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王杰,教授,德国洪堡基金获得者、浙江省杰出青年基金获得者,浙江大学工程力学系副主任、应用力学研究所副所长。1994-1998年在西安交通大学攻读工程力学学士学位,毕业后在南昌飞机设计研究所工作一年,1999-2002年在兰州大学攻读固体力学硕士学位,2002-2006年在香港科技大学攻读机械工程学博士学位。2006年7月-2007年8月在香港科技大学从事博士后研究,2007年获得德国洪堡基金,2007年8月至2009年9月在德国卡尔斯鲁厄理工大学任洪堡研究员,2009年9月回国在浙江大学航空航天学院工作,2015年晋升为教授。2010年入选浙江省钱江人才计划,2011年获得浙江省杰出青年基金,2012年获得日本文部省JSPS研究奖学金(JSPS fellow),2012年至2014年在日本京都大学从事访问研究,2015年获得中国力学学会全国徐芝纶力学优秀教师奖。研究兴趣为智能材料与结构力学、铁电与铁磁材料多场耦合力学、材料微结构演化的相场模拟、材料多场耦合性能的第一性原理计算及优化设计等。在Nature Comm.,PNAS,Phys.Rev.Lett.,Ann.Rev.Mater.Res.,Nano Lett.,JMPS,Acta Mater等期刊上发表SCI论文130余篇。 教学与课程 本科生课程: 《弹性力学》秋冬学期(与陈伟球教授和张春利副教授合作) 《材料力学》春夏学期 研究生课程: 《工程力学前沿及应用》(与钱劲教授、宋吉舟教授和赵沛副教授合作) 奖励荣誉 德国洪堡基金2007 浙江省钱江人才计划2010 浙江省杰出青年基金2011 浙江大学优秀班主任2010-2011年度 日本学术振兴会研究奖学金2012 中国力学学会全国徐芝纶力学优秀教师奖2015 浙江省151人才工程2015 工作研究项目 铁磁材料中拓扑磁结构的力学调控,国家自然科学基金面上项目(2020-2023) 铁电材料电热效应的应变调控,国家自然科学基金面上项目(2017-2020) 多铁性材料多卡效应的力学调控,浙江省自然科学基金重点项目(2017-2020) 应变梯度对铁电材料性能的调控研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目(2015-2018) 智能材料和结构的力学与控制,国家基金委创新研究群体(骨干参与成员)(2014-2019) 非均质层状电磁功能材料的界面结构与力学行为,国家自然科学基金重大项目(骨干参与人员)(2011-2014) 铁电/铁磁复合薄膜多场耦合特性的相场研究,国家自然科学基金青年基金(2011-2013) 低维磁电材料的性能调控研究,浙江省杰出青年基金(2011-2013) 压电器件的非线性断裂失效研究,浙江省创新团队自主设计的一般项目(2011-2012) 低维铁电材料的力电耦合特性研究,教育部高校博士点基金(2011-2013) 实验室介绍 本课题组主要研究方向为智能材料与结构,包括铁电/压电、铁弹、铁磁等功能材料以及由这些材料组成的智能结构与器件。具体研究内容包括智能材料与结构在力-电-磁等多场耦合作用下的致动行为,断裂失效行为,材料微结构与性能的关联,材料微结构演化的相场模拟,多场耦合特性的第一性原理研究,以及纳米尺度下的行为和特性。本小组常年招收硕士生、博士生和博士后,欢迎力学、材料、物理、机械类等相关专业的本科生和研究生同学加盟。 小组成员 在站博士后: 张勇(2020年入站,上海交通大学博士) 杨浛(2020年入站,电子科学大学博士) 在读研究生: 2015级:刘畅(博士生,西南交通大学本科) 2015级:侯旭(博士生,哈尔滨工业大学本科) 2016级:张菁桐(博士生,浙江大学本科) 2018级:孙家骏(博士生,浙江大学本科) 2019级:宾诚文(博士生,西南交通大学本科) 2020级:郑斯铮(博士生,西南交通大学本科) 2020级:王进(博士生,华中科技大学本科) 2020级:张振华(硕士生,华中科技大学本科) 2019级:蒋哲鑫(硕士生,浙江大学本科) 2018级:米璋(硕士生,湖南大学本科) 已毕业学生,时间(去向) 博士后: Dr.M.P.K.Sahoo(2014-2016,在印度Rajiv Gandhi university of Knowledge Technologies大学任教) 李会雨(2016-2018) Sankar Prasad Bag(2018-2020) 博士毕业生: 张亚君,2018(比利时烈日大学) 硕士毕业生: 王煜,2020(日本京都大学) 石以诺,2018(北京汽车公司) 李欣凯,2017(江西鹰潭市公务员) 刘曼,2015(上海电气集团) 李桂平,2015(浙江大学华南研究院) 徐涛,2014(日本京都大学博士毕业,现在上海大学任教) 顾洪良,2013(宁波方太厨具有限公司) 张建伟,2013(东方电气集团) 舒伟林,2013(上海电气集团) 本科毕业生: 蒋逸阳,2020 顾杭毅,2020 訾翔宇,2019 刘玉波,2019 孙家骏,2018(浙江大学) 林睿晨,2018 王靖寒,2017 张彤,2015(美国匹斯堡大学) 石以诺,2015(浙江大学) 陈政,2012(北京航天研究院) 夏一帆,2011(浙江大学) 邵利涛,2010




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期刊论文 2021 135.C Liu,J Wang*.Strain engineering of ferroelectric negative capacitance in PbZr(1-x)TixO3 thin films.Acta Materialia 206:116607(2021) 134.JT Zhang,YJ Zhang,T Xu,J Wang*.Strain-temperature phase diagram of BaZrO3 with antiferrodistortive distortions.Physical Review B 103:014113(2021) 2020 133.Y Zhang,J Wang*,P Ghosez*.Unraveling the suppression of oxygen octahedra rotations in A3B2O7 Ruddlesden-Popper compounds:engineering multiferroicity and beyond.Physical Review Letters.125:157601(2020). 132.X Li,C Tan,C Liu,P Gao*,Y Sun,P Chen,M Li,L Liao,R Zhu,J Wang,Y Zhao,L Wang,Z Xu,K Liu,X Zhong*,J Wang*,X Bai*.Atomic-scale observations of electrical and mechanical manipulation of topological polar flux closure.