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2016年博士毕业于浙江大学,在读博期间, 获得国家留学基金委资助赴美留学。主要从事环境中非可培养微生物的复苏培养、污染环境微生物修复、特殊微生物资源开发及微生物生态等方向的研究。目前已发表SCI论文30余篇,其中以第一作者或通讯作者发表于Chemical Engineering Journal、Bioresource Technology、Journal of Cleaner Production、Science of The Total Environment、Chemosphere等环境领域优秀SCI期刊论文20篇(其中SCI二区及以上论文12篇), 一级期刊论文2篇, 核心期刊论文5篇。作为第一发明人授权国家发明专利2项。作为项目负责人主持国家自然基金青年基金项目、浙江省自然科学基金青年基金项目、金华市科技计划项目、浙江省重点实验室开放课题等5项课题,作为骨干参与国家自然基金面上基金项目、浙江省科技计划项目、企业招标项目等6余项课题的实施。担任浙江省和国家自然科学基金委的通讯评审专家,并担任Soil Biology and Biochemistry、Bioresource Technology、Journal of Hazardous Materials、Science of the Total Environment、Environmental Pollution等10余种环境领域期刊独立审稿人。 ◆研究简介: 利用纯培养技术仅能对自然界0.01%-10%的微生物进行培养鉴定, 其余90%以上的微生物处于“活的但非可培养”(viable but non-culturable, VBNC)状态。虽然基于非培养手段可以获取自然界微生物多样性及群落结构等信息, 但很难进一步开发其功能。目前, VBNC状态菌的研究主要集中于医学领域中的潜在病原菌发现、疫苗研制, 及农业系统中食源性病原菌的检测等。从寻找新的菌种资源及环境功能菌角度研究VBNC 状态菌的复苏培养则刚处于起步阶段。因此, 我们的研究主要关注各种污染环境中的VBNC状态菌群, 研究环境污染物胁迫诱导微生物进入VBNC的机理。同时, 利用复苏促进因子(resuscitation-promoting factor, Rpf)探索污染环境中难培养或非可培养菌群, 挖掘具有脱氮、除磷、除臭、絮凝、降解持久性有机污染物(POPs)等环境功能的特殊菌种资源, 探明Rpf“唤醒”VBNC状态菌的机制。 ◆学习与工作经历: 2019.12--至今:浙江师范大学, 地理与环境科学学院, 环境科学系, 副教授; 2016.09-2019.12:浙江师范大学, 地理与环境科学学院, 环境科学系, 讲师; 2015.08-2016.09:美国东北大学, 生命科学学院, 微生物学, 联培博士; 2012.09-2016.09:浙江大学, 环境与资源学院, 环境工程, 工学博士; 2009.09-2012.06:浙江师范大学, 生化学院, 生态学, 理学硕士; 2005.09-2009.06:浙江师范大学, 生化学院, 环境科学, 理学学士 ◆主要科研项目: [1] 国家自然科学基金青年项目, “基于复苏VBNC菌的强化微生物修复PCBs污染土壤及其作用机制(41701354)” 2018.01-2020.12, 主持; [2] 浙江省自然科学基金面上项目,“水稻土中复苏促进因子介导的加速PCBs脱氯降解及其机理研究(LY21D010006)” 2021.01-2023.12, 主持; [3] 浙江省自然科学基金青年项目, “基于藤黄球菌EOM 的高效PCBs 降解菌复苏培养及其机理研究(Q17D010002)” 2017.01-2019.12, 主持; [4] 浙江省科技计划项目, “基于复苏促进因子促生的高盐含酚废水生物强化处理技术研究(2017F30030)” 2017.01-2017.12, 子课题主持; [5] 浙江省科技计划项目,“浦阳江流域(浦江段)水功能区达标与环境健康改善对策研究-浦阳江流域底泥微生物群落结构及其潜在功能性研究(2016A019)” 2016.07-2018.3, 子课题主持; [6] 浙江省环境污染控制技术研究重点实验室开放课题,“基于VBNC菌种复苏的印染废水生物强化及深度处理技术研究” 2017.01-2018.12, 主持; [7] 金华市科技计划项目, “基于功能菌种促生的农村垃圾分类发酵阳光房快速堆肥技术研究(2018-4-007)”2018.07-2020.6, 主持; [8] 金华市科协重点学术研究项目,“ 农村垃圾资源化利用及污染防治关键技术的研究与推广” 2017.01-2017.8, 主持; [9] 国家自然科学基金青年项目, “群体感应猝灭菌控制垃圾渗滤液MBR膜污染性及作用机制(51808501)” 2019.01-2021.12, 参与; [10] 浙江省科技厅公益应用项目,“富营养水体可持续深度净化关键技术的研发与应用” 2017.01-2019.12, 参与。 [11] 金华市科技计划项目,“ 强化餐厨垃圾/污泥协同预处理及厌氧共消化集成技术研究与示范(2018-4-005)” 2018.07-2020.6, 参与 ◆发明专利 [2] 苏晓梅; 张硕; 张云鸽; 丁林贤; 林红军; 陈建荣; 一种藤黄球菌固定化小球的制备方法及其应用, 2019-06-18, 中国, ZL201611159631.3. [1] 苏晓梅; 沈超峰; 胡金星; 秦智慧; 黄荣浪; 一种利用促进剂SRpf富集高效联苯降解菌群的方法, 2015-01-28, 中国, ZL201310254289.5. ◆学术报告 [3] 2017.8:第四届污染生态学国际学术研讨会, 长沙, 专题报告; [2] 2013.11:全国博士生学术论述-环境科学与工程前沿, 杭州, 大会场报告; [1] 2013.10:2013年中国微生物学会学术年会, 昆明, 分会场报告。 ◆获奖情况 [4] 2015年 浙江大学博士生国家奖学金; [3] 2013年 全国博士生学术论坛优秀学术报告; [2] 2012年 荣获浙江省高校“优秀毕业生”荣誉称号; [1] 2010年 浙江省第七届“挑战杯”省赛三等奖。 ◆教学情况 为本科生(中文班和英文班)主讲《专业英语》、《环境微生物学》和《生物化学》课程, 为研究生开设《环境工程微生物》和《Theoretical Forefront of Environment》课程。 ◆学生指导 指导本科毕业论文共计20人。指导研究生毕业论文10人。指导本科生获2018年国家级大学生创新创业训练项目立项(201810345031), 并指导本科生获2017年新苗人才计划项目立项(2017R404026), 验收结果为A等优秀,及2020年新苗人才计划项目立项(2020R404039)。指导本科生获院第十四期及第十五期院课题立项资助5项。指导本科生参加第十一届全国大学生节能减排社会实践与科技竞赛获“三等奖”,指导本科生参加浙江师范大学“互联网+”创新创业大赛获“二等奖”。




