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教学工作 《交通运输自动控制原理》双语 《非线性系统理论与方法》 《系统辨识与自适应》 教育背景 2000~2003 浙江大学 控制科学与工程 博士学位 工作经历 2003~2006 北京交通大学 交通运输学院 讲师 2007~2014 北京交通大学 交通运输学院 副教授 2011~2012 美国密歇根大学 访问学者 2014~至今 北京交通大学 交通运输学院 教授


交通运输工程(专业学位) 交通运输规划与管理 系统科学 交通运输系统分析与集成 系统控制理论与应用 交通运输(专业学位)

专利 赵小梅、耿男、谢东繁,“一种智能匝道入口交通需求联合控制系统及方法”,2015.10.25, 中国,ZL201310567547.5 科研项目 北京交通大学: 机场地面运行保障资源协同调度关键技术研究, 2020-2020 国家自然科学基金“面上”: 电动与传统公交混合运营系统优化方法研究, 2019-2022 国家自然科学基金“重点”: 移动互联及自动驾驶环境下新型混合交通流的实验分析、仿真建模与管理优化, 2020-2024 北京交通大学: 机场资源调度最优算法研究, 2019-2020 国家重点研发计划-课题: 复杂环境下城市多模式交通流运行特性分析与网络协同设计, 2019-2021 基本科研业务费研究生创新项目: 基于宏观基本图的节假日期间城市路网交通流研究, 2019-2021 基本科研业务费研究生创新项目: 互联车环境下动态与稳态性能的分析与优化, 2019-2021 北京交通大学: 机场多目标摆渡车智能分配与评价系统, 2019-2019 国家自然科学基金“重点”: 大数据环境下汽车共享出行管理优化与智能服务, 2019-2022 国家自然科学基金“面上”: 纵向预研基金-国家自然科学基金“面上”-KTA312004533, 2018-2019 北京交通大学: 共享汽车用户租车特性与优惠定价技术研究, 2018-2019 北京交通大学: 机场大规模、多目标停机位智能分配与评价系统、离港旅客托运行李预测算法, 2018-2018 国家自然科学基金“面上”: 区域交通控制诱导和管理的协调机制与优化方法, 2018-2021 北京交通大学: 机场运行安检排队时长、候机区客流特性预测及登机口航班优化配置模型, 2017-2017 国家自然科学基金“创新群体”: 突发事件下城市群综合交通系统应急管理, 2017-2022 北京交通大学: 北京城市交通协同创新中心技术咨询, 2014-2018 科技部“973”: 多方式交通运行的协同组织与控制理论与方法, 2014-2016 北京市教委: 首都世界城市顺畅交通协同创新中心技术开发, 2014-2020 基本科研业务费: 基于不确定行为分析的混合交通优化控制策略研究, 2013-2014 国家自然科学基金“面上”: 动态交通系统中信息诱导致稳机理研究, 2013-2016 科技部“973”: 大城市交通需求的引导理论与方法, 2012-2016 基本科研业务费: 瓶颈交通系统排放特性分析与节能减排管控策略研究, 2012-2014 国家自然科学基金“重点”: 基于出行行为的综合交通网络多方式选择与分配模型及算法研究, 2012-2016 科技部“863”: 交通诱导信息对交通出行行为影响的定量分析技术及系统研发, 2011-2013 科技部“863”: 区域交通网络化智能诱导控制技术, 2011-2013 国家自然科学基金“面上”: 基于组合瓶颈效应的交通拥堵形成机理与联合控制策略研究, 2011-2013 科技部“科技支撑”: 基于交通流相变的区域交通诱导模型研究, 2009-2010 基本科研业务费: 机非混行条件下交通网络拥堵形成机理与缓解策略, 2009-2011 科技部“973”: 城市交通系统的组织优化与控制-2(第二批), 2008-2011 科技部“973”: 典型大城市交通疏堵问题的综合实证研究(第二批), 2008-2011 博士点基金: 大规模城市交通网络组合出行预测模型与算法研究, 2008-2010 国家自然科学基金“面上”: 城市交通系统中混合交通流的稳定性分析及控制策略研究, 2008-2010 国家自然科学基金“重点”: 城市交通网络优化与管理的若干问题研究, 2007-2010 科技部“973”: 城市交通系统的组织优化与控制研究-2, 2006-2011 科技部“973”: 典型大城市交通疏堵问题的综合实证研究, 2006-2007 校科技基金: 基于元胞自动机的瓶颈交通特性研究, 2005-2006 校科技基金: 交通信息条件下的城市交通网络系统优化模型及算法研究, 2005-2006 博士点基金: 基于道路宏观交通流模型的动态网络交通流分配模型与算法研究, 2006-2008 科技部“973”: 动态交通网络复杂特性及配流问题研究B, 2005-2007 校科技基金: 交通混沌控制的研究应用, 2003-2005 校科技基金: 城市交通网络设计问题的混沌规划研究, 2003-2005 科技部“973”: 动态交通网络复杂特性及配流问题研究A, 2005-2007


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论文/期刊 高亮,苗亚楠,秦宇皓,赵小梅,高自友.Finding topological center of a geographic space via road network.PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS,2015,None(419) 赵小梅,谢东繁,高自友,高亮.Equilibrium of a two-route system with delayed information feedback strategies.PHYSICS LETTERS A,2013,43(377) 赵小梅,万春华,毕军.Day-to-Day Assignment Models and Traffic Dynamics Under Information Provision.Networks and Spatial Economics,2019,70(19) 四兵锋,赵小梅,高自友.综合运输体系下的客运流量分离模型及算法研究.铁道学报,2004,6(26) 毕军,王永兴,赵小梅,朱颖.考虑充电站效益的电动汽车充电分配优化模型.公路交通科技,2018,35(3) 谢东繁,赵小梅,李倩,陆荣琴,姜锐.Analysis and comparison of potential traffic risks based on different field data.18th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals: Intelligence, Connectivity, and Mobility,2018 谢东繁,赵小梅,贺正冰.Heterogeneous traffic mixing regular and connected vehicles: modeling and stabilization.IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems,2018,2018(2018) 王永兴,毕军,关伟,赵小梅.Optimising route choices for the travelling and charging of battery electric vehicles by considering multiple objectives.TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART