this research. A number of apparently very distinct principles turn out to be exactly equivalent with \(\Delta _0\)-induction for the truth predicate. Let us present the one which largely motivates the research in this paper.

Definition 9

By Propositional Closure Principle \((\text {PC})\) we mean the following axiom:

$$\begin{aligned} \forall \phi \in \text {Sent}_{\mathscr {L}_{\text {PA}}} \Big (\text {Pr}^{\text {Prop}}_{T}(\phi ) \rightarrow T\phi \Big ). \end{aligned}$$

The formula \(\text {Pr}^{\text {Prop}}_T(x)\) means that x is provable from true premises in propositional logic. By “true premises,” we mean the set of arithmetical sentences \(\phi \) such that \(T(\phi )\).

It was proved in Cieśliński [3] that \(\text {PC}\) is actually equivalent over \(\text {CT}^-\) to \(\text {CT}_0\). This is a very surprising result: the mere closure of truth under propositional logic is actually enough to show that consequences of \(\text {PA}\) are true.

We can form principles similar to \(\text {PC}\) which employ stronger closure conditions:

  • “Truth is closed under provability in first-order logic.”

  • “Truth is closed under provability in \(\text {PA}\).”

We can also weaken these principles so that they only express soundness of discussed systems, not closure properties.

  • “Any sentences provable in first-order logic is true.”

  • “Any sentence provable in \(\text {PA}\) is true.”

It turns out that all the principles listed above are equivalent to each other over \(\text {CT}^-\).Footnote 5 One axiom which is noticeably absent from the list is the soundness counterpart of \(\text {PC}\). This is not an accident. Whether this principle is conservative over \(\text {PA}\) is still an open problem. Let us state our official definition.

Definition 10

By propositional soundness principle (\(\text {PS}\)), we mean the following axiom:

$$\begin{aligned} \forall \phi \in \text {Sent}_{\mathscr {L}_{\text {PA}}} \Big (\text {Pr}^{\text {Prop}}_{\emptyset }(\phi ) \rightarrow T\phi \Big ). \end{aligned}$$

The formula \(\text {Pr}^{\text {Prop}}_{\emptyset }(\phi )\) expresses that \(\phi \) is provable in propositional logic from the empty set of premises. In other words, \(\text {PS}\) states that any propositional tautology is true.

Enayat and Pakhomov [4] proved that actually a very modest fragment of propositional closure, \(\text {PC}\), is already enough to yield a non-conservative theory.

Definition 11

By Disjunctive Correcntess (\(\text {DC}\)), we mean the following principle:

$$\begin{aligned} \forall (\phi _i)_{i \le c} \in \text {SentSeq}_{\mathscr {L}_{\text {PA}}}\Big (T \bigvee _{i \le c} \phi _i \equiv \exists i \le c \ T \phi _i \Big ). \end{aligned}$$

In other words, \(\text {DC}\) expresses that any finite disjunction is true iff one of its disjuncts is. Here “finite” is understood in the formalised sense, so that it may refer to nonstandard objects. We treat the symbol \(T\bigvee _{i \le c} \phi _i\) as denoting disjunctions with parentheses grouped to the left for definiteness.

Theorem 12

(Enayat–Visser) \(\text {CT}^- + \text {DC}\) is equivalent to \(\text {CT}_0\). Consequently, \(\text {CT}^-+ \text {DC}\) is not conservative over \(\text {PA}\).

This theorem is really striking. Admittedly, \(\text {DC}\) can be viewed as a natural extension of compositional axioms. We simply want to allow that the truth predicate behaves compositionally with respect not just to binary (or standard) disjunctions, but to arbitrary finite ones.

2.3 Disjunctions with stopping conditions

The main technical tool which we are going to use in this article are disjunctions with stopping conditions, a tool implicitly introduced (but not officially defined), in Smith [6]. This is a particular propositional construction which is a very useful tool in the analysis of \(\text {CT}^-\). The motivation and proofs of the cited facts concerning disjunctions with stopping conditions can be found in Kossak and Wcisło [7].