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[40] Su Xiaomei, Li Si, Xie Mengqi, Tao Linqin, Zhou Yan, Xiao Yeyuan, Lin Hongjun, Chen Jianrong, Sun Faqian*. Enhancement of polychlorinated biphenyl biodegradation by resuscitation promoting factor (Rpf) and Rpf-responsive bacterial community. Chemosphere, 2021, 263: 128283. (SCI 2区top, IF2019=5.778, 链接) [39] Cai Jiafang, Pan Aodong, Li Yilin, Xiao Yeyuan, Zhou Yan, Chen Chongjun, Sun Faqian*, Su Xiaomei*. A novel strategy for enhancing anaerobic biodegradation of an anthraquinone dye reactive blue 19 with resuscitation-promoting factors. Chemosphere, 2021, 263: 127922. (SCI 2区top, IF2019=5.778, 链接) [38] Sun F.Q., Zhang W.J., Jiang G.L., Liu Y.X., Wu S.W., Wu D., Su Xiaomei*, Chen J.R., Lin H.J., Zhou Y*., Effective biological nitrogen process and nitrous oxide emission characteristics for the treatment of landfill leachate with low carbon-to-nitrogen ratio, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 268: 122289. (SCI 1区top, IF2019=7.32, 链接) [37] Yu C.N., Liu Y.D., Jia Y.Y., Su Xiaomei, Lu L., Ding L.X., Shen C.F., Extracellular organic matter from Micrococcus luteus containing resuscitation-promoting factor in sequencing batch reactor for effective nutrient and phenol removal, Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 727: 138627. (SCI 1区top, IF2019=5.92, 链接) [36] Wang, Y.Y., Wang, H.L., Wang, X.M., Xiao, Y.Y., Zhou, Y., Su Xiaomei, Cai, J.F., Sun, F.Q.*, 2020. Resuscitation, isolation and immobilization of bacterial species for efficient textile wastewater treatment: A critical review and update. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 730: 139034. (SCI 2区top, IF2019=6.551, 链接) [35] Ye, Z., Li, H.X., Jia, Y.Y., Fan, J.H., Wan, J.X., Guo, L., Su Xiaomei, Zhang, Y., Wu, W.M., Shen C.F.*, Supplementing resuscitation-promoting factor (Rpf) enhanced biodegradation of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) by Rhodococcus biphenylivorans strain TG9T. Environmental Pollution, 2020, 263, 114488. (SCI 2区top, IF2019=5.714, 链接) [34] Cai, J.F., Liu, J.L., Pan, A.D., Liu, J.F., Wang, Y.Y., Liu, J.B., Sun, F.Q.