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1)以主要害鼠褐家鼠和布氏田鼠为主要研究对象,研究其繁殖调控的分子机制 2)进行杀鼠剂和不育剂的研发与药效改良,针对不同防治需求提供新型药物 3)系统调查全国鼠害发生情况,并针对区域性特点进行防治技术研发和集成,并进行示范推广


查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1、Wang DW, Li N, Tian L, Ren F, Li Z, Chen Y, Liu L, Hu X, Zhang X, Song Y, Hut RA, Liu XH. 2019. Dynamic expressions of hypothalamic genes regulate seasonal breeding in a natural rodent population. Molecular Ecology. doi: 10.1111/mec.15161 In press. 2、Chen Y, Wang DW(并列第一), Li N, Hu XF, Ren F, Hao WL, Song Y, Liu XH*. 2019. Kinship analysis reveals reproductive success skewed toward overwintered Brandt’s voles in semi-natural enclosures. Integrative Zoology. doi: 10.1111/1749-4877.12330 In press. 3、李争光,丛林,王大伟*,罗婵,田林,耿远昭,宋英*,马晓慧,李宁,刘晓辉.2018.黑龙江地区农田害鼠发生特点及DNA条形码鉴定技术的应用.植物保护, 44(6):145-151. 4、丛林,罗婵,郭永旺,刘晓辉,王勇,王大伟*.2018.高置式大容量毒饵站对东北农田害鼠的防治效果初探.植物保护, 44(1):190-193. 5、Wang DW, Opperhuizen AL, Reznick J, Turner N, Su Y, Cooney GJ, Kalsbeek A. 2017. Effects of feeding time on daily rhythms of neuropeptide and clock gene expression in the rat hypothalamus. Brain Research 1671: 93–101. 6、Opperhuizen AL*, Wang DW, Foppen E, Jansen R, Boudzovitch-Surovtseva O, de Vries J, Fliers E, Kalsbeek A. 2016. Feeding during the resting phase causes profound changes in physiology and desynchronization between liver and muscle rhythms of rats. European Journal of Neuroscience 44, (10): 2795–2806. 7、郝伟丽,王大伟*,任飞,胡祥发,田林,李宁,刘晓辉*.2016.粪便激素水平反映不同出生时期雄性布氏田鼠的繁殖策略.兽类学报,36(4):413-421. 8、任飞,王大伟*,李宁,郝伟丽,田林,杜森云,刘晓辉*.2016.不同季节出生的布氏田鼠繁殖发育模式分析。植物保护,42(2):31-37. 9、胡祥发,丛林,郭永旺,王大伟*,任飞,李宁,刘晓辉*.2014.东北地区水稻初冬晾晒期鼠害调查与为害分析。植物保护,40(6):131-134. 10、Wang DW, Ouyang CB, Liu Q, Yuan HL, Liu XH. 2013. Inclusion of quinestrol and 2,6-di-O-methyl-β-cyclodextrin: preparation, characterization, and inclusion mode. Carbohydrate Polymers 93: 753-760. 11、王大伟,郭永旺,刘祖华,杨文超,张德勇,王福美,李宁,刘晓辉.2013.川西北草原高原鼢鼠种群季节性特征与分布特点。植物保护,39(4):124-128. 12、Wang DW, Zhang JX, Zhang ZB. 2012. Effect of testosterone and melatonin on social dominance and agonistic behavior in male Tscheskia triton. Behavioural Processes 89: 271-277. 13、Wang DW, Li N, Liu M, Huang BH, Liu Q, Liu XH. 2011. Behavioral evaluation of quinestrol as a sterilant in male Brandt's voles. Physiology & Behavior 104: 1024-1030. 14、Wang DW, Cong L, Yue LF, Huang BH, Zhang JX, Wang Y, Li N, Liu XH. 2011. Seasonal variation in population characteristics and management implications for brown rats (Rattus norvegicus) within their native range in Harbin, China. Journal of Pest Science 84: 409-418. 15、王大伟,刘琪,刘明,李宁,黄宝欢,刘晓辉.2011.EP-1 包合物制备及其对布氏田鼠繁殖器官的影响.兽类学报,31(1):79-83. 16、王大伟,刘琪,刘明,刘晓辉.2011.LNG-HP-β-CD包合物制备、表征及其紫外稳定性研究。光谱学与光谱分析,31(3):808-811. 17、王大伟,丛林,王宇,刘晓辉.2010.繁殖季节和非繁殖季节布氏田鼠种群参数和生理特点的差异.生态学报,30(13):3562-3568.
