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黄清,浙江大学“百人计划”研究员,浙江大学传媒与国际文化学院传播研究所博士生导师。2016年获香港中文大学传播学哲学博士(Ph.D. in Communication),曾获香港特区政府研究资助局颁发的2013/2014香港博士研究生奖学金(Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme 2013/14)。主持2019年国家社科基金青年项目、2018年度教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目、2018年度浙江省哲学社会科学规划课题。以第一作者/通讯作者的身份在SSCI期刊 Telematics and Informatics, Chinese Journal of Communication, International Journal of Communication, Public Relations Review等,CSSCI期刊《国际新闻界》、《国外社会科学》和《自然辩证法研究》等发表数篇论文/书评。在ICA和AEJMC等大型国际学术会议上宣读多篇论文。 教育经历 博士阶段(2013年9月—2016年8月):香港中文大学,新闻与传播学院,获传播学哲学博士学位(Ph.D. in Communication)。 硕士阶段(2011年9月—2013年7月)(免试推荐):浙江大学,传媒与国际文化学院,传播研究所,获文学硕士学位(传播学专业)。 本科阶段(2007年9月—2011年7月):浙江大学,传媒与国际文化学院,获文学学士学位(新闻学专业)。 工作经历 浙江大学“百人计划”研究员,浙江大学传媒与国际文化学院传播研究所博士生导师:2018年11月~ 浙江大学传媒与国际文化学院博士后:2016年11月~2018年10月。 主持项目 主持2019年国家社科基金青年项目“移动传播中风险议题显著性演化的新机理研究”(19CXW029)。(在研) 主持2018年度教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目“移动数字媒体中风险传播的信息扩散机制研究”(18YJC860015)。(在研) 主持2018年度浙江省哲学社会科学规划课题“空气污染议题中公众的社交媒体使用对政府信任的影响机制研究”(18NDJC171YB)。(在研) 主持中国博士后科学基金第61批面上资助“空气污染议题中公众的环境风险信息解读机制研究”(2017M611972)。(结题) 黄清.(2020).《数字化风险传播与公众风险感知研究》.杭州:浙江大学出版社. 【内容简介】 进入21世纪,生态环境退化、传染性疾病肆虐、金融市场动荡、新技术应用不当等各类风险事件频繁发生。数字媒体的普及使用使这些风险议题产生广泛的社会心理效应,而建构公众合情合理的风险感知正是促进风险治理的关键环节之一。本书基于理论分析并辅以实证研究,揭示了数字化风险传播中公众风险感知的影响因素及其作用机制,这将有助于了解如何增强个体应对风险的心理韧性,促进建设强韧社会以提升全民防范化解重大风险的能力。 国际学术会议 12. Huang, Q. (2020). From incidental exposure to engagement in online cancer prevention communication in China: The role of optimistic bias about cancer risk perception and altruism. Paper presented at the 70th International Communication Association's Annual Conference. 11. Huang, Q. (2020). Understanding the visibility of digital public relations research: A socio-cognitive structure approach . Paper presented at the 70th International Communication Association's Annual Conference. 10. Huang, Q. (2020). How does incidental exposure to online news influence public trust in regulators? Unveiling the role of perceived risks and perceived news credibility about air pollution in China. Paper presented at the 70th International Communication Association's Annual Conference. 9. Huang, Q. (2019). How people’s news media exposure affects their risk perception of air pollution in China: A cognitive response perspective. Paper presented at the 69th International Communication Association's Annual Conference, Washington, D.C., U.S.. 8. Huang, C. Y-H., & Huang, Q. (2018). The relational turn in public relations research: Signs of a digital-era paradigm shift in communication studies. Paper presented at the 25th International Public Relations Symposium, July, Slovenia. 7. Huang, Q. (2018). Media amplification of public risk perceptions of air pollution in China: A perspective of individuals’ information processing. Paper presented at International Symposium on Communication, Ecology, and Cultural Heritage, June, Beijing. 6. Huang, Q. (2016). Factors that influence public trust in local governments in environmental risks in China: Exploring the effects of media use, perceived dread, and perceived inequality. Paper presented at the 1st PRSC and 9th PRAD Conference, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong. 5. Huang, Q. (2016). What does trust mean in public relations research? A reflection on the vision of public relations. Paper presented at the International Communication Association’s 66th Annual Conference, Fukuoka, Japan. 4. Huang, Q. (2016). Reconceptualizing trust in the context of OPR: An interdisciplinary and synthetic approach. Paper presented at the International Communication Association’s 66th Annual Conference, Fukuoka, Japan. 3. Huang, Q. (2015). Public trust in food safety issues in Mainland China: A comparative study of Yili and Fonterra milk powder contamination crises. Paper presented at the International Communication Association’s 65th Annual Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico. 2. Huang, Y.H., Choy, H.Y., Wu, F., Huang, Q., He, Q., and Xu, D. (2015). Minding the representation gap: Some pitfalls of linear crisis-response theory. Paper presented in the 2015 Annual Conference of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, San Francisco, U.S. 1. Huang, Y. H., Wu, F., and Huang, Q. (2014). The Internet in Public Relations Research: An Analysis and Critique of Its Temporal Development. Paper presented in the 2014 Annual Conference of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Montreal, Canada. 国内学术会议 9.黄清.(2020).How Does Exposure to Multiple Information Sources Influence Public Trust in Government? Evidence fromthe COVID-19 Early Outbreak in China.第一届东南大学公共管理前沿论坛:本土实践与国际视野. 8.黄清、雷思涵、苏思妮、陈淳一.(2020). Mind the Gap: Effects of Socioeconomic Status on Online Cancer Information Seeking among Chinese Adults. 2020中国新媒体传播学年会投稿论文,济南,山东大学。 7.黄清、陈宏亮.(2020).Exploring Urban-Rural Difference in Risk Information Seeking from Official Sources: Evidence from the COVID-19 Early Outbreak in China. 医疗、人文、媒介——“健康中国”与健康传播 2020学术研讨会,北京:北京大学。 6.黄清.(2019).“健康传播与医学传播融合创新专家共识”专家共识研讨会——融合、创新、发展 健康与医学传播高峰论坛.上海:同仁医院。 5.黄清.(2019).From Incidental Exposure to Engagement with Health-Risk Information on Social Media in China: Unveiling the Underlying Mechanism.医疗、人文、媒介——“健康中国”与健康传播 2019 学术研讨会,北京:北京大学。 4.黄清.(2018).数字媒体中风险传播的研究:凸显公众风险感知的情感维度.第十一届中国青年传播学者论坛,西安,西北大学。 3.黄清.(2017). 转基因议题中公众的数字媒体使用对机构信任的影响机制:情感主导的“风险感知”作为中介变量. 第五届长三角青年学者论坛. 杭州:浙江传媒学院。 2.黄清. (2017). 世界一流大学与城市国际品牌的塑造:外国留学生眼中的“浙江大学”与“杭州”.“2017杭州生活与发展国际研讨会”. 浙江大学、光明日报社、杭州发展研究中心主办. 浙江:杭州新侨饭店。 1. 黄清.(2016). “公共关系视角下大学品牌与国家形象研究: 以世界大学排名为切入点”.“创新与融合——国家形象与战略传播”年会. 北京:清华大学。 本科生专业必修课 《策略传播概论》(主讲) 《广告文案写作》(主讲) 研究生课程 《当代传播层面与交叉理论》(参与授课) 奖励荣誉 获香港特区政府研究资助局颁发的2013/2014香港博士研究生奖学金 (Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme 2013/14) 。 获2014/2015香港中文大学 Lion Dr. Francis K. Pan Scholarship奖学金。


