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林宏建,博士,浙江大学“百人计划”研究员,博士生导师。从事农业环境与能源工程及智慧养殖研究,课题组自成立以来,重点关注电氧化脱硫过程应用基础研究、智慧养殖工程中检测与防疫问题应用基础研究。主要面向应用领域包括生物天然气制备、智慧养殖装备开发、农业农村废污水治理等方面。 教育工作经历及主要荣誉 2018.09-至今,浙江大学生工食品学院,“百人计划”研究员(ZJU100-Young Professor)。期间获浙江省特聘专家、丽水市人民政府特聘专家等称号,于ASABE“作物与动物设施系统分会(PAFS)”做“杰出讲座系列”报告 2016.01-2018.07,明尼苏达大学生物制品与生物系统工程,研究员(五级)。期间获ASABE年度Superior Paper Award、获美国环保署与农业部“养分回收挑战”大赛四位获奖队之一等荣誉 2014.01-2015.12,明尼苏达大学生物制品与生物系统工程,博士后 2010.09-2013.11,明尼苏达大学生物制品与生物系统工程,博士。学习期间获ASABE Boyd-Scott和AOC-ABFE论文奖等荣誉 2008.09-2010.08,北达科他州立大学农业与生物系统工程,硕士 2004.09-2008.06,浙江大学生物系统工程,学士。学习期间获浙江大学优秀毕业生、康而达奖学金等荣誉 价值观追求 堂堂正正,宁静致远,追求有灵魂的卓越。 学生培养 生物系统工程(农业工程)专业是综合运用工程技术、生物科学和信息技术,以生物生产以及相关的环境、装备和工程设施为研究对象,为生物的生产、加工与资源的合理利用服务的一门工程技术类学科。课题组重视科学与技术创新,深入农业生产一线;构建沟通、包容、高效、勤奋的研究文化以及团结协作、互相帮衬的集体文化;激发学生探索前沿未知领域的好奇心,为学生提供各层次国际国内学术交流机会,致力于培养高素质的农业工程领域研究人才和工作人员。 -- “You go ahead.You go ahead and sit back in your comfortable chair and you be the critic,you be the observer,while the brave one gets in the ring and engages and gets bloody and gets dirty and fails over and over and over again,but yet isn't afraid and isn't timid and lives life in a bold way.”--Diana Nyad 实验条件 课题组拥有教师办公室(D723)与独立实验室(D122),共享直属团队与合作团队的多个实验室、学生学习室、教师办公室,共享生工食品学院多个教学实验室、会议室、研究生研习室(农生环D719)等。完善的教学科研条件为学生成长、人才培养、课题合作、推广服务提供优质保障。 此外,课题组依托浙江大学农业生物环境与能源工程研究所、浙江大学分析测试中心等,拥有先进精密仪器及专业仪器设备如DIS动物生理信号遥测系统、养殖LED特种光源、深度学习工作站与高性能GPU计算机、计算机视觉系统、温控摇床、光学电子显微镜、气质联机、液质联机、气相色谱、高效液相色谱等。拥有现代化的校级大型仪器共享管理平台,拥有COMSOL软件、激光粒度分析仪、X射线衍射仪、X射线光电子能谱、静态氮气吸附/脱附测试仪、扫描电子显微镜、电感耦合等离子体发射光谱仪、FTIR红外光谱仪等大型仪器。我们也与相关的校内外分析测试服务平台签订服务合同。 在学生培养方面,除常规的课程学习与实验研究外,课题组通过例会、面对面单独指导、微信群等方式及时交流学习进展及生活方面内容。同时,学校提供心理辅导中心服务、学院建有研究生辅导员机制、教师经过师德师风等思政培训,从多个角度培养学生,促进学生全面成长。 课题组退伍 课题组得到浙江大学及国内外多所高校及研究所的学术指导与资源共享。目前全职研究人员及学生构成如下,同时配有行政助理1名,各类科研助理若干名。 张鑫,Xin Zhang,Postdoc Researcher,Assistant Researcher Xin received her Ph.D.from University of Minnesota in Bioproducts and Biosystems Engineering in 2018 and joined Prof.Lin’s group in 2019.She mainly focuses on the research of agricultural waste management and environmental remediation.You can always find Xin,a neat person,works on“dirty”stuffs such as agricultural wastewater,contaminated soil,etc.She hopes to clean the world!When she is not exploring how electrochemical technologies associating with wastewater biogas treatment,she likes to take care of the phosphorus solubilizing fungi and plant growth for fertilizer efficiency improvement as well as phytoremediation.Xin is currently working on electro-oxidation of sulfide for biogas cleaning. Umar Abdulbaki Danhassan,PhD student Umar is from the Kano,the most populated city in the northern Nigeria.He had recieved bachelor of agricultural engineering from Bayero University Kano and MS from University of Putra Malaysia in 2015.Currently,he holds a lecturer l position in the Ahmad Bello University in Nigeria and is a PhD student.He is determined to be as productive as possible in his future endeavors,and plans to enhance the integrated system of adsoption-based electrochemical systems to remediate sulfide water pollutants. 