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Learning sample-aware threshold for semi-supervised learning

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Machine Learning Aims and scope Submit manuscript


Pseudo-labeling methods are popular in semi-supervised learning (SSL). Their performance heavily relies on a proper threshold to generate hard labels for unlabeled data. To this end, most existing studies resort to a manually pre-specified function to adjust the threshold, which, however, requires prior knowledge and suffers from the scalability issue. In this paper, we propose a novel method named Meta-Threshold, which learns a dynamic confidence threshold for each unlabeled instance and does not require extra hyperparameters except a learning rate. Specifically, the instance-level confidence threshold is automatically learned by an extra network in a meta-learning manner. Considering limited labeled data as meta-data, the overall training objective of the classifier network and the meta-net can be formulated as a nested optimization problem that can be solved by a bi-level optimization scheme. Furthermore, by replacing the indicator function existed in the pseudo-labeling with a surrogate function, we theoretically provide the convergence of our training procedure, while discussing the training complexity and proposing a strategy to reduce its time cost. Extensive experiments and analyses demonstrate the effectiveness of our method on both typical and imbalanced SSL tasks.

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Fig. 1
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
Algorithm 1
Fig. 4
Fig. 5
Fig. 6
Fig. 7
Fig. 8

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This research was supported by Natural Science Foundation of China(No. 62106129, 62176139, 62106028), Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province (No. ZR2021QF053, ZR2021ZD15) and Chongqing Overseas Chinese Entrepreneurship and Innovation Support Program, and CAAI-Huawei MindSpore Open Fund.

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Conceptualization: W-Q; Methodology: W-Q; Theoretical analysis: F-L; Writing-original draft preparation: W-Q, S-HL; Writing-review and editing: W-R, H-RD; Funding acquisition: S-HL, F-L, Y-YL.

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Correspondence to Qi Wei.

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Editors: Vu Nguyen, Dani Yogatama.

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Appendix A: Theoretical proof of our method

Appendix A: Theoretical proof of our method

1.1 A.1 Proofs of smoothness

Given a small amount of meta dataset with n samples \(\{(\textbf{x}_1^l, \textbf{y}_1^l),...,(\textbf{x}_n^l, \textbf{y}_n^l)\}\) and another unlabeled data \(\{\textbf{x}_1,...,\textbf{x}_{(\mu \times n)}\}\) with size of \(\mu \times n\). By replacing the indicator function with the approximate function, the meta loss is \(L_\textrm{meta}(\textbf{w}^*({\Theta })) = \frac{1}{n} \sum \nolimits _{i=1}^n H(\textbf{y}_i^l, f(\textbf{x}_i^l; \textbf{w}^*({\Theta })))\) and the training loss is

$$\begin{aligned} L_{train}(\textbf{w},\Theta ) = \frac{1}{n\mu } \sum \nolimits _{i=1}^{n\mu } \mathbbm {1}(\max (f(\mathcal {A}^w(\textbf{x}_i); \textbf{w})) > \mathcal {V}_i(\textbf{w}, \Theta )) \cdot H(\hat{\textbf{y}}_i, f(\mathcal {A}^s(\textbf{x}_i); \textbf{w})), \end{aligned}$$

where \(\mathcal {S}_i(\textbf{w}, \Theta ) = \mathcal {S}( \max (f(\mathcal {A}^w(\textbf{x}_i; \textbf{w}))) - \mathcal {V}_i(\textbf{w}, \Theta ))\).

