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1983.09 — 1993.07 华东师大数学系 学士、硕士、博士 (导师沈光宇教授) 1993.07 — 1995.05 南开大学数学所 博士后(导师严志达院士)、副教授 1995.05 — 1996.10 德国汉堡大学数学所洪堡学者客座研究(导师:国际模单李代数分类学权威H. Strade教授) 1996.10 — 2000.07 华东师大数学系 副教授 2000.08 — 至今 华东师大数学系 教授/博导、代数研究室主任(2004.09-2008.08) 2000.10 — 2001.10 应邀在法国Strasbourg一大法国CNRS的 IRMA 数学所学术访问、并在Quantum Group Seminar作一小时学术报告 2003.09 — 2004.09 加拿大约克大学数学与统计学系访问合作研究、作一小时学术报告、讲学(给York大学Atkinson学院78名本科生上《Linear Algebras and Applications》) 2004.10 — 2004.11 应巴黎高师系主任、著名量子群论学家Rosso教授邀请, 任法国巴黎高师客座(2级)教授, 合作研究 2004.11 — 2005.02 应国际著名模单李代数分类学权威Strade教授邀请和德国研究基金会DFG支持, 任德国DFG-访问客座教授, 在德国汉堡大学数学所合作研究 2005.11起 负责校级学术交流平台《曹锡华数学论坛》运作 2006.03 — 2006.08 受联合国科教文组织支持, 在意大利国际理论物理中心ICTP的数学所学术访问研究半年、并作一小时专题学术报告 2007.07.16 — 7.21 应邀在法国巴黎高师举办的《3rd French-Sino Math Collaboration Conference》作一小时大会专题学术报告 2007.11 — 2007.12 应法国斯特拉斯堡国家科研中心IRMA所前所长、著名量子群与K-理论及非交换几何专家Kassel研究员的邀请, 任斯特拉斯堡大学客座(1级)教授, 合作研究, 并在Quantum Group Semianr作一小时学术报告 2008.03起 任数学系副主任、博士后流动站长、数学学位分委会主席 2008.10.19 — 10.24 第11届《全国代数会议》(张家界),应邀作大会一小时专题学术报告 2009.10.18 — 10.31 应邀在韩国数学会和韩国国家数学科学研究所 NIMS 参加表示论专题的国际会议、应邀作大会报告及NIMS所的学术报告, 并作短期学术访问




查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Notes on two-parameter quantum groups, (II), (with Y.F. Pei), Comm. Algebra 40 (9) (2012), 3202--3220. arXiv:0908.1635v1. Leibniz algebras graded by finite root systems of type C_l, (with D. Liu), Siberian Math. J., 53 (3) (2012), 490--501. Leibniz superalgebras graded by finite root systems, (with D. Liu, L. Zhu), Proceedings of the International Conference on Operads and Universal Algebra, Nankai Series in Pure, Applied Math. and Theoret. Phys. vol. 9 (2012), Edited by C. Bai, L. Guo, J-L. Loday, Tianjin, China, 2010, pp. 51--68. Cyclic homology of strong smash product algebras, (with J. Zhang), Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik. [Crelle′s Journal], Heft 663 (2012), 177---207. Heisenberg Lie color algebras. (with H. Yang), Comm. Algebra, 39 (5) (2011), 1782-1795. Twists and Quantizations of Cartan type S Lie algebras, (with X.L. Wang), J. Pure and Applied Algebra, 215 (6) (2011), 1205---1222. Introduction to co-split Lie bialgebras, (with L.M. Xia),Algebra Represent. Theory, 14 (1) (2011), 191---199. Leibniz algebras graded by finite root systems, (with D. Liu),Algebra Colloq. 17 (3) (2010), 431---446. Convex PBW-type Lyndon basis and restricted two-parameter quantum groups of type B, (with X.L. Wang), arXiv:0812.3343, J. Geom. Phys., 60 (3) (2010), 430---453. Multiparameter quantum groups and quantum shuffles, (I), (with Y.F. Pei, M. Rosso), in Quantum Affine Algebras, Extended Affine Lie Algebras, and Their Applications, Contemporary Mathematics, vol. 506, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2010, pp. 145-171. arXiv:0811.0129. Cosplit Lie superalgebra of type A(m,n), (in Chinese) (with L.M. Xia), Chin. Ann. Math. 30 A (1) (2009), 127--130. Convex PBW-type Lyndon basis and restricted two-parameter quantum groups of type G_2, (with X.L. Wang), Pacific J. Math. 241 (2) (2009), 243–273,arXiv.0811.0209. Two-parameter quantum affine algebra U_{r,s}(\widetilde {sl}_n), Drinfeld realization and quantum affine Lyndon basis, (with M. Rosso, H.L. Zhang),Comm. Math. Phys., 278 (2) (2008), 453—486, arXiv:0812.3107. A cohomological characterization of Leibniz central extensions of Lie algebras, (with Y.F. Pei, D. Liu),Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 136 (2) (2008), 437—447, arXiv.math.QA/0605399. Notes on two-parameter quantum groups, (I), (with Y.F. Pei), Sci. in China, Ser. A. 51 (6) (2008), 1101--1110, arXiv.math.QA/0702298. Two-parameter quantum groups of exceptional type E-series and convex PBW type basis, (with X.T. Bai),Algebra Colloq. 