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教育与工作经历 1980~1985 清华大学化学工程系 本科 1985~1989 清华大学化学工程系 博士 1990~1993 清华大学化学工程系 讲师 1993~1994 丹麦技术大学化学工程系 访问学者 1994~1999 清华大学化学工程系 副教授 1999~2000 英国曼彻斯特科技大学 英国皇家学会访问学者 2000~2003 清华大学化学工程系 副教授 2003~现在 清华大学化学工程系生态工业研究中心主任,教授 主要学术任职 中国生态经济学会常务理事,工业生态经济专业委员会副理事长和秘书长 中国化工学会信息技术应用专业委员会委员和硫磷钛资源化工专业委员会委员 中国循环经济协会专家委员会委员等 学术荣誉与奖励 1995年获国家教委科技进步三等奖 1999年获国家教育部科技进步三等奖 2000年获中石化科技进步一等奖 2004年中国石油和化学工业协会科技进步一等奖 2007年中国石油和化学工业协会科技进步一等奖 2007国家生态环境部环境保护科学技术二等奖 2013年中国资源综合利用科技奖二等奖 2013年中国石油与化学工业联合会科技进步奖一等奖 2014年中国石油与化学工业联合会科技进步奖一等奖 2018年中国循环经济协会科技一等奖


生态工业系统设计、分析、集成方法 复杂自组织系统研究 循环经济理论与实践 物质流分析 生命周期分析 过程系统工程


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Zhibo Luo, Dingjiang Chen, Shu Kee Lam, Shanying Hu,Deli Chen. The contribution and mitigation potential of nitrogen emissions from industrial parks in China cannot be ignored. Environmental Science & Technology Letters, 2020, 7:82-88. Hang Fu, Zhibo Luo, Shanying Hu. A temporal -spatial analysis and future trends of ammonia emissions in China. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 731: 138897. Yitong Chen, Shanying Hu, Zhigang Guo, Tonghua Cui, Liping Zhang, Changrui Lu, Yongqiang Yu, Zhibo Luo, Hang Fu, Yong Jin, Effect of balanced nutrient fertilizer: A case study in Pinggu District, Beijing, China,Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 2(754):142096. Zhibo Luo, Shanying Hu, Dingjiang Chen, Bing Zhu. From production to consumption: A coupled human-environmental nitrogen flow analysis in China. Environmental Science & Technology (2018), 52(4):2025-2035. Zhibo Luo, Shanying Hu, Dingjiang Chen. A Historical View of Nitrogen Metabolism and Its Driving Forces in China's Chemical Industry: Implications for Cleaner Production Policy and Practice. Journal of Cleaner Production (2018), 187:308-317. Zhibo Luo, Shanying Hu, Dingjiang Chen. The trends of aquacultural nitrogen budget and its environmental implications in China. Scientific Reports (2018), 8:10877. Minxin Luo, Xiaoxu Song, Shanying Hu, Towards the sustainable development of waste household appliance recovery systems in China: an agent-based modeling approach, Journal of Cleaner Production(2019), 220: 431-444. Minxin Luo, Jin Li, Shanying Hu, Exploring regional air quality evolution by developing a driving force model: Case study of Beijing, Journal of Environmental Management(2019), 248. Xiaoxu Song, Shanying Hu, Dingjiang Chen, Bing Zhu, Estimation of Waste Battery Generation and Analysis of the Waste Battery Recycling System in China, Journal of Industrial Ecology (2017), 21 (1): 57-69. Jiongming Fan, Shanying Hu, Dingjiang Chen, Yucheng Zhou, Study on the Construction and Optimization of a Resource-based Industrial Ecosystem, Resources, Conservation and Recycling (2017), 119: 97-108. Qun Zhang, Shanying Hu, Dingjiang Chen, A Comparison between Coal-to-olefins and Oil-based Ethylene in China: An Economic and Environmental Prospective, Journal of Cleaner Production (2017), 165: 1351-1360. Zhibo Luo, Shujie Ma, Shanying Hu, Dingjiang Chen, Towards the Sustainable Development of the Regional Phosphorus Resources Industry in China: A System Dynamics Approach. Resources, Conservation and Recycling (2017), 126: 186-197. Jin Li, Shanying Hu, History and Future of the Coal and Coal Chemical Industry in China, Resources, Conservation and Recycling (2017), 124: 13-24. Shujie Ma, Shanying Hu*, Dingjiang Chen, Bing Zhu, A case study of a phosphorus chemical firm applying resource efficiency and eco-efficiency in industry metabolism under circular economy, Journal of Cleaner Production(2015), 87:839-849. Yucheng Zhou, Ning Yang, Shanying Hu*. Industrial metabolism of PVC in China: A dynamic material flow analysis. Resources, Conservation & Recycling(2013),73: 33-40 Yadong Yu, Dingjiang Chen, Bing Zhu and Shanying Hu*, Eco-Efficiency Trends in China, 1978-2010: Decoupling Environmental Pressure from Economic Growth, Ecological Indicators (2013), 24(1): 177-184. Dunchao Ma, Shanying Hu *, Dingjiang Chen, Yourun Li, The Temporal Evolution of Anthropogenic Phosphorus Consumption in China and Its Environmental Implications, Journal of Industrial Ecology (2013), 17(4):566-577 Qiang Li, Shanying Hu*, Dingjiang Chen and Bing Zhu, System Analysis of Grain Straw for Centralised Industrial Usages in China, Biomass and Bioenergy (2012) , 47: 277-288. Dunchao Ma, Shanying Hu*, Dingjiang Chen, Yourun Li, Substance flow analysis as a tool for the elucidation of anthropogenic phosphorus metabolism in China, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2012(29-30):188-198 Li Zhou, Shan-ying Hu *, Yourun Li, Yong Jin, Xiliang Zhang, Modeling and Optimization of a Coal-Chemical Eco-industrial System in China, Journal of Industrial Ecology (2012), 16(1):105-118 生态工业原理与应用,金涌、胡山鹰等编著,清华大学出版社,2003 磷资源产业循环经济,胡山鹰等著,新华出版社,2006 生态农业工程科学与技术,金涌、胡山鹰等著,环境出版社,2021
