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Impact of Uncontrolled, Rapid Winter Fire in Extensive Grassland

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Russian Agricultural Sciences Aims and scope


The effects of a spontaneously generated, rapid turf fire in January were analyzed in an extensive meadow utilized by the Achilleo-Festucetum pseudovinae grassland community in Karcag. In comparison to the control grassland, the burned grassland exhibited higher initial tallgrass cover values and increased soil carbon dioxide emissions. However, it had lower soil moisture values. In the fire-affected grassland, the proportion of uncovered areas increased and the plant diversity of the grassland decreased. It is advisable to continue and refine these studies under different site conditions and during various times of the year.

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Varga, K., Csizi, I. & Halasz, A. Impact of Uncontrolled, Rapid Winter Fire in Extensive Grassland. Russ. Agricult. Sci. 49, 653–658 (2023).

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