Definition 13

Let \((\alpha _i)_{i \le c}, (\beta _i)_{i \le c}\) be sequences of sentences. We define the disjunction of \(\beta _i\) with the stopping condition \(\alpha \) for \(i \in [j,c]\) by backwards induction on j:

$$\begin{aligned} \bigvee _{i = c}^{\alpha ,c} \beta _i= & {} \alpha _c \wedge \beta _c \\ \bigvee _{i = j}^{\alpha ,c} \beta _i= & {} (\alpha _j \wedge \beta _j) \vee (\lnot \alpha _j \wedge \bigvee _{i = j+1}^{\alpha ,c} \beta _i ). \end{aligned}$$

The key feature of disjunctions with stopping conditions is that they allow us to use disjunctive correctness in some very limited range of cases which suffice for certain applications without actually committing to the full strength of this axiom.

Theorem 14

Let \((M,T) \models \text {CT}^-\). Let \((\alpha _i)_{i \le c}, (\beta _i)_{i \le c} \in \text {SentSeq}_{\mathscr {L}_{\text {PA}}}(M)\) be sequences of sentences. Suppose that \(k_0 \in \omega \) is the least number j such that \((M,T) \models T \alpha _{j}\) holds. Then

$$\begin{aligned} (M,T) \models T \bigvee _{i = 0}^{\alpha ,c} \beta _i \equiv T \beta _{k_0}. \end{aligned}$$

Notice that above we assume that \(k_0 \in \omega \), i.e., it is in the standard part of M. In other words: if we are guaranteed that some \(\alpha _k\) holds for a standard k, we can make an infinite case distinction of the form: “either \(\alpha _0\) holds and then \(\beta _0\) or \(\alpha _1\) holds and then \(\beta _1\)... or \(\alpha _c\) holds and then \(\beta _c\)” so that it actually works correctly in the presence of compositional axioms alone without assuming any induction whatsoever. The proof of Theorem 14 (together with applications) may be found in Kossak and Wcisło [7].

The following proposition explains why disjunctions with stopping conditions are so named.

Proposition 15

Suppose that \(\alpha _i \beta _i, i \le c\) are sentences of propositional logic. Then every boolean valuation which makes exactly one of \(\alpha _i\) satisfied makes the following equivalence satisfied:

$$\begin{aligned} \bigvee _{i=0}^c \alpha _i \wedge \beta _i \equiv \bigvee _{i=0}^{\alpha ,c} \beta _i. \end{aligned}$$

Moreover, this is provable in \(\text {PA}\).


We work in \(\text {PA}\). Fix any valuation which makes exactly one of the sentences \(\alpha _i\) true, say, \(i=k\). It is clear that the disjunction \(\bigvee _{i = k}^c \alpha _i \wedge \beta _i\) is equivalent to \(\beta _k\). We will show by backwards induction on j that all formulae \(\bigvee _{i = j}^{\alpha _i,c} \beta _i\) are equivalent to \(\beta _k\).

Suppose that \(j=k\). Since \(\alpha _k\) holds, we immediately have the following equivalence:

$$\begin{aligned} \bigvee _{i=k}^{\alpha ,c} \beta _i = (\alpha _k \wedge \beta _k) \vee (\lnot \alpha _k \wedge \bigvee _{i=k+1}^{\alpha ,c } \beta _i ) \equiv \beta _k. \end{aligned}$$

Suppose that the claim holds for \(j+1 \le k\). Since \(j<k\), by assumption \(\alpha _j\) is not true. Hence, again by elementary manipulations, the following equivalence holds:

$$\begin{aligned} \bigvee _{i=j}^{\alpha ,c} \beta _i = (\alpha _j \wedge \beta _j) \vee (\lnot \alpha _j \wedge \bigvee _{i=j+1}^{\alpha ,c } \beta _i ) \equiv \bigvee _{i=j+1}^{\alpha ,c} \beta _i. \end{aligned}$$

By induction hypothesis, the last formula is equivalent to \(\beta _k\). This proves our claim. \(\square \)

Theorem 14 can be proved by following the above argument, starting with \(k_0\) instead of k and noticing that in this case, we only need to perform standardly many steps in of induction, so it can be carried out externally. Let us also remark, that Proposition 15 can be clearly proved in much weaker subsystems of \(\text {PA}\) such as \(\text {I}\Delta _0 +\exp \).

Most importantly for this article, the behaviour of disjunctions with stopping conditions can be partly encoded as a propositional tautology.

We will use the following notation: if \((\alpha _i)_{i \le c}\) is a sequence of sentences, then by \(\bigcirc _{i \le c} \alpha _i\), we mean the following sentence:

$$\begin{aligned} \bigvee _{i \le c} \Big (\alpha _i \wedge \bigwedge _{j \ne i} \lnot \alpha _j \Big ). \end{aligned}$$

It expresses that exactly one of \(\alpha _i\)s is true.