Firstly, we recall the update equation of the parameters of TGN as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} \Theta ^{(t+1)} = \Theta ^{(t)} - \psi \frac{1}{n} \sum \nolimits _{i=1}^{n} \nabla _{\Theta } H(\textbf{y}_i^l, f(\textbf{x}_i^l; {\hat{{{\textbf{w}}}}}^{(t)}(\Theta ))). \end{aligned}$$

To be concise, we formulate \(H(\textbf{y}_i^l, f(\textbf{x}_i^l; {\hat{{{\textbf{w}}}}}^{(t)}(\Theta )))\) as \(H_i^\textrm{meta}(\hat{{{\textbf{w}}}}^{(t)}(\Theta ))\). Then, the computation of backpropagation for the above equation can be written as

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned}&\frac{1}{n} \sum \nolimits _{i=1}^{n} \nabla _{\Theta } H_i^\textrm{meta}(\hat{{{\textbf{w}}}}^{(t)}(\Theta )) \Big |_{\Theta ^{(t)}} = \frac{1}{n} \sum \nolimits _{i=1}^{n} \frac{\partial H_i^\textrm{meta}(\hat{{{\textbf{w}}}})}{\partial {\hat{{\textbf{w}}}}} \Big |_{\hat{{\textbf{w}}}^{(t)}} \sum \nolimits _{j=1}^{n\mu } \frac{\partial \hat{{{\textbf{w}}}}^{(t)}(\Theta )}{\partial \mathcal {S}_j(\textbf{w}^{(t)}; \Theta )} \, \frac{\partial \mathcal {S}_j(\textbf{w}^{(t)}; \Theta )}{\partial \mathcal {V}_j(\textbf{w}^{(t)}; \Theta )} \, \frac{\partial \mathcal {V}_j(\textbf{w}^{(t)}; \Theta )}{\partial \Theta } \Big |_{\Theta ^{(t)}} \\ =&\frac{-\alpha }{n^2\mu } \sum \nolimits _{i=1}^{n} \frac{\partial H_i^\textrm{meta}(\hat{{{\textbf{w}}}})}{\partial {\hat{{\textbf{w}}}}} \Big |_{\hat{{\textbf{w}}}^{(t)}} \sum \nolimits _{j=1}^{n\mu } \frac{\partial \ell _{\textbf{x}_j}(\mathcal {S}_j(\textbf{w}))}{\partial \mathcal {S}_j(\textbf{w})} \, \frac{\partial \mathcal {S}_j(\textbf{w})}{\partial \textbf{w}} \Big |_{\textbf{w}^{(t)}} \frac{\partial \mathcal {V}_j(\textbf{w}^{(t)}; \Theta )}{\partial \Theta } \Big |_{\Theta ^{(t)}} \\ =&\frac{- \alpha }{n\mu } \sum \nolimits _{j=1}^{n\mu } \bigg {(} \frac{1}{n} \sum \nolimits _{i=1}^{n} \frac{\partial H_i^\textrm{meta}(\hat{{{\textbf{w}}}})}{\partial {\hat{{\textbf{w}}}}} \Big |_{\hat{{\textbf{w}}}^{(t)}}^T \frac{\partial \ell _{\textbf{x}_j}(\mathcal {S}_j(\textbf{w}))}{\partial \mathcal {S}_j(\textbf{w})} \, \frac{\partial \mathcal {S}_j(\textbf{w})}{\partial \textbf{w}} \Big |_{\textbf{w}^{(t)}} \bigg {)} \frac{\partial \mathcal {V}_j(\textbf{w}^{(t)}; \Theta )}{\partial \Theta } \Big |_{\Theta ^{(t)}}. \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

Let \(G_{ij} = \frac{\partial H_i^\textrm{meta}(\hat{{{\textbf{w}}}})}{\partial {\hat{{\textbf{w}}}}} \big |_{\hat{{\textbf{w}}}^{(t)}}^T \frac{\partial \ell _{\textbf{x}_j}(\mathcal {S}_j(\textbf{w}))}{\partial \mathcal {S}_j(\textbf{w})} \, \frac{\partial \mathcal {S}_j(\textbf{w})}{\partial \textbf{w}} \big |_{\textbf{w}^{(t)}}\) and substitute \(G_{ij}\) into Eq.  (A3), then

$$\begin{aligned} \Theta ^{(t+1)} = \Theta ^{(t)} + \frac{\alpha \psi }{n\mu } \sum \nolimits _{j=1}^{n\mu } \bigg {(} \frac{1}{n} \sum \nolimits _{i=1}^{n} G_{ij} \bigg {)} \frac{\partial \mathcal {V}_j(\textbf{w}^{(t)}; \Theta )}{\partial \Theta } \Big |_{\Theta ^{(t)}}. \end{aligned}$$