*, Lin, H.J., Chen, J.R., Su Xiaomei, 2020. Effective decolorization of anthraquinone dye reactive blue 19 using immobilized Bacillus sp. JF4 isolated by resuscitation-promoting factor strategy. Water Science and Technology, 2020, 81(6): 1159-1169. (SCI 4区, IF2019=1.638, 链接) [33] Su Xiaomei, Wang Y.Y., Xue B.B., Hashmi M.Z., Lin H.J., Chen J.R., et al., Impact of resuscitation promoting factor (Rpf) in membrane bioreactor treating high-saline phenolic wastewater: Performance robustness and Rpf-responsive bacterial populations. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019, 357, 715-723. (SCI 1区top, IF2018=8.355, 链接) [32] Su Xiaomei, Cai, J.F., Xiao, Y.Y., Tao, L.Q., Hashmi, M.Z., Lin, H.J., Chen, J.R., Mei, R.W., Sun, F.Q., Aerobic degradation of 3,3′,4,4′-tetrachlorobiphenyl by a resuscitated strain Castellaniella sp. SPC4: Kinetics model and pathway for biodegradation. Science of The Total Environment, 2019, 688, 917-925. (SCI 2区top, IF2018=5.589, 链接) [31] Su Xiaomei, Zhou M., Hu P., Xiao Y.Y., Wang Z., Mei R.W., Hashmi M.Z., Lin H.J., Chen J.R., Sun F. Q., Whole-genome sequencing of an acidophilic Rhodotorula sp. ZM1 and its phenol-degrading capability under acidic conditions. Chemosphere, 2019, 232, 76-78. (SCI 2区top, IF2018=5.108, 链接) [30] Su Xiaomei, Xue, B.B., Wang, Y.Y., Hashmi, M.Z., Lin, H.J., Chen, J.R., Mei, R.W., Wang, Z., Sun, F.Q., Bacterial community shifts evaluation in the sediments of Puyang River and its nitrogen removal capabilities exploration by resuscitation promoting factor. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2019, 179, 188-197. (SCI 2区, IF2018=4.527, 链接) [29] Mei, R., Zhou, M., Xu, L., Zhang, Y., Su Xiaomei*, Characterization of a pH-tolerant strain Cobetia sp. SASS1 and its phenol degradation performance under salinity condition. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2019, 10:2034 (SCI 2区, IF2018=4.30, 链接) [28] Su Xiaomei, Wang, Y.Y., Xue, B.B., Zhang, Y.G., Mei, R.W., Zhang, Y., Hashmi, M.Z., Lin, H.J., Chen, J.R., Sun, F.Q., Resuscitation of functional bacterial community for enhancing biodegradation of phenol under high salinity conditions based on Rpf. Bioresource Technology, 2018, 261, 394–402. (SCI 1区top, IF2017=5.807, 链接) [27] Su Xiaomei, Zhang, S., Mei, R.W., Zhang, Y., Hashmi, M.Z., Liu, J.J., Lin, H.J., Ding, L.X., Sun, F.Q., Resuscitation of viable but non-culturable bacteria to enhance the cellulose-degrading capability of bacterial community in composting. Microbial Biotechnology, 2018, 11 (3), 527-536. (SCI 2区, IF2017=3.913, 链接) [26] Ke, Q., Zhang, Y.G., Wu, X.L., Su Xiaomei*, Wang, Y.Y., Lin, H.J., Mei, R.W., Zhang, Y., Hashmi, M.Z., Chen, C.J., Chen, J.R.*, Sustainable biodegradation of phenol by immobilized Bacillus sp. SAS19 with porous carbonaceous gels as carriers. Journal of Environmental Management, 2018, 222, 185-189. (SCI 2区, IF2017=4.005, 链接) [25] Su Xiaomei, Bamba, A.M., Zhang, S., Zhang, Y.G., Hashmi, M.Z., Lin, H.J., Ding, L.X., Revealing potential functions of VBNC bacteria in polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) biodegradation. 