Corollary 16

For any sentences \(\alpha _i,\beta _i, i \le c\), the following is a propositional tautology:

$$\begin{aligned} \bigcirc _{i \le c} \alpha _i \rightarrow \Big (\bigvee _{i = 0}^{c, \alpha } \beta _i \equiv \bigvee _{i=0}^c \alpha _i \wedge \beta _i \Big ). \end{aligned}$$

Morevoer, this is provable in \(\text {PA}\).

3 The main result

In this section, we prove the main result of our paper. We will show that the propositional soundness principle added to \(\text {CT}^-\) becomes non-conservative (and actually equivalent to \(\text {CT}_0\)) upon adding an innocuous principle which can be easily shown to be conservative by itself.

Definition 17

By the quantifier-free correctness principle \((\text {QFC})\), we mean the following axiom:

$$\begin{aligned} \forall \phi \in \text {qfSent}_{\mathscr {L}_{\text {PA}}} \Big (T\phi \equiv \text {Tr}_0\phi \Big ). \end{aligned}$$

In other words, on quantifier-free sentences arithmetical partial truth and truth in the sense of the T predicate agree. Notice that this allows us to use full induction when reasoning about the truth predicate applied to quantifier-free sentences, since the truth predicate restricted to such sentences is equivalent to an arithmetical formula. It turns out that this innocuous principle is enough to yield propositional soundness nonconservative.

Theorem 18

The theory \(\text {CT}^- + \text {QFC}+ \text {PS}\) is not conservative over \(\text {PA}\). In fact, it is exactly equivalent to \(\text {CT}_0\).

Crucially, \(\text {CT}^- + \text {QFC}\) is by itself conservative over \(\text {PA}\).

Theorem 19

The theory \(\text {CT}^- + \text {QFC}\) is conservative over \(\text {PA}\).

The proof of this fact is a routine application of Enayat–Visser proof of conservativeness of \(\text {CT}^-\). For completeness, we present it in Appendix B.

Now, we can present the last crucial ingredient of our proof. As we have already mentioned, disjunctive correctness was proved to be equivalent to \(\text {CT}_0\) (over \(\text {CT}^-\)) in Enayat and Pakhomov [4]. However, by inspection of the proof, it can be seen that actually somewhat weaker assumption is employed, as the disjunctive correctness is used only with respect to one rather specific kind of formulae.

Definition 20

By Atomic Case Distinction Correctness (\(\text {ACDC}\)) we mean the following axiom: For any sequence of arithmetical sentences \((\phi _i)_{i \le c} \in \text {SentSeq}_{\mathscr {L}_{\text {PA}}}\) and any closed term \(t \in \text {ClTerm}_{\mathscr {L}_{\text {PA}}}\), the following equivalence holds:

$$\begin{aligned} T \left( \bigvee _{i \le c} \big ( t= \underline{i} \wedge \phi _i \big ) \right) \equiv \exists a \le c \left( {t}^{\circ } = a \wedge T\phi _a \right) . \end{aligned}$$

Theorem 21

(Essentially Enayat–Pakhomov) \(\text {CT}^- + \text {ACDC}\) is equivalent to \(\text {CT}_0\). In particular it is not conservative over \(\text {PA}\).

As we already mentioned, this theorem is proved by a straightforward inspection of the earlier argument by Enayat and Pakhomov. For the convenience of the reader, we will discuss it in Appendix A. Now, we are ready to present the proof of our main result, Theorem 18.

Proof of Theorem 18

Fix any model \((M,T) \models \text {CT}^- + \text {QFC}+ \text {PS}.\) We will show that

$$\begin{aligned} (M,T) \models \text {CT}^- + \text {ACDC}, \end{aligned}$$

which shows by Theorem 21 that \((M,T) \models \text {CT}_0\).

Fix any \(c\in M\), a closed term \(t \in \text {ClTerm}_{\mathscr {L}_{\text {PA}}}(M)\), and an arbitrary sequence of sentences \((\phi _i)_{i\le c} \in \text {SentSeq}_{\mathscr {L}_{\text {PA}}}(M)\).