戚日莹,Riying Qi,Research Assistant Riying graduated from South China Agricultural University with master's degree.She won the First-class Academic Scholarship,Outstanding Graduate,and the Three-star Volunteer awarded by China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation,etc.She has published two SCI and one EI papers.Currently she is working on experiment and simulation of electrochemical sulfide removal process on porous metal oxide film.She is determined to making some progress in this field during her doctoral period.“Aspire to inspire,until I expire”has always been her motto. 贺鹏光,Pengguang He,PhD student,2020 Pengguang graduated from Sichuan Agricultural University with a bachelor's degree.He has ranked the first in his grade through the four years'study.He won the National Outstanding University graduate in Water Conservancy,excellent student pacesetter award,Chen Yuxin's First-class Scholarship,National Scholarship,National Encouragement Scholarship,etc.He studied the effects of irrigation frequency and fertilization amount on the growth of rape and citrus seedlings,and authorized 8 patents with his advisor.He is determined to make substantial contribution to the research field of computer vision and animal diseases detection. 吴爱群,Aiqun Wu,MS student,2019 吴爱群,2019年毕业于浙江大学生物系统工程与食品科学学院。致力于电化学原位沼气脱硫的基础研究,有望推进沼气能源化进程。 陈忠浩,Zhonghao Chen,MS student,2020 陈忠浩,本科毕业于四川农业大学,食品科学与工程专业。现就读于浙江大学,为生物系统工程专业硕士研究生,研究方向为机器视觉及深度学习在畜禽业上的应用,致力于实现畜禽养殖业的无人化、智慧化。 何叶帆,Yefan He,undergraduate student,2017 Yefan majors in agricultural and water conservancy engineering in Hohai University.Her academic performance ranks second in her major.She won the National Scholarship,Academic Excellence Scholarship,Science and Technology Innovation Scholarship,etc.She will enroll for a master's degree in 2021 to engage in research related to agricultural biological environmental control. image.png 陈佳轩,Jiaxuan Chen,undergraduate student,2017 Jiaxuan is a junior majored in Agricultural Engineering at Zhejiang University.Her academic performance currently ranked in the top ten in her major.She was awarded the Second-class Scholarship of Zhejiang University,Outstanding Student,Outstanding Academic Pacesetter,Social Work Pacesetter,etc.She is now building fifteen microbial fuel cells to test her novel materials and electrode structures. 牛子昂,Zi’ang Niu,undergraduate student,2017 Zi’ang has been studying at Zhejiang University for three years.He joined professor Lin’s laboratory in 2018 to pursue his great passion on bioenergy and bioprocessing research.Now he is working on biogas upgrading in terms of CO2 removal and reduction.Meanwhile,he participated in Student Research Training Program(SRTP),trying to create a way to accomplish nondestructive testing of kiwifruit.He received Kangerda Second Level Scholarship this year in recognition of his academic performance.He devotes himself to bioenvironmental engineering research such as biomethane(renewable natural gas)production,hoping to probe more on this field in graduate study. 