D-TRANSPORT AND ENVIRONMENT,2018,SI(64) 王永兴,毕军,赵小梅,关伟.A geometry-based algorithm to provide guidance for electric vehicle charging.TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART D-TRANSPORT AND ENVIRONMENT,2018,8(63) 赵小梅,李倩,谢东繁,毕军,陆荣琴,李超.Risk perception and the warning strategy based on microscopic driving state.Accident Analysis and Prevention,2018,118(118) 赵小梅,万春华,孙会君,谢东繁,高自友.Dynamic Rerouting Behavior and Its Impact on Dynamic Traffic Patterns.IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS,2017,18(10) 毕军,高航,王永兴,赵小梅.Estimation of state-of-charge of Li-ion batteries in EV using the genetic particle filter.2017 2nd International Conference on Materials Science, Energy Technology and Environmental Engineering,2017 毕军,王永兴,赵小梅.State of Charge Estimation for Electric Vehicle Batteries Based on a Particle Filter Algorithm.2017 2nd International Conference on Software, Multimedia and Communication Engineering,2017 赵小梅,毕军,王永兴,张俊.考虑多因素的不正常航班飞机计划恢复模型.交通运输研究,2017,2(3) 毕军,张文艳,赵小梅,张廷.基于数据驱动的物流电动汽车充电行为分析.交通运输系统工程与信息,2017,1(17) 赵小梅,谢东繁,李琪.Approaching system equilibrium with accurate or not accurate feedback information in a two-route system.COMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONS ,2015,2015(187) 耿男,赵小梅,谢东繁,李新刚,高自友.Congestion mechanism and demand adjustment strategies for double-cell system with bottlenecks.Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies,2015,2015(57) 王艳红,高自友,赵小梅,谢东繁.Multiple density difference effect in the two-lane lattice hydrodynamic model .NONLINEAR DYNAMICS ,2015,3(79) 赵小梅,Orosz.Nonlinear day-to-day traffic dynamics with driver experience delay:Modeling, stability and bifurcation analysis.Physica D,2014,275(1) 王艳红,高自友,赵小梅,谢东繁.Multiple density difference effect in the two-lane lattice hydrodynamic model.NONLINEAR DYNAMICS,2015,3(79) 谢东繁,赵小梅,李新刚,祝泰郎.Modeling the impact of pedestrian behavior diversity on traffic dynamics at a crosswalk with push button.International Journal of Modern Physics C,2016,7(27) 李新刚,曹亚康,赵小梅,谢东繁.Drivers’ Diversion from Expressway under Real Traffic Condition Information Shown on Variable Message Signs.KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering,2015,7(19) 谢东繁,赵小梅.Cellular automaton modeling with timid and aggressive driving behavior.Second International Conference on Transportation Information and Safety,2013 谢东繁,赵小梅,李新刚.Cellular automaton modeling of traffic flow at a crosswalk with push button.International Journal of Modern Physics C,2015,2(26) 谢东繁,高自友,赵小梅,Wang.Cellular Automaton Modeling of the Interaction between Vehicles and Pedestrians at Signalized Crosswalk.Journal of Transportation Engineering,2012,12(138) 谢东繁,高自友,赵小梅,Wang.Agitated behavior and elastic characteristics of pedestrians in an alternative floor field model for pedestrian dynamics.Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications,2012,7(391) 郭宏伟,高自友,杨小宝,赵小梅,王武宏.Modeling Travel Time under the Influence of On-Street Parking.Journal of Transportation Engineering,2012,2(138) 杨凌霄,赵小梅.Correlations among Various Parameters in Car-following Models with NGSIM Trajectory Data.2011 international conference on Mechanical, Materials and Manufacturing Engineering,2011 杨凌霄,赵小梅.Bi-directional pedestrians with a partition line.International Journal of Modern Physics C,2011,22(8) 赵小梅,谢东繁,高自友.Disorder structure of free-flow and global jams in the extended BML model.Physics Letters A,2011,375(46) 赵小梅,宋桂翠,宋玉鲲.Traffic congestion mechanism in two ramp systems.Communication in Theoretical Physics,2011,55(1) 杨凌霄,赵小梅,高自友.