The gradient of \(\Theta\) w.r.t. meta loss can be formulated as:

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned}&\nabla _{\Theta } H^\textrm{meta}(\hat{{{\textbf{w}}}}^{(t)}(\Theta )) \Big |_{\Theta ^{(t)}} = -\frac{\alpha }{n\mu } \sum \nolimits _{j=1}^{n\mu } \bigg {(} \frac{\partial H^\textrm{meta}(\hat{{{\textbf{w}}}})}{\partial {\hat{{\textbf{w}}}}} \Big |_{\hat{{\textbf{w}}}^{(t)}}^T \frac{\partial \ell _{\textbf{x}_j}(\mathcal {S}_j(\textbf{w}))}{\partial \mathcal {S}_j(\textbf{w})} \, \frac{\partial \mathcal {S}_j(\textbf{w})}{\partial \textbf{w}} \Big |_{\textbf{w}^{(t)}} \bigg {)} \frac{\partial \mathcal {V}_j(\textbf{w}^{(t)}; \Theta )}{\partial \Theta } \Big |_{\Theta ^{(t)}}. \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

Let \(\mathcal {V}_j(\Theta ) = \mathcal {V}_j(\textbf{w}^{(t)}; \Theta )\) and introduce \(G_{ij}\) which is defined in Eq.  (A4). Taking the gradient of \(\Theta\) on both side of Eq.  (A5), we attain

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} \nabla _{\Theta ^2}^2 H^\textrm{meta}(\hat{{{\textbf{w}}}}^{(t)}(\Theta )) \Big |_{\Theta ^{(t)}} = -\frac{\alpha }{n\mu } \sum \nolimits _{j=1}^{n\mu } \bigg {[} \frac{\partial }{\partial \Theta } (G_{ij}) \Big |_{\Theta ^{(t)}} \frac{\partial \mathcal {V}_j(\Theta )}{\partial \Theta } \Big |_{\Theta ^{(t)}} + (G_{ij}) \frac{\partial ^2 \mathcal {V}_j(\Theta )}{\partial ^2 \Theta } \Big |_{\Theta ^{(t)}} \bigg {]}. \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

