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河南大学教师(2006.7-至今),现为计算机与信息工程学院教授,博士研究生导师,河南省大数据分析与处理重点实验室副主任 美国肯特州立大学访问学者(2006.8-2017.7) 在河南大学获工学学士(计算机科学与技术,1999-2003)学位、理学硕士(应用数学,2003-2006)学位和理学博士 (地图学与地理信息系统,2011-2014) 学位


1) 时空分析与优化:主要研究时空数据分布,资源配置及调度等,包括相关智能优化算法和工程应用 2) 社交网络分析:主要研究社交网络消息的时空扩散过程、驱动因素及其机理,涉及网络分析、自然语言理解、消息扩散等相关理论和算法 3) 深度学习及人工智能:主要研究深度学习相关智能算法及其在遥感影像分类、指标提取及目标识别等方面的应用


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Lanxue Dang, Libo Weng, Yane Hou, Xianyu Zuo, Yang Liu. Double‑branch feature fusion transformer for hyperspectral image classification. Scientific Reports, 2023(13):272. Yan-e Hou, Wenbo Gu, Weichuan Dong, Lanxue Dang*. A Deep Reinforcement Learning Real-Time Recommendation Model Based on Long and Short-Term Preference. International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems. 2023(16):4. Lanxue Dang, Chongyang Liu, Weichuan Dong, Yane Hou, Qiang Ge, Yang Liu. An effective global learning framework for hyperspectral image classification based on encoder-decoder architecture. International Journal of Digital Earth, 2022, 15(1). Lanxue Dang, Libo Weng, Weichuan Dong, Shenshen Li, Yane Hou. Spectral-Spatial Attention Transformer with Dense Connection for Hyperspectral Image Classification. Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience. 2022. Yane Hou, Bingbing Liu, Lanxue Dang*, Wenwen He and Wenbo Gu. A Local Search-based Metaheuristic Algorithm Framework for the School Bus Routing Problem. Engineering Letters, 2022, 30(1). Lanxue Dang, Peidong Pang, Xianyu Zuo, Yang Liu, Jay Lee. A Dual-Path Small Convolution Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification. Remote Sensing, 2021. Yane Hou, Ning Zhao, Lanxue Dang, Bingbing Liu. A Hybrid Metaheuristic Algorithm for the School Bus Routing Problem with Multi-School Planning. Engineering Letters, 2021, 29(4). Qiang Ge, Fengxue Ruan, Baojun Qiao, Qian Zhang, Xianyu Zuo, Lanxue Dang*. Side-Scan Sonar Image Classification Based on Style Transfer and Pre-Trained Convolutional Neural Networks. Electronics, 2021. Lanxue Dang, Peidong Pang, Jay Lee. Depth-Wise Separable Convolution Neural Network with Residual Connection for Hyperspectral Image Classification. Remote Sensing, 2020. Yan-e Hou, Lanxue Dang*, Weichuan Dong, Yunfeng Kong. A Metaheuristic Algorithm for Routing School Buses With Mixed Load School Buses With Mixed Load.IEEE Access, 2020. Yan-e Hou, Lanxue Dang*, Yunfeng Kong, Zheye Wang, and Qingjie Zhao.A Hybrid Metaheuristic Algorithm for the Heterogeneous School Bus Routing Problem and a Real Case Study. IAENG International Journal of Computer Science,2020, 47(4). Lanxue Dang, Zhuo Chen, Jay Lee, Ming-Hsiang Tsou, Xinye Ye. Simulating the spatial diffusion of memes on social media networks. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 2019,3:1-24. Lan-xue Dang, Yan-e Hou, Qing-song Liu, and Yun-feng Kong, A Hybrid Metaheuristic Algorithm for the Bi-objective School Bus Routing Problem. IAENG International Journal of Computer Science, 2019, 46(3).