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.117:18954(2020) 131.T Xu*,JT Zhang,YQ Zhu,J Wang,T Shimada,T Kitamura,TY Zhang.Two-dimensional polar metal of a PbTe monolayer by electrostatic doping.Nanoscale Horizons 5:1400(2020) 130.T Shimada*,K Minaguro,T Xu,J Wang,T Kitamura.Ab Initio Study of Ferroelectric Critical Size of SnTe Low-Dimensional Nanostructures.Nanomaterials 10:732(2020) 129.T Xu,*X Wang,J Mai,J Zhang,J Wang,and TY Zhang*.Strain Engineering for 2D Ferroelectricity in Lead Chalcogenides.Adv.Electron.Mater.6:1900932(2020) 128.H Chen,X Hou,J Chen,S Chen,P Hu,H Wu,J Wang,J Zhu*.Large electrostrain induced by reversible domain switching in ordered ferroelectric nanostructures with optimized geometric configurations.Nanotechnology 31:(33)335714(2020) 127.Y Wang,J Sun,T Shimada,H Hirakata,T Kitamura,J Wang*.Ferroelectric control of magnetic skyrmions in multiferroic heterostructures.Physical Review B 102:014440(2020) 126.Z Pan,P Wang,X Hou,L Yao,G Zhang*,J Wang,J Liu,M Shen,Y Zhang,S Jiang,J Zhai*,Q Wang*.Fatigue-Free Aurivillius Phase Ferroelectric Thin Films with Ultrahigh Energy Storage Performance.Advanced Energy Materials 2001536(2020) 125.X Chai,J Jiang,Q Zhang,X Hou,F Meng,J Wang,L Gu,DA Zhang,AQ Jiang*.Nonvolatile ferroelectric field-effect transistors.Nature Communications 11:2811(2020) 124.T Shimada*,Y Ichiki,G Fujimoto,VL Le,T Xu,J Wang,H Hirakata.Ferrotoroidic polarons in antiferrodistortive SrTiO3.Physical Review B‏101:214101(2020) 123.S Prasad,X Hou,J Zhang,S Wu,J Wang*.Negative/Positive Electrocaloric Effect in Single-Layer Pb(ZrxTi1-x)O-3 Thin Films for Solid-State Cooling Device.IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices‏67:1769-1775(2020) 122.LV Lich*,TQ Bui,TT Nguyen,J Wang,TG Nguyen,VH Dinh.An efficient space-time phase field discretization for ferroelectrics.Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 28:025005(2020) 121.Y Zhang,X He,M Sun,J Wang*,P Ghosez*.Switchable metal-to-half-metal transition at the semi-hydrogenated graphene/ferroelectric interface.Nanoscale 12:5067-5074(2020) 120.IA Malik,H Huang,Y Wang,X Wang,C Xiao,…,P Gao,J Wang*,JX Zhang*.Inhomogeneous-strain-induced magnetic vortex cluster in one-dimensional manganite wire.Science Bulletin 65:201-207(2020) 119.王煜,石以诺,王杰.磁电复合材料中拓扑磁结构的力学调控.固体力学学报41:142-50(2020) 2019 118.J Wang*.Mechanical Control of Magnetic Order:From Phase Transition to Skyrmions.Annual Review of Materials Research 49:2.1-2.28(2019) 117.C Liu,J Wang*,G Xu,M Kamlah and TY Zhang.An isogeometric approach to flexoelectric effect in ferroelectric materials.International Journal of Solids and Structures 162:198-210(2019) 116.T Xu*,T Shimada,Y Araki,M Mori,G Fujimoto,J Wang,TY Zhang and T Kitamura.Electron engineering for metallic multiferroic polaron in epitaxial BaTiO3.npj Computational Materials 5:23(2019) 115.Y Wang,C Liu,H Yu,J Wang*.Phase field simulations on domain switching-induced toughening or weakening in multiferroic composites.International Journal of Solids and Structures 178:48-58(2019) 114.JQ Li,YY Wang,H Ling,Y Qiu,J Lou,X Hou,SP Bag,J Wang,HP Wu*,GZ Chai*.Significant Enhancement of the Visible Light Photocatalytic Properties in 3D BiFeO3/Graphene Composites.Nanomaterials 9:65(2019). 113.F Li,X Hou,J Wang,H Zeng,B Shen,J Zhai*.Structure-design strategy of 0-3 type(Bi0.32Sr0.42Na0.20)TiO3/MgO composite to boost energy storage density,efficiency and charge-discharge performance.Journal of the European Ceramic Society 39:2889-2898(2019) 112.J Zhang,X Hou,J Wang*,Direct and indirect methods based on effective Hamilton for electrocaloric effect of BaTiO3 nanoparticle.Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter 31:255402(2019) 111.J Zhu,H Chen,X Hou,L Xu,H Wu*,J Wang*.Phase-field simulations on the electrocaloric properties of ferroelectric nanocylinders with the consideration of surface polarization effect.Journal of Applied Physics 125:234101(2019) 110.Y Shi,H Yu,J Wang*.An I-integral method for the crack-tip intensity factor in ferromagnetic materials with domain switching.Acta Mechanica 230:1427-1439(2019) 2018 109.J Gou,X Liu,C Zhang,G Sun,Y Shi,J Wang,H Chen,T Ma*,X Ren.Ferromagnetic composite with stress-insensitive magnetic permeability:Compensation of stress-induced anisotropies.Physical Review Materials 2(11):114406(2018) 108.Y Zhang,MM Schmitt,A Mercy,J Wang*,P Ghosez*.From charge-to orbital-ordered metal-insulator transition in alkaline-earth ferrites.Physical Review B 98,081108(2018) 107.X Hou,H Wu,H Li,H Chen,J Wang*.Giant negative electrocaloric effect induced by domain transition in the strained ferroelectric thin film.Journal of Physics:Condensed Matter 30,465401(2018) 106.Y Shi,J Wang*.Stabilizing skyrmions by nonuniform strain in ferromagnetic thin films without a magnetic field.Physical Review B 97,224428(2018) 105.H Yu*,J Wang,S Kozinov,M Kuna.Phase field analysis of crack tip parameters in ferroelectric polycrystals under large-scale switching.Acta Materialia 154,334-342(2018) 104.J Wang*,Y Zhang,MPK Sahoo,T Shimada,T Kitamura,P Ghosez and TY Zhang.Giant magnetoelectric effect at the graphone/ferroelectric interface.Scientific Reports 8,12448(2018) 103.XY Wang,YB Yan*,T Shimada,J Wang,T Katamura.Ferroelectric critical size and vortex domain structures of PbTiO3 nanodots:A density functional theory study.Journal of Applied Physics 123,114101(2018) 102.Y Qiu,HP Wu*,J Wang,J Lou,Z Zhang,AP Liu,GZ Chai*.The enhanced piezoelectricity in compositionally graded ferroelectric thin films under electric field:A role of flexoelectric effect.Journal of Applied Physics 123,084103(2018) 101.X Hou,HY Li,T Shimada and T Kitamura,J Wang*.Effect of geometric configuration on the electrocaloric properties of nanoscale ferroelectric materials.Journal of Applied Physics 123,124103(2018)(Cover of the issue) 100.LV Lich*,T Shimada,J Wang,K Masuda,TQ Bui,VH Dinh,T Kitamura.Continuum thermodynamics of unusual domain evolution induced toughening effect in nanocracked strontium titanate.Engineering Fracture Mechanics.190,232-244(2018) 99.J Wang*,Y Shi,M Kamlah.Uniaxial strain modulation of the skyrmion phase transition in ferromagnetic thin films.Physical Review B 97,024429(2018). 2017 98.Y Zhang,T Shimada and T Kitamura,J Wang*.Ferroelectricity in Ruddlesden-Popper Chalcogenide Perovskites for Photovoltaic Application:A Role of Tolerance Factor.The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 8,5834–5839(2017) 97.X Li,J Wang*.Effect of grain size on the domain structures and electromechanical responses of ferroelectric polycrystal.Smart Materials and Structures 26,015013(2017). 96.Y Zhang,MPK Sahoo,J Wang*.Tuning the band gap and polarization of BaSnO3/SrSnO3 superlattices for photovoltaic applications.Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics.19:7032(2017) 95.Y Shi,H Yu,T Shimada,J Wang*,T Kitamura.Phase field simulations on domain switching-induced toughening in ferromagnetic materials,European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids,65:205-211(2017). 