2018, Letters in Applied Microbiology, 66 (4), 277-283. (SCI 3区, IF2017=1.471, 链接) [24] Li, Z.Q., Zhang, Y.G., Wang, Y.Y., Mei, R.W., Zhang, Y., Hashmi, M.Z., Lin, H.J., Su Xiaomei*, A New Approach of Rpf Addition to Explore Bacterial Consortium for Enhanced Phenol Degradation Under High Salinity Conditions. 2018, Current Microbiology, 75 (8), 1046-1054. (SCI 4区, IF2017=1.373, 链接) [23] Su Xiaomei, Sun, F.Q., Wang, Y.L., Hashmi, M.Z., Guo, L., Ding, L.X., Shen, C.F.*, Identification, characterization and molecular analysisof the viable but nonculturable Rhodococcus biphenylivorans. Scientific Reports, 2015, 5: 18590. (SCI 2区top, IF2015=5.228, 链接) [22] Su Xiaomei, Shen, H., Yao, X.Y., Ding, L.X., Yu, C.N., Shen, C.F.*, A novel approach to stimulate the biphenyl-degrading potential of bacterial community from PCBs-contaminated soil of e-waste recycling sites. Bioresource Technology, 2013, 146: 27-34. (SCI 1区top, IF2015=4.917, 链接) [21] Su Xiaomei, Zhang, Q., Hu, J.X., Hashmi, M.Z., Ding, L.X., Shen, C.F.*, Enhanced degradation of biphenyl from PCB-contaminated sediments: the impact of extracellular organic matter from Micrococcus luteus. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2015, 99: 1989-2000. (SCI 2区top, IF2015=3.376, 链接) [20] Su Xiaomei, Liu, Y.D., Hashmi, M.Z., Ding, L.X., Shen, C.F.*, Culture-dependent and culture-independent characterization of potentially functional biphenyl-degrading bacterial community in response to extracellular organic matter from Micrococcus luteus. Microbial Biotechnology, 2015, 8(3): 569-578. (SCI 2区top, IF2015=3.991, 链接) [19] Su Xiaomei, Guo, L., Ding, L., Qu, K., Shen, C.F*, Induction of viable but nonculturable state in Rhodococcus and transcriptome analysis using RNA-seq. Plos One, 2016, 11(1): e0147593. (SCI 3区, IF2015=3.057, 链接) [18] Hu, J., Wang, Y., Su Xiaomei, Yu, C., Qin, Z., Wang, H., Hashmi, M.Z., Shi, J., Shen, C.F*, Effects of RAMEB and/or mechanical mixing on the bioavailability and biodegradation of PCBs in soil/slurry. Chemosphere, 2016, 155, 479-487. (SCI 2区top, IF2015=3.34, 链接) [17] Wang, Y., Hu, J., Lin, W., Wang, N., Li, C., Luo, P., Hashmi, M.Z., Wang, W., Su Xiaomei, Chen, C., Liu, Y., Huang, R., Shen, C.F*, Health risk assessment of migrant workers' exposure to polychlorinated biphenyls in air and dust in an e-waste recycling area in China: Indication for a new wealth gap in environmental rights. Environment International, 2016, 87, 33-41. (SCI 1区top, IF2015=5.559, 链接) [16] Su Xiaomei, Liu, Y.D., Hashmi, M.Z., Hu, J.X., Ding, L.X., Wu, M., Shen, C.F.