

Background: Partnering with young people to conduct research is fundamental to community mobilization. Recent restrictions on in-person interactions and engagement presented limitations for continued partnership with young people.

Objective: To present a practical strategy and lessons learned to facilitate community-engaged research with youth in a virtual setting.

Methods: Based on youth engagement tenets, the TEAM (tailor the compensation package, ensure meetings are accessible, accommodate personal needs, and maintain the structure of in-person meetings) strategy was used to adapt the partnership to a virtual setting.

Lessons Learned: Three lessons are discussed 1) the importance of maintaining social connectedness, 2) maximizing flexibility, and 3) focusing on creativity and competency building.

Conclusions: The COVID pandemic forced researchers to rethink previous engagement practices that relied heavily on in-person interactions to be sustainable. The TEAM strategy is one way to successfully adapt practices and engage young people in virtual settings.

