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教育经历 2003-2008 社会学博士 加州大学洛杉矶分校 2003-2005 社会学硕士 加州大学洛杉矶分校 2000-2003 经济学硕士 北京大学人口研究所 1995-1999 经济学学士 北京大学经济学院 工作经历 2008至今, 中国人民大学社会与人口学院




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齐亚强、张子馨. “转型社会中的人际信任及其变迁”,《社会学评论》2022(2):124-144. 齐亚强、牛建林. “家庭成就观的代际传承及其对青少年教育获得的影响”,《青年研究》2021(6):13-26. Qi, Yaqiang, Tongxin Liang, and Hua Ye. 2020. “Occupational status, working conditions and health: Evidence from the 2012 China Labor Force Dynamics Survey.” Journal of Chinese Sociology 7(14). Liang, Ying, and Yaqiang Qi. 2020. “Developmental trajectories of adolescent overweight/obesity in China: Socio-economic status correlates and health consequences.” Public Health 185: 246-253. Niu, Jianlin, and Yaqiang Qi. 2020. “The educational differential in fertility in transitional China: Temporal and regional variation.” Demographic Research 42: 657-688. (Corresponding author) 梁童心、齐亚强、叶华. “职业是如何影响健康的?基于2012年中国劳动力动态调查的实证研究”,《社会学研究》2019(1):193-217. (通讯作者) 齐亚强、李琳. “中国预期寿命变动的地区差异及其社会经济影响因素:1981-2010”,《中国卫生政策研究》2018(8):29-35. 孔国书、齐亚强. “影响居民肥胖的社会经济因素:性别与城乡差异”,《社会学评论》2017(5):79-96. 牛建林、齐亚强. “中国医疗保险的地区差异及其对就医行为的影响”,《社会学评论》2016(6):43-58. 齐亚强、梁童心. “地区差异还是行业差异?双重劳动力市场分割与收入不平等”,《社会学研究》2016(1):168-190. Qi, Yaqiang, and Tongxin Liang. 2016. “Regional segregation or industrial monopoly? Dual labor market segmentation and income inequality in China.” Journal of Chinese Sociology 3: DOI 10.1186/s40711-016-0048-8. Niu, Jianlin, and Yaqiang Qi. 2015. “Internal migration and health stratification in urban China.” Asian and Pacific Migration Journal 24: 432-462. Qi, Yaqiang, and Jianlin Niu. 2015. “Does childhood nutrition predict health outcomes during adulthood? Evidence from a population-based study in China.” Journal of Biosocial Science 47: 650-666. 齐亚强、牛建林. “地区经济发展与收入分配状况对我国居民健康差异的影响”,《社会学评论》2015(2):65-76. 梁童心、齐亚强. “对社会资本与健康关系研究的回顾与反思”,《天津社会科学》2015(2):103-104. 齐亚强. “自评一般健康的信度和效度分析”,《社会》2014(6):196-215. Qi, Yaqiang, and Jianlin Niu. 2013. “Health selection effects in China's internal migration.” Asian Population Studies 9: 142-155. Qi, Yaqiang. 2012. “The impact of income inequality on self-rated general health: Evidence from a cross-national study.” Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 30: 451-471. Qi, Yaqiang, and William M. Mason. 2012. “Prenatal sex-selective abortion and high sex ratio at birth in the rural Henan province, China.” Chinese Sociological Review 44: 34-55. Treiman, Donald J., Yao Lu, Yaqiang Qi. 2012. “New Approaches to Demographic Data Collection.” Chinese Sociological Review 44: 56-92. 周彬、齐亚强. “收入不平等与个人健康——基于2005年中国综合社会调查的实证分析”,《社会》2012(5):130-150. (通讯作者) 齐亚强、牛建林. “教育的再生产:代际传承与变迁”,《中国人民大学教育学刊》2012(1):37-56. 齐亚强、牛建林、威廉•梅森、唐纳德•特雷曼. “我国人口流动中的健康选择机制研究”《人口研究》2012 (1):102-112. 齐亚强、牛建林. “新中国成立以来我国婚姻匹配模式的变迁”,《社会学研究》2012 (1):106-129. 牛建林、齐亚强. “中国社会经济发展的地区差异对男女教育均衡的影响”,《中国人口科学》2010(S1):132-141. 齐亚强、牛建林. “当前我国完全母乳喂养的性别差异”,《南方人口》2009(2):1-8. Treiman, Donald, William Mason, Yao Lu, Yi Pan, Yaqiang Qi, and Shige Song. 2005. “Observations on the Design and Implementation of Sample Surveys in China.” Social Transformations in Chinese Society 1: 81-111.