The first term in Eq.  (A6) right hand side can be summarized as

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned}&\left\| \frac{\partial }{\partial \Theta } (G_{ij}) \Big |_{\Theta ^{(t)}} \frac{\partial \mathcal {V}_j(\Theta )}{\partial \Theta } \Big |_{\Theta ^{(t)}} \right\| \le \, \delta \left\| \frac{\partial }{\partial \hat{{{\textbf{w}}}}} \bigg {(} \frac{\partial H^\textrm{meta} (\hat{{{\textbf{w}}}})}{\partial \Theta } \Big |_{\Theta ^{(t)}} \bigg {)} \Big |_{\hat{{{\textbf{w}}}}^{(t)}}^T \frac{\partial \ell _{\textbf{x}_j}(\mathcal {S}_j(\textbf{w}))}{\partial \mathcal {S}_j(\textbf{w})} \, \frac{\partial \mathcal {S}_j(\textbf{w})}{\partial \textbf{w}} \Big |_{\textbf{w}^{(t)}} \right\| \\ =&\, \delta \left\| \frac{\partial }{\partial \hat{{{\textbf{w}}}}} \bigg {(} \frac{\partial H^\textrm{meta} (\hat{{{\textbf{w}}}})}{\partial \hat{{{\textbf{w}}}}} \Big |_{\hat{{{\textbf{w}}}}^{(t)}} \, \frac{-\alpha }{n\mu } \sum \nolimits _{k=1}^{n\mu } \frac{\partial \ell _{\textbf{x}_k}(\mathcal {S}_j(\textbf{w}))}{\partial \mathcal {S}_j(\textbf{w})} \frac{\partial \mathcal {S}_j(\textbf{w})}{\partial \textbf{w}} \Big |_{\textbf{w}^{(t)}} \frac{\partial \mathcal {V}_k(\Theta )}{\partial \Theta } \Big |_{\Theta ^{(t)}} \bigg {)} \Big |_{\hat{{{\textbf{w}}}}^{(t)}}^T \frac{\partial \ell _{\textbf{x}_j}(\mathcal {S}_j(\textbf{w}))}{\partial \mathcal {S}_j(\textbf{w})} \, \frac{\partial \mathcal {S}_j(\textbf{w})}{\partial \textbf{w}} \Big |_{\textbf{w}^{(t)}} \right\| \\ =&\, \delta \left\| \bigg {(} \frac{\partial ^2 H^\textrm{meta} (\hat{{{\textbf{w}}}})}{\partial \hat{{{\textbf{w}}}}^2} \Big |_{\hat{{{\textbf{w}}}}^{(t)}} \, \frac{-\alpha }{n\mu } \sum \nolimits _{k=1}^{n\mu } \frac{\partial \ell _{\textbf{x}_k}(\mathcal {S}_j(\textbf{w}))}{\partial \mathcal {S}_j(\textbf{w})} \frac{\partial \mathcal {S}_j(\textbf{w})}{\partial \textbf{w}} \Big |_{\textbf{w}^{(t)}} \frac{\partial \mathcal {V}_k(\Theta )}{\partial \Theta } \Big |_{\Theta ^{(t)}} \bigg {)} \Big |_{\hat{{{\textbf{w}}}}^{(t)}}^T \frac{\partial \ell _{\textbf{x}_j}(\mathcal {S}_j(\textbf{w}))}{\partial \mathcal {S}_j(\textbf{w})} \, \frac{\partial \mathcal {S}_j(\textbf{w})}{\partial \textbf{w}} \Big |_{\textbf{w}^{(t)}} \right\| \\ \le&\, \alpha L \delta ^2 \phi ^2 \zeta ^2, \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

since \({\left\| \frac{\partial H(\hat{{{\textbf{w}}}})}{\partial {\hat{{\textbf{w}}}}} \big |_{\hat{{\textbf{w}}}^{(t)}}^T \right\| \le \rho , \left\| \frac{\partial \ell _{\textbf{x}_j}(\mathcal {S}_j(\textbf{w}))}{\partial \mathcal {S}_j(\textbf{w})} \right\| \le \phi , \left\| \frac{\partial \mathcal {S}_j(\textbf{w})}{\partial \textbf{w}} \big |_{\textbf{w}^{(t)}} \right\| \le \zeta , \left\| \frac{\partial ^2 \mathcal {V}_j(\Theta )}{\partial ^2 \Theta } \Big |_{\Theta ^{(t)}} \right\| \le \mathcal {B}}\).

The second term in Eq.  (A6) right hand side can be summarized as

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} \left\| (G_{ij}) \frac{\partial ^2 \mathcal {V}_j(\Theta )}{\partial ^2 \Theta } \Big |_{\Theta ^{(t)}} \right\| = \left\| \frac{\partial H^\textrm{meta}(\hat{{{\textbf{w}}}})}{\partial {\hat{{\textbf{w}}}}} \big |_{\hat{{\textbf{w}}}^{(t)}}^T \frac{\partial \ell _{\textbf{x}_j}(\mathcal {S}_j(\textbf{w}))}{\partial \mathcal {S}_j(\textbf{w})} \, \frac{\partial \mathcal {S}_j(\textbf{w})}{\partial \textbf{w}} \big |_{\textbf{w}^{(t)}} \frac{\partial ^2 \mathcal {V}_j(\Theta )}{\partial ^2 \Theta } \Big |_{\Theta ^{(t)}} \right\| \le \, \rho \phi \zeta \mathcal {B}. \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