风险传播 健康传播 策略传播 传播技术



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14.Chen,H.,Huang,Q.*,Jiang,M.(2020,online first).Empowering Chinese college students to prevent sexual assault in post-MeToo era:An empirical study.Journal of Interpersonal Violence.[SSCI]https://doi.org/10.1177/0886260520917515. 13.Huang,Q.(2020).How does news media exposure amplify publics'perceived health risks about air pollution in China?A conditional media effect approach.International Journal of Communication,14,1705–1724.[SSCI]https://ijoc.org/index.php/ijoc/article/view/13603/3017 12.Huang,Q.(2020).Understanding public perceptions of genetically modified organisms in China:The role that heuristics play during digital media exposure.Chinese Journal of Communication,13(3),293–311.[SSCI] 11.Wu,F.,&Huang,Q*.(2019).The role of mass media in reshaping local governance and its limitations.In The Palgrave Handbook of Local Governance in Contemporary China(pp.267–281).Palgrave Macmillan,Singapore.(*Corresponding author) 10.Huang,Q.(2018).Public trust in local governments and environmental risks in China:The effects of media use,perceived dread,and perceived inequality.Chinese Journal of Communication,11(1),88-104.[SSCI] 9.黄清.(2018).“国外风险传播研究的路径、框架和启示”.《国外社会科学》第6期,137-144.[CSSCI] 8.Huang,Y.H.,Wu,F.,&Huang,Q*.(2017).Does research on digital public relations indicate a paradigm shift?An analysis and critique of recent trends.Telematics and Informatics,34(7),1364-1376.[SSCI](*Corresponding author) 7.黄清.(2016).“传播学的想象力何以可能:评吴飞的《重建巴别塔》”.《国际新闻界》第8期,166-173.[CSSCI] 6.Huang,Q.(2016).Public relations in the nonprofit sector.Public Relations Review,42(2),375-376.[SSCI] 5.Huang,Q.(2016).The role of institutional trust in country-of-origin effect:A comparative study of two milk powder contamination incidents.China Media Research,12(2),52-62.[EBSCO Communication Source] 4.Huang,Q.(2015).Persuasion and power:The art of strategic communication.Public Relations Review,41(04),582-583.[SSCI] 3.Huang,Q.(2015).China’s environmental challenges.International Journal of Communication,9,2930-2932.[SSCI] 2.Huang,Q.(2012).A Semiotic Analysis of China National Publicity Film:From the Perspective of the DIMT Model.China Media Research,8(02),56-62. 1.黃清.(2012).试论再生建筑的生态价值:一种传播生态理念的城市景观.《自然辩证法研究》第6期,92-96.[CSSCI]


浙江大学公共外交与战略传播研究中心副主任 中国新闻史学会全球传播与公共外交委员会秘书