虞欣欣,undergraduate student,2017 招生信息 1、课题组拟招博士后1-2名:有电化学检测与传感、计算机视觉或统计学习等研究背景;QS前100或者国内双一流学校学科;已获博士学位答辩资格或获得博士学位三年内;中国籍不超过35周岁、外籍不超过40周岁;申请者请准备个人简历及学位说明、两封推荐信、成果及奖励清单等材料。博士后可申请聘为浙江大学助理研究员,享受浙江大学子女入学、学校教师公寓优惠或租房补贴、人才补贴、社会保险、职业年金、公积金等政策(具体请见浙江大学博士后待遇相关规定),可根据个人情况申请重点资助、特别资助、普通资助、国际博士后合作引进计划项目等,薪酬依个人情况而定,优秀者若入选引进项目年薪酬为税前30万。在站年限根据研究需要在2-6年内灵活确定。 2、课题组拟招两名左右联合培养、合作培养研究生。有意向的学生请在导师同意且推荐的基础上联系。 3、注:课题组2020年研究生招生名额已经用完了;对科研感兴趣或有意向攻读研究生的学生,可申请本科生科研助理、研究生科研助理。可发我邮箱并做简单的说明。 课程与教学 主讲浙江大学本科生通识课程《生物质能源与可持续利用》(1314N004,1.5学分),2019年春、秋、冬学期 BBE 4502W:Capstone Design(毕业设计),明尼苏达大学,2018年春夏学期 BBE/CHEM 4301:应用表面与胶体科学(授课讲师),明尼苏达大学,2017年秋冬学期 BBE 4733/5733:可再生能源技术(客座讲师),明尼苏达大学,2015-2018年三学期 ABEN 263:生物物料加工(实验部分),北达科他州立大学,2009年春夏学期 主持或共同主持课题或基金 浙江大学农业工程本科生卓越农林计划 中国国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(01/2020-12/2022):不锈钢阳极表面氧化膜对厌氧消化过程原位电催化脱硫的作用机理研究,主持 Rapid Agricultural Response Fund of Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station.01/2016-12/2017.Reducing sulfide generation by electrochemical treatment of liquid manure in deep-pit manure storage systems,共同主持 National Pork Board.05/2015-04/2016.Recovery of phosphorus and fine particles as fertilizer from swine manure,共同主持 Upper Midwest Agricultural Safety and Health Center.07/2015-06/2016.Pilot project to demystify the sudden release of hydrogen sulfide during manure agitation,共同主持 United States EPA.2016.Producing nutrients concentrated bio-solids via AnSBEARs,共同主持 承担或参与课题或基金 省级重点研发计划项目.畜禽养殖业传感技术与装备. UMN MnDRIVE Environment Demonstration Grant.04/2018-03/2020.Demonstration of dry anaerobic digestion coupled with bio-electrochemical system for food waste treatment. BTI Biocatalysis Initiative UMN.01/2015-12/2015.A novel biocatalysis system for nitrogen fertilizer production. Emerson Commercial&Residential Solutions.04/2016-03/2018.Effect of food waste disposers on sludge biodegradability and septic systems. Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund.07/14-06/17.Next Generation Septic Tank Systems. MnDRIVE UMN.05/2014-09/2014.Microbial electrochemical approach to removing sulfide in anaerobic digestion. USDA/CSREES/NRI Air Quality Competitive Grant Program.03/08-02/12.Wet scrubbers for the recovery of NH3 emission from animal feeding operations for fertilizer. 课题组成员承担项目或基金 张鑫,中国国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(01/2021-12/2023):溶铁型解磷真菌有机酸代谢与铁磷的互作机理研究 张鑫,博士后国际交流计划引进项目 同行评议文章 1.Lin,H.,S.Wu,and J.Zhu*.Modeling Power Generation and Energy Efficiencies in Air-Cathode Microbial Fuel Cells Based on Freter Equations.Appl.Sci.2018,8(10),1983. 2.Xu,J.,A.Mustafa,H.Lin,U.Choe,and K.Sheng*.(2018).Effect of hydrochar on anaerobic digestion of dead pig carcass after hydrothermal pretreatment.Waste Manage.,78,849-856. 