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Horváth Medal of the Connecticut Separation Science Council and Hungarian Chromatographic Society 2010 A.J.P. Martin Gold Medal of the Chromatographic Society (United Kingdom) 2010 American Chemical Society Award in Analytical Chemistry 2009 Listed in “Who’s Who in America”, 2004 2004 Pittsburgh Conference Award in Analytical Chemistry Award of Society for Analytical Chemists of Pittsburgh, 2004 2001-2002 Award for Outstanding Contributions to Postbaccalaureate, Graduate, and Professional Education, University of Minnesota Alumni Association, 2002 2000 Award for Outstanding Achievements in Separation Science of the Eastern Analytical Symposium, 2000 1996 American Chemical Society Award in Chromatography, 1997 1996 Stephen Dal Nogare Award of the Delaware Valley Chromatography Forum, 1996 Co-chair and Program Organizer, International Conference on Column Liquid Chromatography, Minneapolis, 1994 Award in the Fields of Analytical Chemistry of the Eastern Analytical Symposium, 1993 Benedetti-Pichler Award, sponsored by the American Microchemical Society, 1990 Merit Award, Chicago Chromatography Discussion Group, 1987 R.S. Palmer Award, Minnesota Chromatography Forum, 1984 Research Fellow, Analytical Division of the American Chemical Society, 1967 NDEA Fellow, Pennsylvania State University, 1965-1968


Analytical & Bioanalytical Chemistry/Environmental & Green Chemistry/Nanoscience & Materials Chemistry

Ceramic supports for HPLC; materials chemistry in large scale biological chromatography, ultra stable stationary phases for environmental analysis.


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S.R. Rutan, J.M. Davis, and P.W. Carr, “Fractional coverage metrics based on ecological home range for calculation of the effective peak capacity in comprehensive two-dimensional separations”, J. Chromatogr, A, 1255, 267-276 (2012), P. G. Boswell, P. W. Carr, J.D. Cohen and A.D. Hegeman, “Easy and accurate calculation of programmed temperature gas chromatographic retention times by back-calculation of temperature and hold-up time profiles” J. Chromatogr., A, 1263, 179-188 (2012), R.C. Allen, M.G. John, S.C. Rutan, M.R. Filgueira, P.W. Carr, “Effect of background correction on peak detection and quantification in online comprehensive two-dimensional liquid chromatography using diode array detection” J. Chromatogr. A, 1254, 51-61 (2012), M.R. Filgueira, C.B. Castells, and P.W. Carr, “A Simple Robust Orthogonal Background Correction Method for Two-Dimensional Liquid Chromatography. Anal. Chem., 84 (15), 6747-6752 (2012), C. Paek, Y. Huang, M. Filgueira, A.V. McCormick, and P.W. Carr, “Development of a Carbon Clad Core-Shell Silica for High Speed Two-Dimensional Liquid Chromatography.” J Chromatogr. A 1229, 129-139 (2012). Y. Zhang, H. Luo, and P.W. Carr, “Silica-Based, Hyper-Crosslinked Acid stable Stationary Phases for High Performance Liquid Chromatography.” J Chromatogr. A 1228, 110-124 (2012). L.R. Snyder, J.W. Dolan, D.H. Marchand, and P.W. Carr, “The Hydrophobic-Subtraction Model of Reversed-Phase Column Selectivity.” Advances in Chromatography 50, 297-376 (2012). P.W. Carr, J.M. Davis, S.C. Rutan, and D.R. Stoll, “Principles of Online Comprehensive Multidimensional Liquid Chromatography.” Advances in Chromatography, 50, 139-235 (2012). Y. Zhang, Y. Huang, and P.W. Carr, “Optimization of the Synthesis of a Hyper-Crosslinked Stationary Phases: A New Generation of Highly Efficient, Acid-Stable Hyper-Crosslinked Materials for HPLC.” Journal of Separation Science 34(12), 1407-1422 (2011). H. Gu, Y. Huang, M. Filgueira, and P.W. Carr, “Effect of First Dimension Phase Selectivity in Online Comprehensive Two Dimensional Liquid Chromatography (LC x LC).” J. Chromatogr. A 1218(38), 6675-6687 (2011). L.W. Potts, and P.W. Carr, “Approximate and Exact Equations for Peak Capacity in Isocratic High-Pressure Liquid Chromatography.” Anal. Chem. 83(20), 7614-7615 (2011). M.R. Filgueira, Y. Huang, K. Witt, C Castells, and P.W. Carr, “ Improving Peak Capacity in Fast Online Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Liquid Chromatography with Post- first-Dimension Flow Splitting,” Anal. Chem. 83(24), 9531-9539 (2011).