94.Y Zhang,J Wang*,MPK Sahoo,T Shimada,T Kitamura.Strain-induced ferroelectricity and lattice coupling in BaSnO3 and SrSnO3.Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics.19:26047-26055(2017). 93.Y Zhang,M.P.K.Sahoo,T Shimada,T Kitamura,J Wang*,Strain-induced improper ferroelectricity in Ruddlesden–Popper perovskite halides.Physical Review B.96:144110(2017). 92.Y Qiu,HP Wu*,J Wang,J Lou,Z Zhang,AP Liu,T Kitamura,GZ Chai*,Giant electrocaloric effect in ferroelectric ultrathin films at room temperature mediated by flexoelectric effect and work function.Journal of Applied Physics.122:98(2017) 91.T Shimada*,T Xu*,Y Araki,J Wang and T Kitamura,Multiferroic dislocations in ferroelectric PbTiO3.Nano Letters 17,2674–2680(2017). 90.T Xu*,T Shimada*,Y Uratani,XY Wang,J.Wang,T.Kitamura.Multiferroic phases and transitions in ferroelectric lead titanate nanodots.Scientific Reports.7:45373(2017) 89.L Van Lich,T Shimada*,SSepideh,J Wang and T Kitamura,Multilevel hysteresis loop engineered with ferroelectric nano-metamaterials.Acta Materialia.125:202-209(2017) 88.L Van Lich*,T Shimada,J Wang and T Kitamura,Self-ordering of nontrivial topological polarization structures in nanoporous ferroelectrics.Nanoscale.40:15525-15533(2017) 87.SG.Cao*,YS.Li,HH.Wu,J Wang,BL Huang and TY.Zhang,Stress-Induced Cubic-to-Hexagonal Phase Transformation in Perovskite Nanothin Films.Nano Letters.17:5148-5155(2017) 86.L Van Lich*,T Shimada,J Wang,VH Dinh,TQ Bui,and T Kitamura,Switching the chirality of a ferroelectric vortex in designed nanostructures by a homogeneous electric field.Physical Review B.96,134119(2017) 85.T Shimada*,T Xu,Y Araki,J Wang and T Kitamura,Unusual Metallic Multiferroic Transitions in Electron-Doped PbTiO3.Advanced Electronic Materials.3,1700134(2017) 84.C Liu,J Wang*.Size-dependent electromechanical properties in piezoelectric superlattices due to flexoelectric effect.Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters.7(2):88-92(2017). 2016 83.T Shimada*,Y Araki,T Xu,J Wang,T Kitamura.Multiferroic transitions and misfit phase diagram in oxygen-deficient epitaxial(111)PbTiO3.Advanced Electronic Materials 1600113(2016). 82.Y Li*,J Wang*,F Li*.Intrinsic polarization switching in BaTiO3 crystal under uniaxial electromechanical loading.Physical Review B 94,184108(2016). 81.T Shimada*,T Xu,Y Uratani,J Wang,T Kitamura.Unusual multiferroic phase transitions in PbTiO3 Nanowires.Nano Letters 16,6774-6779(2016). 80.C Liu,H Wu and J Wang*.Giant piezoelectric response in piezoelectric/dielectric superlattices due to flexoelectric effect.Applied Physics Letters 109,192901(2016). 79.H Yu*,J Wang*,T Shimada,et al.An I-integral method for crack-tip intensity factor variation due to domain switching in ferroelectric single-crystals.Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 94,207-229(2016). 78.H Wu*,X Ma,Z Zhang,J Zhu,J Wang and G Chai*.Dielectric tunability of vertically aligned ferroelectric-metal oxide nanocomposite films controlled by out-of-plane misfit strain.Journal of Applied Physics 119,154102(2016). 77.Q Li*,S Pan,Q Liu and J Wang.Domain switching emission from the mixed-mode crack in ferroelectrics by birefringence measurement and phase field modeling.Smart Materials and Structures 25,07LT01(2016). 