考虑交通出行惯例的双向行人流模型研究.物理学报,2011,60(10) 李海鸥,赵小梅.Stability Analysis of Pedestrian Flow and Phase Structure in the Improved Two-Dimensional OV Models.The 3rd International Joint Conference on Computational Sciences and Optimization,2010 赵小梅,谢东繁,李海鸥.Effect of traffic information on the stability pedestrian flow.The 3rd International Conference on Power Electronics and Intelligent Transportation System,2010 杨小宝,高自友,赵小梅,四兵锋.road capacity at bus stops with mixed traffic flow in China.TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH RECORD,2009,1(2111) 赵小梅,贾斌,高自友.Traffic Interactions between Motorized Vehicles and Nonmotorized Vehicles near a Bus Stop.JOURNAL OF TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING,2009,135(11) 宋玉鲲,赵小梅.Combined bottleneck effect of on-ramp and bus stop in a cellular automaton model.Chinese physics B,2009,18(12) 谢东繁,高自友,赵小梅.Characteristics of mixed traffic flow with non-motorized vehicles and motorized vehicles at an unsignalized intersection.Physica A,2009,388(1) 赵小梅,贾斌,高自友.Congestions and Spatiotemporal Patterns in a Cellular Automaton Model for Mixed Traffic flow.Fourth International Congerence on Natural Computation,2008 赵小梅,高自友,李克平.The capacity of two neighbour intersections considering the influence of the bus stop.physica A,2008,387(1) 四兵锋,赵小梅.城市混合交通网络系统优化模型及其算法.中国公路学报,2008,1(21) 赵小梅,高自友.Topological effects on the performance of transportation networks.Chinese Physics Letters,2007,1(24) 陈漩,高自友,赵小梅,贾斌.反馈控制双车道跟驰模型研究.物理学报,2007,4(56) 赵小梅,高自友,贾斌.The capacity drop caused by the combined effect of the intersection and the bus stop in a CA model.Physica A,2007,2(385) 赵小梅,高自友.The stability analysis of the full velocity and acceleration velocity model.Physica A,2007,2(375) 赵小梅,高自友.How non-uniform tolerance parameter strategy changes the response of scale-free networks to failures.The European Physical Journal B,2007,1(85) 赵小梅,高自友.A control method for congested traffic induced by bottlenecks in the coupled map car-following model.PHYSICA A,2006,366(366) 赵小梅,高自友.复杂网络的时空建模法.交通运输系统工程与信息,2006,3(6) 赵小梅,高自友.A chaotic appraoch for the bi-level discrete equilibrium network design problem.Journal of system s science and information,2006,2(4) 王涛,赵小梅,高自友.多速度差模型及其稳定性分析.物理学报,2006,2(55) 赵小梅.混沌时间序列的局域区间预测.陕西科技大学学报,2006,1(24) 赵小梅.一种改进混沌优化方法及其应用.陕西科技大学学报,2006,2(24) 四兵锋,赵小梅.基于随机用户平衡的混合交通网络流量分离模型.中国公路学报,2006,1(19) 四兵锋,赵小梅.ATIS条件下的城市交通网络系统优化模型及算法.系统工程学报,2006,2(21) 赵小梅,高自友.THE SUPPRESSION OF TRAFFIC JAMS BY CONTROL SIGNA.Proceedings of the 9th Conference of HongKong Society for Transportation Studies,2004 赵小梅,高自友.A chaotic approach for the bi-level continuous equilibrium network design problem.Journal of system science and information,2005,1(3) 赵小梅,高自友.A new car-following model: full velocity and acceleration difference model.The European Physcial Journal B,2005,1(47) 贾斌,赵小梅,高自友.THE EFFECT OF VEHICLE PARAMENTERS IN THE TWO-LANE CELLULAR AUTOMATA MODEL FOR TRAFFIC FLOW.Proceedings of the 9th Conference of HongKong Society for Transportation Studies,2004 赵小梅,高自友.Controlling traffic jams by a feedback signal.The European Physical Journal B,2005,4(43) 专著/译著 李力,姜锐,贾斌,赵小梅.现代交通流理论与应用[M]。国内:清华大学出版社,2011-01


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