3.Wang,Y.,H.Lin*,and B.Hu*.2018.Electrochemical Removal of Hydrogen Sulfide from Swine Manure.Accepted for publication in Chem.Eng.J.,10.1016/j.cej.2018.08.171. 4.Lin,H.,W.Liu,J.Gan,Y.Wang,and B.Hu*.2018.Simulation of Hydrogen Sulfide Emission from Deep-pit Manure Storage During Agitation.Accepted for publication in Trans.of the ASABE. 5.Zhang,X.,H.Lin,and B.Hu*.2018.The effects of electrocoagulation on phosphorus removal and particle settling capability in swine manure.Sep.Purif.Technol.,200,112-119. 6.Lin,H.,A.King,N.Williams,and B.Hu*.2017.Hydrogen sulfide removal via appropriate metal ions dosing in anaerobic digestion.Environ.Prog.Sustain.Energy 36:1405-1416. 7.Lin,H.,W.Liu,X.Zhang,N.Williams,and B.Hu*.2017.Microbial electrochemical septic tanks(MESTs):an alternative configuration with improved performance and minimal modifications on conventional septic systems.Biochem.Eng.J.120:146-156. 8.Wu,X.,J.Zhu*and H.Lin.2017.In-depth observations of fermentative hydrogen production from liquid swine manure using an anaerobic sequencing batch reactor.J.Integr.Agric.16:1276-1285. 9.Lin,H.,N.Williams,A.King,and B.Hu*.2016.Electrochemical removal of sulfide by low-cost electrode materials in aqueous media and anaerobic digestion.Chem.Eng.J.297:180-192. 10.Zhang,X.,H.Lin,and B.Hu*.2016.Phosphorus removal and recovery from dairy manure by electrocoagulation.RSC Adv.6:57960-57968. 11.Lin,H.,X.Wu,C.Miller,and J.Zhu*.2016.Electricity generation and nutrients removal from high-strength liquid manure by air-cathode microbial fuel cells.J.Environ.Sci.Health Part A 51:1-11. 12.Lin,H.,X.Wu,and J.Zhu*.2016.Kinetics,equilibrium,and thermodynamics of ammonium sorption from swine manure by natural chabazite.Sep.Sci.Technol.51:202-213. 13.Ye,Y.,C.Zamalloa,H.Lin,M.Yan,D.Schmidt,and B.Hu*.2015.Evaluation of anaerobic co-digestion of dairy manure with food wastes via bio-methane potential assay and CSTR reactor.J.Environ.Sci.Health Part B 50(3):217-227. 14.Lin,H.,X.Wu,B.Hu and J.Zhu*.2014.Microbial Electrochemical Systems for Agro-industrial Wastewater Remediation and Renewable Products Generation:A Review.Arc Micro Biotech 1(1):20.(An invited review for the inaugural issue of the journal) 15.Lin,H.,X.Wu,C.Miller,and J.Zhu*.2014.Pilot-scale field study for ammonia removal from lagoon biogas using an acid wet scrubber.J.Environ.Sci.Health Part B 49(6):439-448. 16.Lin,H.,X.Wu,C.Miller,and J.Zhu*.2013.Improved performance of microbial fuel cells enriched with natural microbial inocula and treated by electrical current.Biomass Bioenerg.54:170-180. 17.Wu,X.,H.Lin,and J.Zhu*.2013.Optimization of continuous hydrogen production from co-fermenting molasses with liquid swine manure in an anaerobic sequencing batch reactor.Bioresour.Technol.136:351-359. 18.Lin,H.,D.M.Haagenson,D.P.Wiesenborn*,and S.Pryor.2011.Effect of trace contaminants on cold soak filterability of canola biodiesel.Fuel 90(5):1771-1777. 