*, Rhodococcus biphenylivorans sp. nov., a polychlorinated biphenyl-degrading bacterium. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 2015, 107: 55-63. (SCI 4区, IF2015=1.944, 链接) [15] Su Xiaomei, Chen, X., Hu, J.X., Shen, C.F.*, Ding, L.X., Exploring the potential environmental functions of viable but non-culturable bacteria. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2013, 29(12): 2213-2218. (SCI 4区, IF2015=1.532, 链接) [14] Su Xiaomei, Shen, X.Y., Ding, L.X.*, Yokota, A., Study on the flocculability of the Arthrobactersp., an actinomycete resuscitated from the VBNC state. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2011, 28(1): 91-97. (SCI 4区, IF2015=1.532, 链接) [13] Su Xiaomei, Liu, Y.D., Hu, J.X., Ding, L.X., Shen, C.F.*, Optimization of protein production by Micrococcus luteus for exploring pollutant-degrading uncultured bacteria. SpringerPlus, 2014, 3:117. (SCI 4区, IF2015=0.982, 链接) [12] Sun, F., Su Xiaomei, Kang, T., Wu, S., Yuan, M., Zhu, J., Zhang, X., Xu, F., Wu, W.*, Integrating landfill bioreactors, partial nitritation and anammox process for methane recovery and nitrogen removal from leachate. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6: 27744. (SCI 2区top, IF2015=5.228, 链接) [11] Liu, Y., Su Xiaomei, Lu, L., Ding, L., Shen, C.F.*, A novel approach to enhance biological nutrient removal using a culture supernatant from Micrococcus luteus containing resuscitation-promoting factor (Rpf) in SBR process. Environmental Science Pollution Research, 2016, 23:4498-4508. (SCI 3区, IF2015=2.76, 链接) [10] Hashmi, M.Z., Zhang, J., Li, B., Su Xiaomei, Tariq, M., Ahmad, N., Malik, R.N., Ullah, K., Chen, C., Shen, C., Effects of structurally different noncoplanar and coplanar PCBs on HELF cell proliferation, cell cycle, and potential molecular mechanisms. Environmental Toxicology. 2017, 32(4): 1183-1190. (SCI 3区, IF2016=2.937, 链接) [9] 徐璐宁,王宇洋,薛彬冰,梅荣武,张宇,丁林贤,苏晓梅*, VBNC菌群中好氧反硝化菌种的复苏培养及其脱氮特性,中国科学院大学学报. 2019, 36(4): 545-551. [8] 张硕, 丁林贤, 苏晓梅*, 微生物VBNC 状态形成及复苏机制, 微生物学报. 2018, 58(8): 1331-1339. [7] 张云鸽, 梅荣武, 张宇, 丁林贤, 苏晓梅*, 高盐含酚废水生物处理技术的研究进展及应用前景, 环境工程. 2018, 36(5):11-15+83. [6] 苏晓梅, 丁林贤, 沈超峰. 活的但非可培养功能菌群对多氯联苯降解的探索进展. 微生物学报. 2013, 53(9): 908-914. [5] 苏晓梅, 张慧芳, 丁林贤, 等.复合菌群产絮凝剂MAC37的特征及其在粘合剂废水中的应用. 环境科学研究, 2012,25(3): 340-345. [4] 苏晓梅, 张慧芳, 丁林贤, 等.产絮凝剂复合菌群的培养基及培养条件优化. 华中师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2011,45(3): 450-455. [3] 苏晓梅, 李小忠, 申秀英. 高Alb含量的聚合氯化铝及其絮凝性能的研究. 华中师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2010,44(4): 599-604. [2] 苏晓梅, 李小忠, 申秀英.铝灰渣高效利用的试验研究. 华中师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2010, 44(2): 254-258. [1] 丁林贤, 苏晓梅, 横田明. 活的但非可培养(VBNC) 状态菌的研究进展[J]. 微生物学报, 2011, 51(7): 858-862.