Combining the results in Eq.  (A7) and Eq.  (A8), we have \(\left\| \nabla _{\Theta ^2}^2 H_i^\textrm{meta}(\hat{{{\textbf{w}}}}^{(t)}(\Theta )) \Big |_{\Theta ^{(t)}} \right\| \le \phi \zeta (\alpha L \delta ^2 \phi \zeta + \rho \mathcal {B}).\) Define \({{{\hat{L}}}} = \phi \zeta (\alpha L \delta ^2 \phi \zeta + \rho \mathcal {B})\), based on the Lagrange mean value theorem, we have:

$$\begin{aligned} \left\| \nabla {L_\textrm{meta}(\hat{{{\textbf{w}}}}^{(t)}(\Theta _1))} - \nabla {L_\textrm{meta}(\hat{{{\textbf{w}}}}^{(t)}(\Theta _2))} \right\| \le {{{\hat{L}}}} \left\| \Theta _1 - \Theta _2 \right\| , \, \text {for all} \, \Theta _1, \Theta _2, \end{aligned}$$

where \(\nabla {L_\textrm{meta}(\hat{{{\textbf{w}}}}^{(t)}(\Theta _1))} = \nabla _\Theta {L_\textrm{meta}(\hat{{{\textbf{w}}}}^{(t)}(\Theta ))}\Big |_{\Theta _1}\). \(\square\)

1.2 A.2 Proofs of convergence


The update of parameters \(\Theta\) in t-th iteration can be written as \(\Theta ^{(t+1)} = \Theta ^{(t)} - \psi \frac{1}{n} \sum \nolimits _{i=1}^n \nabla _\Theta H_i^\textrm{meta}(\hat{{{\textbf{w}}}}^{(t)}(\Theta )) \Big |_{\Theta ^{(t)}}.\) Training with a mini-batch of meat-data \(\textrm{B}_t\) that is uniformly drawn from the data set, we rewrite the equation above as:

$$\begin{aligned} \Theta ^{(t+1)} = \Theta ^{(t)} - \psi _t \Big [ \sum \nolimits _{i=1}^n \nabla _\Theta H_i^\textrm{meta}(\hat{{{\textbf{w}}}}^{(t)}(\Theta )) + \varepsilon ^{(t)} \Big ], \end{aligned}$$

where \(\varepsilon ^{(t)} = \nabla _\Theta H^\textrm{meta}(\hat{{{\textbf{w}}}}^{(t)}(\Theta )) \Big |_{\textrm{B}_t} - \nabla _\Theta H^\textrm{meta}(\hat{{{\textbf{w}}}}^{(t)}(\Theta ))\). Note that the expectation of \(\varepsilon ^{(t)}\) obeys \(\mathbbm {E}[\varepsilon ^{(t)}]=0\) and its variance is finite. Consider that

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned}&H^\textrm{meta}(\hat{{{\textbf{w}}}}^{(t+1)}(\Theta ^{(t+1)})) - H^\textrm{meta}(\hat{{{\textbf{w}}}}^{(t)}(\Theta ^{(t)})) \\ =&\, \underbrace{H^\textrm{meta}(\hat{{{\textbf{w}}}}^{(t+1)}(\Theta ^{(t+1)})) - H^\textrm{meta}(\hat{{{\textbf{w}}}}^{(t)}(\Theta ^{(t +1 )}))}_\textrm{term 1} + \underbrace{H^\textrm{meta}(\hat{{{\textbf{w}}}}^{(t)}(\Theta ^{(t+1)})) - H^\textrm{meta}(\hat{{{\textbf{w}}}}^{(t)}(\Theta ^{(t)}))}_\textrm{term 2}. \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

For \(\textrm{term 1}\), by Lipschitz smoothness of the meta loss function for \(\Theta\), we have