19.Haagenson,D.M.,R.L.Brudvik,H.Lin,and D.P.Wiesenborn*.2010.Implementing an in situ alkaline transesterification method for canola biodiesel quality screening.J.Am.Oil Chem.Soc.87(11):1351-1358. 20.Lin,H.,and Y.Ying*.2009.Theory and application of near infrared spectroscopy in assessment of fruit quality:a review.Sens.Instrum.Food Qual.Saf.3(2):130-141. 21.Yu,H.,X.Niu,H.Lin,Y.Ying*,B.Li,X.Pan.2009.A feasibility study on on-line determination of rice wine composition by Vis–NIR spectroscopy and least-squares support vector machines.Food Chem.113(1):291-296. 22.Xie,L.,Y.Ying*,H.Lin,Y.Zhou,X.Niu.2008.Nondestructive determination of soluble solids content and pH in tomato juice using NIR transmittance spectroscopy.Sens.Instrum.Food Qual.Saf.2(2):111-115. 23.Sun,T.,H.Lin,H.Xu,Y.Ying*.2009.Effect of fruit moving speed on predicting soluble solids content of‘Cuiguan’pears(Pomaceae pyrifolia Nakai cv.Cuiguan)using PLS and LS-SVM regression.Postharvest Biol.Tec.51(1):86-90. 24.Yu,H.,H.Lin,Y.Ying*,et al.2008.Prediction of enological parameters and discrimination of rice wine age using least-squares support vector machines and near infrared spectroscopy.J.Agric.Food Chem.56(2):307-313. 学术交流(讲座报告) 部分学术报告 Lin,H.,M.Sinchai,C.Zamalloa,M.Keleman,and B.Hu.2017.Food Waste vs.Sewage Degradation in Septic Tanks:Better Biodegradability and Less Sludge Accumulation.NOWRA Onsite Wastewater Mega-Conference,Dover,DE,Oct.22-25. X.,Zhang,H.Lin and B.Hu.2017.A Pilot-Scale Study of Electrocoagulation for Phosphorus Separation in Liquid Animal Manure.AIChE Annual Meeting,Minneapolis,MN,Oct.29-Nov.3. Y.,Wang,H.Lin and B.Hu.2017.An Electrochemical Method to Remove Aqueous Sulfide from Swine Manure.AIChE Annual Meeting,Minneapolis,MN,Oct.29-Nov.3. Lin,H.,Y.Wang,B.Hetchler,et al.2017.Pilot-Scale Testing of Electrochemical Removal of Hydrogen Sulfide in Deep-Pit Swine Manure Storage.AIChE Annual Meeting,Minneapolis,MN,Oct.29-Nov.3. Lin,H.,W.Liu,J.Gang,et al.2017.Investigation of sulfide distribution of swine manure in deep-pit storage.ASABE Annual International Meeting,Spokane,WA,July 16-19. Wang,Y.,H.Lin,and B.Hu.2017.Electrochemical removal of aqueous sulfide from swine manure.ASABE Annual International Meeting,Spokane,WA,July 16-19. Zhang,X.,H.Lin,et al.2017.A pilot-scale study of electrocoagulation for phosphorus separation in liquid animal manure.ASABE Annual International Meeting,Spokane,WA,July 16-19. Lin,H.,W.Liu,X.Zhang,et al.2016.Total phosphorus removal from sewage in microbial electrochemically assisted septic tanks.AIChE Annual Meeting,San Francisco,CA,Nov.13-18. Zhang,X.,H.Lin,C.Zamalloa,et al.2016.Investigation on the mechanisms of improved phosphorus recovery by electrocoagulation in liquid swine manure.ASABE Annual International Meeting,Orlando,FL,July 17-20. Lin,H.,W.Liu,B.Hu.2016.Distribution of hydrogen sulfide in Minnesota foaming and non-foaming deep-pit swine barns.The National Occupational Research Agenda(NORA)Symposium,Mayo Memorial Auditorium,Minneapolis,MN,May 