First, suppose that there exists \(a \le c\) such that \({t}^{\circ } = a\) and \(T\phi _a\) holds. Observe that:

$$\begin{aligned} (t = \underline{a} \wedge \phi _a) \rightarrow \bigvee _{i \le c} \left( t= \underline{i} \wedge \phi _i \right) \end{aligned}$$

is recognised in M as a propositional tautology. Hence, by \(\text {CT}^- + \text {PS}\), we obtain:

$$\begin{aligned} (M,T) \models T \left( \bigvee _{i \le c} \big (t= \underline{i} \wedge \phi _i \big )\right) . \end{aligned}$$

This proves one direction of \(\text {ACDC}\). For the harder direction, assume that

$$\begin{aligned} (M,T) \models T \left( \bigvee _{i \le c} \big ( t= \underline{i} \wedge \phi _i \big )\right) . \end{aligned}$$

We first show that indeed \(M \models {t}^{\circ } \le c\). Suppose otherwise. Then, this fact is recognised by the partial arithmetical truth predicate as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} M \models \text {Tr}_0 \bigwedge _{i \le c} \lnot ( t = \underline{i}). \end{aligned}$$

By \(\text {QFC}\), the same holds for the truth predicate T rather than \(\text {Tr}_0\). Moreover, notice that the following sentence is a propositional tautology:

$$\begin{aligned} \bigwedge _{i \le c} \lnot (t = \underline{i}) \rightarrow \lnot \bigvee _{i \le c} \big (t= \underline{i} \wedge \phi _i \big ). \end{aligned}$$

Hence, by propositional soundness \(\text {PS}\) and our assumption that \(T \bigvee _{i \le c} (t= \underline{i} \wedge \phi _i)\) holds, the value of t, as computed in M, is below c.

Now, fix \(a \le c\) such that \({t}^{\circ } = a\). Fix any permutation \(\sigma : \{0, \ldots , c\} \rightarrow \{0, \ldots , c\}\) such that \(\sigma (a) = 0\) (so after permuting, the only disjunct which can be true is placed as the first one). Since disjunctions are associative and commutative provably in \(\text {PA}\) (and in much weaker systems), by propositional soundness \(\text {PS}\), the following holds:

$$\begin{aligned} (M,T) \models T \left( \bigvee _{i \le c} \big ( t= \underline{i} \wedge \phi _i \big ) \right) \equiv T \left( \bigvee _{i \le c} \big ( t= \underline{\sigma (i)} \wedge \phi _{\sigma (i)} \big ) \right) . \end{aligned}$$

Now, notice that exactly one of the formulae \(t = \underline{i}\) is true, and this can be expressed as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} M \models \text {Tr}_0 \bigvee _{i \le c} \Bigl ( t= \underline{i} \wedge \bigwedge _{j \ne i} \lnot t = \underline{j} \Bigr ). \end{aligned}$$

By \(\text {QFC}\), using our notation from previous section, this is equivalent to:

$$\begin{aligned} M \models T \bigcirc _{i \le c} t = \underline{i}. \end{aligned}$$

The same argument applies, if we consider sentences \(t = \underline{\sigma (i)}\) rather than \( t = \underline{i}\). By Corollary 16, the following is a propositional tautology, hence true in the sense of the predicate T by \(\text {PS}\):

$$\begin{aligned} \bigcirc _{i \le c} t = \underline{i} \rightarrow \left( \left( \bigvee _{i \le c} \big ( t= \underline{i} \wedge \phi _i \big ) \right) \equiv \bigvee _{i = 0}^{t = \underline{i}, c} \phi _i \right) . \end{aligned}$$

Again, this holds if we consider sequences \(t=\underline{\sigma (i)}\) and \(\phi _{\sigma (i)}\) instead. Putting it all together, we know that the following formulae are true:

$$\begin{aligned} (M,T) \models T \bigcirc _{i \le c} t = \sigma (i) \wedge T \bigvee _{i = 0}^c \left( t= \underline{\sigma (i)} \wedge \phi _{\sigma (i)} \right) . \end{aligned}$$


$$\begin{aligned} (M,T) \models T \bigvee _{i = 0}^{t= \underline{\sigma (i)}, c} \phi _{\sigma (i)}. \end{aligned}$$

By Theorem 14 on disjunctions with stopping conditions, as the above disjunction stops at \(i = 0\), we obtain:

$$\begin{aligned} (M,T) \models T \phi _{\sigma (0)}. \end{aligned}$$

Since \(\sigma (0) = a = {t}^{\circ }\), this concludes our argument. \(\square \)