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned}&H^\textrm{meta}(\hat{{{\textbf{w}}}}^{(t+1)}(\Theta ^{(t+1)})) - H^\textrm{meta}(\hat{{{\textbf{w}}}}^{(t)}(\Theta ^{(t+1)})) \\ \le&\, \left\langle \nabla H^\textrm{meta}(\hat{{{\textbf{w}}}}^{(t)}(\Theta ^{(t+1)})), \hat{{{\textbf{w}}}}^{(t+1)}(\Theta ^{(t+1)}) - \hat{{{\textbf{w}}}}^{(t)}(\Theta ^{(t+1)}) \right\rangle + \frac{L}{2} \left\| \hat{{{\textbf{w}}}}^{(t+1)}(\Theta ^{(t+1)}) - \hat{{{\textbf{w}}}}^{(t)}(\Theta ^{(t+1)}) \right\| _2^2. \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

According to Eq. (6) (8) (A1), then we have

$$\begin{aligned} \left\| H^\textrm{meta}(\hat{{{\textbf{w}}}}^{(t+1)}(\Theta ^{(t+1)})) - H^\textrm{meta}(\hat{{{\textbf{w}}}}^{(t)}(\Theta ^{(t +1 )})) \right\| \le \alpha _t \rho ^2 + \frac{1}{2} L \alpha _t \rho ^2 = \alpha \rho ^2 (1 + \frac{\alpha _t L}{2}) \end{aligned}$$

since \({ \left\| \frac{\partial H_j(\textbf{w})}{\partial \textbf{w}} \big |_{\hat{{{\textbf{w}}}}^{(t)}}\right\| \le \rho , \left\| \frac{\partial H_i^\textrm{meta}(\textbf{w})}{\partial \hat{{{\textbf{w}}}}} \big |_{\hat{{{\textbf{w}}}}^{(t)}}^T \right\| \le \rho }\).

For \(\mathrm term 2\), considering Lipschitz continuity of \(\nabla H_\textrm{meta}(\hat{{{\textbf{w}}}}^{(t)}(\Theta ))\) demonstrated in Lemma 1, we can obtain the following:

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned}&H^\textrm{meta}(\hat{{{\textbf{w}}}}^{(t)}(\Theta ^{(t+1)})) - H^\textrm{meta}(\hat{{{\textbf{w}}}}^{(t)}(\Theta ^{(t)})) \\ \le&\, \left\langle H^\textrm{meta}(\hat{{{\textbf{w}}}}^{(t)}(\Theta ^{(t+1)})) - H^\textrm{meta}(\hat{{{\textbf{w}}}}^{(t)}(\Theta ^{(t)})), \Theta ^{(t+1)} - \Theta ^{(t)} \right\rangle + \frac{L}{2} \left\| \Theta ^{(t+1)} - \Theta ^{(t)} \right\| _2^2 \\ =&-(\psi _t - \frac{L \psi _t^2}{2}) \left\| \nabla H^\textrm{meta}(\hat{{{\textbf{w}}}}^{(t)}(\Theta ^{(t)})) \right\| _2^2 + \frac{L \psi _t^2}{2} \left\| \varepsilon ^{(t)} \right\| _2^2 - (\psi _t - L\psi _t^2) \left\langle H^\textrm{meta}(\hat{{{\textbf{w}}}}^{(t)}(\Theta ^{(t)})), \varepsilon ^{(t)} \right\rangle . \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

Summing up the Eq.  (A12)  (A13), the Eq.  (A11) can be summarized as

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned}&H^\textrm{meta}(\hat{{{\textbf{w}}}}^{(t+1)}(\Theta ^{(t+1)})) - H^\textrm{meta}(\hat{{{\textbf{w}}}}^{(t)}(\Theta ^{(t)})) \\ \le&\, \alpha \rho ^2 (1 + \frac{\alpha _t L}{2}) - (\psi _t - \frac{L \psi _t^2}{2}) \left\| \nabla H^\textrm{meta}(\hat{{{\textbf{w}}}}^{(t)}(\Theta ^{(t)})) \right\| _2^2 + \frac{L \psi _t^2}{2} \left\| \varepsilon ^{(t)} \right\| _2^2 - (\psi _t - L\psi _t^2) \left\langle H^\textrm{meta}(\hat{{{\textbf{w}}}}^{(t)}(\Theta ^{(t)})), \varepsilon ^{(t)} \right\rangle . \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