4th. Lin,H.,X.Zhang,and B.Hu.Producing Nutrients Concentrated Bio-solids via AnSBEARs:an integrated pathway.Nutrient Recycling Challenge Summit,White House EEOB,Washington,DC,March 30th,2016. Gan,J.,H.Lin,B.Hu.2015.Phosphorus removal from manure by fungi assimilation and adsorption.ASABE Annual International Meeting,New Orleans,LA,July 26-29. Rajendran,A.,B.Hu,J.Gan,H.Lin,Y.Zhang,Q.He.2015.Effect of process variables on the attached co-cultures of a fungi and algae in ethanol co-products for nutrient recovery.ASABE Annual International Meeting,New Orleans,LA,July 26-29. Lin,H.,N.Williams,Q.He,et al.2014.Electrochemical approach for removal of H2S and inorganic nutrients in anaerobic digestion.AIChE Annual Meeting,Atlanta,GA,November 16-21. Gan,J.,B.Hu,H.Lin,et al.2014.Phosphorus recovery from manure by thermochemical-biological process.AIChE Annual Meeting,Atlanta,GA,November 16-21. He,Q.,J.Gan,H.Lin,et al.2014.Acid extraction of the phytate from various corn ethanol coproducts.AIChE Annual Meeting,Atlanta,GA,November 16-21. Zamalloa,C.,H.Lin,and B.Hu.2014.Bio-electrochemical assisted anaerobic digestion of the liquid fraction of dairy manure in a UASB reactor,oral presentation at 36th Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals,Clearwater Beach,FL. Lin,H.,X.Wu,C.Miller,and J.Zhu.2013.Electricity generation,and organic matter and nutrients removal using microbial fuel cells for swine wastewater of different pretreatment.ASABE Annual International Meeting,Kansas City,MO,July 21-24. Lin,H.,X.Wu,C.Miller,and J.Zhu.2013.Pilot-scale field study for ammonia removal from lagoon biogas using an acid wet scrubber.International Biomass Conference&Expo,Minneapolis,MN,April 8-10. Lin,H.,C.Miller,and J.Zhu.2012.Modeling microbial fuel cells(MFC)startup and evaluating effects of inoculum types and current stimulation on MFC performance.ASABE Annual International Meeting,Dallas,TX,July 29-August 1. Lin,H.,D.M.Haagenson,D.P.Wiesenborn,et al.2010.High throughput evaluation of biodiesel:cold soak filtration and oxidative stability properties.ASABE Annual International Meeting,Pittsburgh,PA,June 20-23. Lin,H.,D.M.Haagenson,and D.P.Wiesenborn.2009.Impact of trace contaminants on cold soak filtration test of canola biodiesel.Departmental Seminar of ABEN,Fargo,ND,October 16. Lin,H.,D.M.Haagenson,and D.P.Wiesenborn.2009.Empirical model for high-throughput prediction of cold soak filtration time of canola biodiesel.The 2009 ASABE/CSBE North Central Conference,Brookings,SD,September 18-19. Lin,H.,D.Haagenson,R.Brudvik,D.P.Wiesenborn.2009.Influence of seeds moisture on in situ alkaline transesterification of canola seeds for biodiesel production.ASABE Annual International Meeting,Reno,NV,June 21-24. Haagenson,D.,R.Brudvik,H.Lin,D.P.Wiesenborn.2009.Development of high-throughput measurement of canola biodiesel cold flow properties.100th AOCS Annual Meeting&Expo,Orlando,FL,May 3-5.


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