15 (4) (2008), 619--636, arXiv.math.QA/0605179. Quantizations of generalized-Witt algebra and of Jacobson-Witt algebra in the modular case, (with X.L. Wang), Journal of Algebra 312, (2007), 902--929, arXiv.math.QA/0602281. The two-parameter quantum group of exceptional type G_2 and Lusztig′s symmetries, (with Q. Shi),Pacific J. Math. Vol. 230 (2), (2007) 327--346, arXiv.math.QA/0601444. Representations of two-parameter quantum orthogonal and symplectic quantum groups, (with N. Bergeron, Y. Gao), AMS/IP Studies in Advanced Mathematics, vol. 39 (2007), 1--21, arXiv.math.QA/0510124. Universal central extensions of the matrix Leibniz superalgebras sl(m, n, A), (with D. Liu), Comm. Algebra 35, (2007), 1814--1823, arXiv.math.RT/0610579. Drinfeld doubles and Lusztig′s symmetries of two-parameter quantum groups, (with N. Bergeron, Y. Gao),Journal of Algebra 301 (2006), 378--405, arXiv.math.RT/0505614. Leibniz superalgebras and central extensions, (with D. Liu), J. Algebra and Its Applications 5 (6) (2006), 765--780, arXiv.math.RT/0510546. Vertex representations for toroidal Lie algebra of type G_2, (with D. Liu),J. Pure Applied Algebra 198 (2005), 257--279. Steinberg unitary Leibniz algebras, (with D. Liu), Linear Algebra and its Application, 405 (2005), 279--303. Decompositions of bosonic modules of Lie algebras W_{1+\infty} and W_{1+\infty}(gl_n), (with D. Liu), Chin. Ann. of Math.B:4 (2005), 633--642. Quasi L_n filiform Lie algebras, (with B. Ren),Comm. Algebra 33 (2), (2005), 633--648. Irreducible representations for Virasoro-toroidal Lie algebras, (with L.M. Xia), J. Pure Applied Algebra 194 (2004), 213--237. The derivation algebras and 2-cocycles of the algebras of q-differential operators, (with D. Liu),Comm. Algebra 32(11), (2004), 4387--4413. Leibniz central extensions on some infinite-dimensional algebras, (with D. Liu),Comm. Algebra 32 (6), (2004), 2385--2405. Quantum group structure associated to the quantum affine space, Algebra Colloq. 11(4), (2004), 483--492. Realization of quantized algebra of type A as Hopf algebra over quantum space, Comm. Algebra 29 (2), (2001) 529---539. Quantum divided power algebra, q-derivatives, and some new quantum groups,Journal of Algebra 232 (2), (2000), 507---540, arXiv:0902.2858. q-Witt algebra, q-Lie algebra, q-holomorph structure and representations, Algebra Colloq.6 (1), (1999) 51---70, arXiv.math/0512526. Quantum group structure of q-deformed Virasoro algebra,Lett. Math. Phys. 44 (2), (1998) 99---103. On representations of the Witt algebra, (with G.Y. Shen), Chin. Sci. Bull. 43 (1), (1998) 189---192. Graded modules for the Poisson algebras, Chin. Ann. Math.17B:4, (1996) 515---522. Irreducible constitutes of graded modules for graded contact Lie algebras of Cartan type,Comm. Algebra 22 (14), (1994) 5951---5971. The graded modules for graded contact Cartan algebras,Comm. Algebra 22 (11), (1994) 4475---4497. A class of generalized eta functions and string functions of affine Lie algebras, Chin. Ann. Math.15A:4, (1994) 426—432. 《度量向量空间与典型群引论》(华东师大高年级选修课讲义, 与陈志杰合作编译, 1999)。 论文预印本 Loewy filtration and quantum de Rham cohomology over quantum divided power algebra, (with H.X. Gu), Preprint 2012. Twists and Quantizations of Cartan type H Lie algebras, (with Z.J. Tong, X.L. Wang), Preprint 2012. Vertex representations of two-parameter quantum affine algebras U_{r,s}(\widehat{\frak{g}}): the simply-laced cases, (with H.L. Zhang), Preprint 2006—2007. Vertex representations of two-parameter quantum affine algebras U_{r,s}(\widehat{\frak{g}}): the nonsimply-laced cases, (with H.L. Zhang), Preprint 2006—2007. Lyndon words, convex PBW bases and their R-matrices for the two-parameter quantum groups of B_2,C_2,D_4 types, (manuscript) 2005. Realization of U_q(sp_2n) within the q-differential algebra on quantum symplectic space, (with J. Zhang), Preprint 2007. Vertex representations for toroidal Lie algebra of type C , (with L.M. Xia), Preprint 2005. Vertex representations for twisted affine Lie algebra of type A_2l^(2), (with L.M. Xia), (submitted), Preprint 2005. The theory of the Cartan type q-Lie algebras and noncommutative geometry on the Manin’s quantum affine space, I (with C. Kassel and H. Strade), Preprint 2001.


(1)2004.10.21---2004.11.21‚ 应巴黎高师系主任、著名量子群论学家Rosso教授邀请‚ 任法国巴黎高师客座(2级)教授‚ 合作研究。 (2)2004.11.22---2005.2.28‚ 应国际著名的模单李代数分类学权威Strade教授的邀请和德国研究基金会DFG的支持‚ 任德国DFG-访问客座教授‚ 在德国汉堡大学数学所合作研究。 (3)2007.11.6---2007.12.6‚ 应法国斯特拉斯堡国家科研中心IRMA数学所前所长、著名的量子群与K-理论及非交换几何专家Kassel资深研究员的邀请‚ 任路易斯巴斯特大学客座(1级)教授‚ 合作研究‚ 并作学术报告。 (4)2005.11---至今‚ 负责《曹锡华代数论坛》和《曹锡华数学论坛》校级学术交流平台运作事务。 (5)2008.03---2012.06‚ 任华东师大数学系副主任、数学与统计学学位分委会主席、兼任华东师大数学博士后流动站站长。