Rearranging the terms, we can obtain

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned}&(\psi _t - \frac{L \psi _t^2}{2}) \left\| \nabla H^\textrm{meta}(\hat{{{\textbf{w}}}}^{(t)}(\Theta ^{(t)})) \right\| _2^2 \\ \le&\, \alpha \rho ^2 (1 + \frac{\alpha _t L}{2}) - (\psi _t - \frac{L \psi _t^2}{2}) \left\| \nabla H^\textrm{meta} \big ( \hat{{{\textbf{w}}}}^{(t)}(\Theta ^{(t)}) \big ) \right\| _2^2 + \frac{L \psi _t^2}{2} \left\| \varepsilon ^{(t)} \right\| _2^2 \\&- (\psi _t - L\psi _t^2) \left\langle H^\textrm{meta}(\hat{{{\textbf{w}}}}^{(t)}(\Theta ^{(t)})), \varepsilon ^{(t)} \right\rangle . \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

Summing up the above inequalities and rearranging the terms, we can obtain

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned}&\sum \nolimits _{t=1}^T (\psi _t - \frac{L \psi _t^2}{2}) \left\| \nabla H^\textrm{meta}(\hat{{{\textbf{w}}}}^{(t)}(\Theta ^{(t)})) \right\| _2^2\\ \le&\, H^\textrm{meta}(\hat{{{\textbf{w}}}}^{(1)}(\Theta ^{(1)})) - H^\textrm{meta}(\hat{{{\textbf{w}}}}^{(t)}(\Theta ^{(t)})) + \\&\quad \quad \quad \sum \nolimits _{t=1}^T \alpha \rho ^2 (1 + \frac{\alpha _t L}{2}) - \sum \nolimits _{t=1}^T (\psi _t - L\psi _t^2) \left\langle H^\textrm{meta}(\hat{{{\textbf{w}}}}^{(t)}(\Theta ^{(t)})), \varepsilon ^{(t)} \right\rangle \, + \, \frac{L}{2} \sum \nolimits _{t=1}^T \left\| \varepsilon ^{(t)} \right\| _2^2 \\ \le&\, H^\textrm{meta}(\hat{{{\textbf{w}}}}^{(1)}(\Theta ^{(1)})) + \sum \nolimits _{t=1}^T \alpha \rho ^2 (1 + \frac{\alpha _t L}{2})\\&- \sum \nolimits _{t=1}^T (\psi _t - L\psi _t^2) \left\langle H^\textrm{meta}(\hat{{{\textbf{w}}}}^{(t)}(\Theta ^{(t)})), \varepsilon ^{(t)} \right\rangle + \frac{L}{2} \sum \nolimits _{t=1}^T \left\| \varepsilon ^{(t)} \right\| _2^2. \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

We take the expectations w.r.t. \(\varepsilon ^{(N)}\) on both size of Eq.  (A14), then we have:

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned}&\sum \nolimits _{t=1}^T (\psi _t - \frac{L \psi _t^2}{2}) \mathop {\mathbbm {E}}\nolimits _{\varepsilon ^{(N)}} \left\| \nabla H^\textrm{meta}(\hat{{{\textbf{w}}}}^{(t)}(\Theta ^{(t)})) \right\| _2^2 \le H^\textrm{meta}(\hat{{{\textbf{w}}}}^{(1)}(\Theta ^{(1)}))\\&+ \sum \nolimits _{t=1}^T \alpha \rho ^2 (1 + \frac{\alpha _t L}{2}) + \frac{L\sigma ^2}{2} \sum \nolimits _{t=1}^T \psi _t^2, \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

since \({\mathop {\mathbbm {E}}\nolimits _{\varepsilon ^{(N)}} \left\langle H^\textrm{meta}(\hat{{{\textbf{w}}}}^{(t)}(\Theta ^{(t)})), \varepsilon ^{(t)} \right\rangle =0}\) and \(\mathbbm {\left\| \varepsilon ^{(t)} \right\| _2^2} \le \sigma ^2\), where \(\sigma ^2\) represents the variance of \(\varepsilon ^{(t)}\). Eventually, we deduce that

