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工作经历 2009 - 浙江大学经济学院 教育背景 2009年获美国佐治亚大学农业经济学博士学位 2008年获美国佐治亚大学统计学硕士学位 2000年获河海大学管理学硕士学位 教学与课程 本科:中级计量经济学、本土化与现代经济学 研究生:资源与环境经济学、中级计量经济学、经济思想史 部分科研项目 国家社科基金项目,我国城市层面工业分行业环境全要素生产率评估与增长机制研究,负责人,2017. 浙江省社科基金项目,学术发展报告-经济学,负责人,2016. 教育部基地重大项目,低碳经济与民营企业战略转型研究,负责人,2012. 浙江大学恒逸基金项目,低碳经济背景下中国主要行业节能减排及产业结构调整研究,负责人,2011. 浙江省“钱江人才计划”项目,浙江省能源消费与碳排放特征研究,负责人,2010. 美国农业部,Biofuel and Fossil Fuel's Influence on World Commodity Price Levels and Volatility,项目第一参与人,2008 美国农业部,Ethanol, Corn, and Gasoline Price Volatility, 项目第一参与人,2007 奖励荣誉 论文“Ethanol, Corn, and Soybean Price Relations in a Volatile Vehicle-Fuels Market”获Energies 10周年最佳论文奖,2018. 浙江大学先进工作者,2012,2016. 论文“Food versus Fuel:What do Prices Tell Us?”获浙江省第十六届哲学社会科学优秀成果二等奖,2012 论文“Biofuel’s and Fossil Fuel’s Stochastic Prices”获美国南方农业经济学学会(SAEA)优秀博士论文奖,2010 美国佐治亚大学优秀博士生,2009 美国佐治亚大学Rod Ziemer 优秀博士论文奖,2008


资源与环境经济学 应用计量经济学


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Zhang, Z., W. Yang, and J. Ye. Why sulfur dioxide emissions decline significantly from coal-fired power plants in China? Evidence from the desulfurated electricity pricing premium program. Energy Policy 148(2021) 111996. Zhang, Z., W. Cai, and X. Feng. How do Urban Households in China Respond to Increasing Block Pricing in Electricity? Evidence from a Fuzzy Regression Discontinuity Approach. Energy Policy 105(2017): 161-172. Zhang, Z., and J. Ye. Decomposition of Environmental Total Factor Productivity Growth Using Hyperbolic Distance Functions: A Panel Data Analysis for China. Energy Economics, 47(2015): 87-97. Wetzstein, H.Y, Z. Zhang, N. Ravid, and M.E. Wetzstein. Characterization of Attributes Related to Fruit Size in Pomegranate. Hortscience, 46(2011): 908-912. Zhang, Z., C. Qiu, and M.E. Wetzstein. “Blend-wall economics: Relaxing US ethanol regulations can lead to increased use of fossil fuels.” Energy Policy, 38(2010): 3426-3430. Zhang, Z., L. Lohr, C.L. Escalante, and M.E. Wetzstein. “Food versus Fuel:What do Prices Tell Us?” Energy Policy, 38(2010): 445-451. Zhang, Z., L. Lohr, C.L. Escalante, and M.E. Wetzstein. “Ethanol, Corn, and Soybean Price Relations in a Volatile Vehicle-Fuels Market.” Energies, 2(2009): 320-339. Zhu, Q and Z. Zhang. “On Using Individual Characteristics in the MNL Latent Class Conjoint Analysis: An Empirical Comparison of the Nested Approach versus the Regression Approach.” Marketing Bulletin, 20(2009): 1-12. Zhang, Z., and M.E.Wetzstein. 'Economics of Biofuels from a U.S. Perspective: Past and Future.' CAB Reviews: Perspectives in Agriculture, Veterinary Science, Nutrition and Natural Resources, 3(2008): 1-15. Zhang, Z., L. Lohr, C.L. Escalante, and M.E. Wetzstein. 'Mitigating Volatile U.S. Gasoline Prices and Internalizing External Costs: a Win-Win Fuel Portfolio.' American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 90(2008): 1218-1225. Zhang, Z., D.V. Vedenov, and M.E. Wetzstein. 'Can the U.S. Ethanol Industry Compete in the Alternative Fuels Market?' Agricultural Economics, 37(2007):105-112.
