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教育背景 1996.9-2000.7 中国科学技术大学物理系,学士 2000.9-2005.7 中国科学院物理研究所,硕-博研究生,博士 工作履历 2017.4-至今 郑州大学物理工程学院,教授,博士生导师 2019.2-至今 国家自然科学基金委数理学部,流动项目主任 2009.4-2017.3 中国科学院物理研究所,副研究员,博士生导师 2009.1-2009.4 美国路易斯安娜州立大学物理与天文系,研究助理 2007.5-2008.12 美国佛罗里达国际大学物理系,研究助理 2007.1-2007.4 美国加州大学戴维斯分校化工与材料系,博士后 2005.7-2006.12 美国阿拉巴马大学信息材料研究中心,博士后 科研项目: 1.国家自然科学基金面上项目:氧空位及氧空位长程有序对过渡金属氧化物异质结构新奇物性的调控;项目编号:11574365;资助金额:73万;时间:2016.1-2019.12;项目主持。 2.河南省教育厅高校创新团队:外场对钙钛矿材料的功能调控;时间:2020.1-2022.12;团队带头人。 3.国家自然科学基金青年基金:光学二次谐波研究过渡金属氧化物薄膜和异质结的界面特性;项目批准号:11004238;资助金额:23万;时间:2011.1-2013.12;项目主持。 4.国家重点基础研究发展计划项目(量子调控专项)-课题3:界面结构的精控生长与光学性质调控;课题批准号:2012CB921403;资助金额:650万;时间:2012.1-2016.8;学术骨干。 5.国家重点基础研究发展计划项目(973计划)-课题6:介观结构新型氧化物紫外/深紫外光电探测及器件研究;课题批准号:2013CB328706;资助金额:580万;时间:2013.1-2017.8;学术骨干。 6.国家自然科学基金重点基金:氧化物低维结构的光物理研究;项目批准号:11134012;资助金额:310万;时间:2012.1-2016.12;学术骨干。 奖励荣誉 2010年 《饶毓泰基础光学奖》优秀奖 学术成果 发表SCI收录论文120多篇,其中包括Adv.Mater.、Adv. Sci.、Adv. Funct. Mater.、Nano Lett.、Chem. Mater.、ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces、Phys. Rev. B、APL等。SCI论文被引用2100多次,H因子24。申请专利8项,获授权6项。在国际国内会议上做邀请报告30余次。


