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学习经历: 2006.9--2010.7 攻读东北大学冶金工程专业学士学位; 2008.9--2010.7 攻读东北大学物流管理专业学士学位; 2010.9--2018.4 攻读东北大学钢铁冶金专业博士学位; 2017.4--2018.3 赴加拿大麦吉尔大学联合培养。 工作经历: 2018年9月—至今,东北大学冶金学院,钢铁冶金研究所,讲师; 2018年9月—至今,东北大学动力工程及工程热物理研究所,博士后。 科研项目情况: (1)国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,51904065,加压对高氮奥氏体不锈钢铸锭氮宏观偏析的影响机理研究,2020/01-2022/12,25万元,在研,负责人 (2)中国博士后面上资助,加压对热作模具钢H13凝固组织的影响机理,2019/03-2020/09,8万元,在研,负责人 (2)国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,51304041,气相渗氮和微弧增氮的加压电渣重熔技术制备含氮耐蚀塑料模具钢的基础研究,2014/01-2016/12,25万元,已结题,参与 (3)“863”重点计划,2012AA03A502,先进超超临界火电机组关键叶片和护环钢开发,2012/01-2016/12,600万,已结题,参与 (4)重点基金,51434004,高品质特殊钢加压下熔炼和凝固的基础研究,2015/01-2019/12,340万,已结题,参与




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[1] Zhu H C, Li H B, Zhang S C, et al. Numerical simulation of Mo macrosegregation during ingot casting of high-Mo austenitic stainless steel[J]. Ironmaking & Steelmaking, 2015, 42(10): 748-755. [2] Zhu H C, Jiang Z H, Li H B, et al. Effect of solidification pressure on compactness degree of 19Cr14Mn0. 9N high nitrogen steel using CAFE method[J]. Steel Research International, 2017, 88(7). [3] Zhu H C, Jiang Z H, Li H B, et al. Effects of nitrogen segregation and solubility on the formation of nitrogen gas pores in 21.5Cr-1.5Ni duplex stainless steel[J]. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, 2017, 48(5): 2493-2503. [4] Jiang Z H, Zhu H C, Li H B, et al. Effect of Solidification pressure on interfacial heat transfer and solidification structure of 19Cr14Mn0.9N high nitrogen steel[J]. ISIJ International, 2018, 58(1): 107-113. [5] Zhu H C, Jiang Z H, Li H B, et al., Effect of solidification pressure on thermodynamic and kinetic parameters of 19Cr14Mn4Mo0.9N high nitrogen steel[J]. Steel Research International. 2018, 89(5). [6] Zhu H C, Jiang Z H, Li H B, et al. A novel method for improving cast structure of M42 high speed steel by pressurized solidification technology [J]. ISIJ International.2018, 58 (7).
