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姜海强,1988年生,博士,讲师、硕导。2007年9月至2016年12月,先后在中国矿业大学采矿系攻读学士、硕士和博士学位。2014年10月至2016年2月加拿大渥太华大学(University of Ottawa)联合培养博士。2017年3月至今,在东北大学深部金属矿山安全开采教育部重点实验室工作。 三、科研项目 1.国家自然科学基金青年基金(51804063),低温环境下含盐膏体流动与力学特性研究,2019.1~2021.12,主持 2.中国博士后基金面上项目(2019M652426),超细尾砂高水速凝固化充填关键技术研究,2019.6~2020.7,主持 3.教育部项目基本科研业务费(N170103008),动静荷载下纤维增强膏体力学响应,2018.1~2019.12,主持 4.山东省博士后创新项目(201901017),低碳型高水速凝充填胶结料研发与改性研究,2019.9~2020.7,主持 5.国家重点实验室开放基金(SKLCRSM18KF007),膏体强度和损伤特性的超声波测试研究,2018.1~2019.12,主持 6.企业横向项目,复杂矿体安全高效开采技术研究(2019020700206),2019.12~2021.12,子课题负责人 五、研究生招生 欢迎矿业、力学、岩土、材料等相关专业研究生报考,优秀的可推荐出国深造。




查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1.Jiang Haiqiang et al. Ultrasonic evaluation of strength properties of cemented paste backfill: Effects of mineral admixture and curing temperature. Ultrasonics, 2020, 100:1-11.(SCI,Q2, ESI高被引论文) 2.Kou Yunpeng, Jiang Haiqiang*, et al. Rheological Properties of Cemented Paste Backfill with Alkali-Activated Slag. Minerals, 2020, 10(3), 288. (SCI, Q2, 通讯) 3.Jiang Haiqiang et al. Relationship between ultrasonic pulse velocity and uniaxial compressive strength for cemented paste backfill with alkali-activated slag. Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation, 2019. (SCI, Q2) 4.Jiang Haiqiang et al. Effectiveness of alkali-activated slag as alternative binder on workability and early age compressive strength of cemented paste backfills. Construction and Building Materials, 2019, 218:689-700.(SCI, Q1) 5.Jiang Haiqiang, et al. An experimental study on compressive behaviour of cemented rockfill. Construction and Building Materials, 2019, 147:837-846.(SCI, Q1) 6.Qiu Jingping, Guo Zhenbang, Yang Lei, Jiang Haiqiang*, et al. Effects of packing density and water film thickness on the fluidity behaviour of cemented paste backfill. Powder Technology, 2019.(SCI, Q1, 通讯) 7.Lei Y , Erol Y , Junwei L, Liu Hui, Jiang Haiqiang. Effect of superplasticizer type and dosage on fluidity and strength behavior of cemented tailings backfill with different solid contents. Construction and Building Materials, 2018, 187:290-298.(SCI, Q1) 8.Jiang Haiqiang, et al. Freezing behaviour of cemented paste backfill material in column experiments. Construction and Building Materials, 2017, 147:837-846.(SCI, Q1) 9.Jiang Haiqiang, et al. Yield stress of cemented paste backfill in sub-zero environments: Experimental results. Minerals Engineering, 2016, 92:141-150.(SCI, Q1) 10.Jiang Haiqiang, et al. Yield stress and strength of saline cemented tailings in sub-zero environments: Portland cement paste backfill. International Journal of Mineral Processing, 2017, 160:68-75.(SCI, Q1)11.Jiang Haiqiang, et al. Yield stress and strength of saline cemented tailings materials in sub-zero environments: slag-paste backfill, Journal of Sustainable Cement-Based Materials, 2017.(Scopus) 12.Zhang Jixiong, Jiang Haiqiang*. Prediction of the Height of the Water-Conducting Zone above the Mined Panel in Solid Backfill Mining. Mine Water and the Environment, 2014, 33(4):317-326.(SCI, Q3, 通讯) 13.Jiang Haiqiang, et al. Gateside packwall design in solid backfill mining-A case study. International Journal of Mining Science & Technology, 2016, 26(2):261-265.(EI) 14.Jiang Haiqiang*, et al. Characterisation of coal-mine waste in solid backfill mining in China. Transactions of the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, Section A: Mining Technology, 2015, 124(1):56-63.(EI) 15.Zhou Nan, Jiang Haiqiang*. Application of solid backfill mining techniques for coal mine under embankment dam. Transactions of the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, Section A: Mining Technology, 2013, 122(4):228-234.(EI) 16.Yang Lei, Qiu Jingping, Jiang Haiqiang, et al. Use of cemented super-fine unclassified tailings backfill for control of subsidence. Minerals, 2017, 7(11), 216. (SCI, Q2) 17.Zhang Jixiong, Sun Qiang, Zhou Nan, Jiang Haiqiang. Research and application of roadway backfill coal mining technology in western coal mining area. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 2016, 9(10):1-10.(SCI, Q3)