1.过渡金属氧化物薄膜及其新奇物性研究 2.氧化物界面新奇物性 3.电催化、光催化


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1.Lingrui Wang, Panpan Yao, Fei Wang*, Shunfang Li, Yaping Chen, Tianyu Xia, Erjia Guo, Kai Wang*, Bo Zou, and Haizhong Guo*,Bandgap Optimizing of Lead-Free Halide Double Perovskite (NH4)2SeBr6 by Pressure-Induced Br-Br Bonds Re-organization, Advanced Science, 1902900 (2020). 2.Yuepeng Lv, Sibin Duan, Yuchen Zhu, Haizhong Guo, Rongming Wang*, Interface control and catalytic performances of Au-NiSx heterostructures, Chemical Engineering Journal 382, 122794 (2020). 3.J. Tian, H. Wu, Zhen Fan, Yang Zhang, S. Pennycook, D. Zheng, Z. Tan, Haizhong Guo, P. Yu, X. Lu, G. Zhou, X. Guo, Jun-ming Liu, Nanoscale Topotactic Phase Transformation in SrFeOx Epitaxial Thin Films for High‐Density Resistive Switching Memory, Advanced Materials 31, 1903679 (2019). 4.Jin Zhang, Jin Zhang, Chao Lian, Mengxue Guan, Wei Ma, Huixia Fu, Haizhong Guo, and Sheng Meng*, Photoexcitation Induced Quantum Dynamics of Charge Density Wave and Emergence of a Collective Mode in 1T-TaS2, Nano Lett. 19, 6027-6034 (2019). 5.Bingbing Zhang*, Xu He, Jiali Zhao, Can Yu, Haidan Wen, Sheng Meng, Eric Bousquet, Yuelin Li, Chen Ge, Kuijuan Jin, Ye Tao*, and Haizhong Guo*, Giant photoinduced lattice distortion in oxygen vacancy ordered SrCoO2.5 thin films, Phys. Rev. B 100, 144201 (2019). 6.Jiali Zhao, Yi Luo, Jia-Ou Wang, et al., and Haizhong Guo*, Electronic structure evolutions driven by oxygen vacancy in SrCoO3−x films, Sci. China. Materials 62, 1162 (2019). 7.Guoqiang Li, Qianyun Shen, Zhenzhong Yang, Shiwen Kou, Feng Zhang, Weifeng Zhang, Haizhong Guo, Yingge Du, Photocatalytic behaviors of epitaxial BiVO4 (010) thin films,Applied Catalysis B: Enviromental 248, 115 (2018). 8.Le Wang, Kelsey A. Stoerzinger*, Lei Chang, Jiali Zhao, Yangyang Li, Chi Sin Tang, Xinmao Yin, Mark E. Bowden, Zhenzhong Yang, Haizhong Guo, Lu You, et al., Tuning Bifunctional Oxygen Electrocatalysts by Changing the A-Site Rare-Earth Element in Perovskite Nickelates, Advanced Functional Materials 28, 1803712 (2018). 9.Jiali Zhao, Haizhong Guo*, Xu He, Xiaolong Li, Kui-juan Jin*, Chen Ge, Meng He, Youwen Long, Jia-ou Wang, Haijie Qian, Can Wang, Huibin Lu, Guozhen Yang, and Kurash Ibrahim*, Manipulating the structural and electronic properties of epitaxial SrCoO2.5 thin films by tuning the epitaxial strain, ACS Appllied Materials & Interfaces 10 (12), 10211 -10219 (2018). 10.Zhaomeng Gao, Xiushi Huang, Pei Li, Longfei Wang, Ling Wei, Weifeng Zhang*, and Haizhong Guo*, Reversible Resistance Switching of Two-Dimensional Electron Gas at LaAlO3/SrTiO3 Heterointerface, Advanced Materials Interfaces 5, 1701565 (2018). 11.Wenfeng Xiang*, Yi Liu, Xin Wang, Minghao Hu, and Haizhong Guo*, Tunable terahertz transmission properties of the aligned Ni-nanowire arrays, Optics Express 25(24), 30606-30610 (2017). 12.Jun-xing Gu, Kui-juan Jin, Chao Ma, Qing-hua Zhang, Lin Gu, Chen Ge, Jiesu Wang, Hai-zhong Guo, and Guo-zhen Yang, Coexistence of polar distortion and metallicity in PbTi1-xNbxO3, Physical Review B 96, 165206 (2017) . 13.H. Z. Guo, J. O. Wang , X. He , Z. Yang, Q. Zhang , K. J. Jin*, C. Ge , R. Zhao, L. Gu*, Y. Feng, W. Zhou, X. L. Li, Q. Wan, M. He, C. Hong, Z. Guo, C. Wang, H. Lu, K. Ibrahim, S. Meng, H. Yang, and G. Yang, The origin of oxygen vacancies controlling La2/3Sr1/3MnO3 electronic and magnetic properties, Adv. Mater. Interfaces, 3, 1500753 (2016). 14.F. Zhang, W. Ma, H. Z. Guo*, Y. C. Zhao, et al., Interfacial oxygen vacancies as a potential cause of hysteresis in perovskite solar cells, Chem. Mater., 28, 802−812 (2016). 15.X. He, K-j. Jin, H. Z. Guo, and C. Ge, Evolution of the electronic and lattice structure with carrier injection in BiFeO3, Phys. Rev. B 93, 174110 (2016) 16.Haizhong Guo, Ruiqiang Zhao, Kuijuan Jin, Lin Gu, Dongdong Xiao, Zhenzhong Yang, Xiaolong Li, Le Wang, Xu He, Junxing Gu, Qian Wan, Can Wang, Huibin Lu, Chen Ge, Meng He, and Guozhen Yang, Interfacial-Strain-Induced Structural and Polarization Evolutions in Epitaxial Multiferroic BiFeO3(001) Thin Films, ACS Appl. Mater. Inter. 7, 2944 (2015). 17.Z. T. Xu, K. J. Jin, L. Gu, Y. L. Jin, C. Ge, C. Wang, H. Z. Guo, H. B. Lu, R. Q. Zhao, and G. Z. Yang, Evidence for a crucial role played by the oxygen vacancies in LaMnO3 resistive switching memories, Small 8,1279 (2012). 18.E. J. Guo, H. Z. Guo, H. B. Lu, K, J. Jin, M. He, and G. Z. Yang, Structure and characteristics of ultrathin indium tin oxide films, Applied Physics Letters 98, 011905 (2011). 19.H. Z. Guo, Y.Li, D. Urbina, B. Hu, R. Y. Jin, Thang, T. Liu, D. Fobes, Z. Q. Mao, E. W. Plummer, and J. D. Zhang, Dimensionality and doping effects on the core-level spectra of layered ruthenates,Physical Review B 81, 155121 (2010). 20.H. Z. Guo, A. Gupta, M. Varela, S. J. Pennycook, and J. Zhang, Local electronic and magnetic characteristics of La2NiMnO6, Physical Review B 79, 172402 (2009). 21.H. Z. Guo, J. Burgess, E. Ada, S. Street, A. Gupta, M. N. Iliev, T. G. Calvarese and M. A. Subramanian, Influence of oxygen deficiency on the structural and magnetic properties of multiferroic La2NiMnO6thin films,Physical Review B77, 174423 (2008). 22.H. Z. Guo, A. Gupta, Jiandi Zhang, M. Varela, and S. J. Pennycook, Effect of oxygen concentration on the magnetic properties of La2CoMnO6 thin films, Applied Physics Letters 91, 202509 (2007). 23.M. N. Iliev, H. Z. Guo, and A. Gupta, Raman spectroscopy evidence of strong spin-phonon coupling in double perovskite La2NiMnO6, Applied Physics Letters 90, 151914 (2007). 24.P. Padhan, H. Z. Guo, P. LeClair, and A. Gupta, Dielectric relaxation and magnetodielectric response in epitaxial thin films of La2NiMnO6,Applied Physics Letters 92, 022909 (2008).


《物理通报》第十届编辑委员会(2017-2021)编委 全国材料与器件网理事会理事(2018-2023) 郑州大学物理学院教授委员会委员