$$\begin{aligned} \mathop {\min }\nolimits _{t}&\, \mathbbm {E} \Big [ \left\| \nabla H^{\textrm{meta}}(\hat{{{\textbf{w}}}}^{(t)}(\Theta ^{(t)})) \right\| _2^2 \Big ] \le \frac{\sum \nolimits _{t=1}^T (\psi _t - \frac{L \psi _t^2}{2}) \mathop {\mathbbm {E}}\nolimits _{\varepsilon ^{(N)}} \left\| \nabla H^{\textrm{meta}}(\hat{{{\textbf{w}}}}^{(t)}(\Theta ^{(t)})) \right\| _2^2 }{\sum \nolimits _{t=1}^T (\psi _t - \frac{L \psi _t^2}{2})} \\ \le&\, \frac{1}{\sum \nolimits _{t=1}^T (2\psi _t - L\psi _t^2)} \Big [ 2H^{\textrm{meta}}(\hat{{{\textbf{w}}}}^{(1)}(\Theta ^{(1)})) + \sum \nolimits _{t=1}^T \alpha \rho ^2 (2 + \alpha _t L) + L\sigma ^2 \sum \nolimits _{t=1}^T \psi _t^2 \Big ] \\ \le&\, \frac{1}{\sum \nolimits _{t=1}^T \psi _t} \Big [ 2H^{\textrm{meta}} (\hat{{{\textbf{w}}}}^{(1)}(\Theta ^{(1)})) + \sum \nolimits _{t=1}^T \alpha \rho ^2 (2 + \alpha _t L) + L\sigma ^2 \sum \nolimits _{t=1}^T \psi _t^2 \Big ] \\ \le&\, \frac{1}{T \psi _t} \Big [ 2H^{\textrm{meta}}(\hat{{{\textbf{w}}}}^{(1)}(\Theta ^{(1)})) + \alpha _1 \rho ^2 T (2 + L) + L\sigma ^2 \sum \nolimits _{t=1}^T \psi _t^2 \Big ] \\ \le&\, \frac{2H^{\textrm{meta}}(\hat{{{\textbf{w}}}}^{(1)}(\Theta ^{(1)}))}{T} \, \frac{1}{\psi _t} + \frac{2 \alpha _1 \rho ^2 (2 + L)}{\psi _t} + L\sigma ^2 \psi _t \\ =&\, \frac{H^{\textrm{meta}}(\hat{{{\textbf{w}}}}^{(1)}(\Theta ^{(1)}))}{T} \max \{L, \frac{\sigma \sqrt{T}}{\textrm{c}}\} + \min \{1, \frac{k}{T}\}\max \{L, \frac{\sigma \sqrt{T}}{\textrm{c}}\}\rho ^2(2+L) + L\sigma ^2 \min \{\frac{1}{L}, \frac{\textrm{c}}{\sigma \sqrt{T}}\} \\ \le&\, \frac{\sigma H^{\textrm{meta}}(\hat{{{\textbf{w}}}}^{(1)}(\Theta ^{(1)}))}{{\textrm{c}} \sqrt{T}} + \frac{k\sigma \rho ^2(2+L)}{{\textrm{c}} \sqrt{T}} + \frac{L\sigma {\textrm{c}}}{\sqrt{T}} = \mathcal {O}(\frac{1}{\sqrt{T}}). \end{aligned}$$

Therefore, we can conclude that under some mild conditions, our algorithm can always achieve \(\min _{0 \le t \le T} \mathbbm {E} \Big [ \left\| \nabla H^\textrm{meta}(\Theta ^{(t)}) \right\| _2^2 \Big ] \le \mathcal {O}(\frac{1}{\sqrt{T}})\) in T steps. \(\square\)

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Wei, Q., Feng, L., Sun, H. et al. Learning sample-aware threshold for semi-supervised learning. Mach Learn (2024).

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