76.H Wu*,X Ma,Z Zhang,J Zeng,J Wang and G Chai*.Effect of crystal orientation on the phase diagrams,dielectric and piezoelectric properties of epitaxial BaTiO3 thin films.AIP Advances 6,015309(2016). 75.Y Zhang,J Wang*,MPK Sahoo,et al.Hybrid improper ferroelectricity in SrZrO3/BaZrO3 superlattice.Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 18,24024-24032(2016). 74.LV Lich*,T Shimada*,J Wang,et al.Instability criterion for ferroelectrics under mechanical/electric multi-fields:Ginzburg-Landau theory based modeling.Acta Materialia 112,1-10(2016). 73.MPK Sahoo,J Wang*,Y Zhang,et al.Modulation of gas adsorption and magnetic properties of monolayer-mos2 by antisite defect and strain.Journal of Physical Chemistry C 120,14113-14121(2016). 72.T Shimada*,T Matsui,T Xu,K Arisue,Y Zhang,J Wang and T Kitamura.Multiferroic nature of intrinsic point defects in BiFeO3:A hybrid Hartree-Fock density functional study.Physical Review B 93,174107(2016). 71.MPK Sahoo,Y Zhang and J Wang*.Nanoscale magnetism and novel electronic properties of a bilayer bismuth(111)film with vacancies and chemical doping.Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 18,20550-20561(2016). 70.Y Zhang,MKP Sahoo,J Wang*.Strain controlled ferromagnetic-ferrimagnetic transition and vacancy formation energy of defective graphene.Nanotechnology 27,43(2016). 69.LV Lich*,T Shimada*,S Sepideh,J Wang and T Kitamura.Polar and toroidal electromechanical properties designed by ferroelectric nano-metamaterials.Acta Materialia 113,81-89(2016). 68.T Shimada,LV Lich,K Nagano,JS Wang,J Wang and T Kitamura.Polar superhelices in ferroelectric chiral nanosprings.Scientific Reports 6,35199(2016). 67.T Xu,T Shimada*,Y Araki,J Wang,and T Kitamura.Multiferroic Domain Walls in Ferroelectric PbTiO3 with Oxygen Deficiency.Nano Letters 16,454-458(2016). 66.MPK Sahoo,YJ Zhang,and J Wang*.Enhancement of ferroelectric polarization in layered BaZrO3/BaTiO3 superlattices.Physical Letters A 380,299–303(2016) 65.MPK Sahoo,YJ Zhang,J Wang*,RNP Choudhary.Composition control of magnetoelectric relaxor behavior in multiferroic BaZr0.4Ti0.6O3/CoFe2O4 composites.Journal of Alloys and Compounds,657,12-20(2016) 2015 64.Y Zhang,J Wang,*MPK Sahoo,T Shimada and T Kitamura.Mechanical control of magnetism in oxygen deficient perovskite SrTiO3.Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 17,27136(2015) 63.T Shimada*,LV Lich,K Nagano,J Wang,T Kitamura.Hierarchical ferroelectric and ferrotoroidic polarizations coexistent in nano-metamaterials.Scientific Reports,5,14653(2015) 62.LV Lich*,T Shimada*,K Miyata,K Nagano,J Wang and T Kitamura.Colossal magnetoelectric effect in 3-1 multiferroic nanocomposites originating from ultrafine nanodomain structures.Applied Physics Letters 107,232904(2015) 61.T Xu,T Shimada*,Y Araki,J Wang,and T Kitamura.Defect-strain engineering for multiferroic and magnetoelectric properties in epitaxial(110)ferroelectric lead titanate.Physical Review B 92,104106(2015) 60.Y Zhang,MPK Sahoo,T Shimada,H Zhao,J Wang*,T Kitamura.Interplay of coupling between strain and rotation in ferroelectric SrZrO3/SrTiO3 superlattices.Journal of Physics:Condensed Matter 27:385901(2015) 59.SG Cao,HH Wu,H Ren,LQ Chen,J Wang,J Li,TY Zhang.A novel mechanism to reduce coercive field of ferroelectric materials via{111}twin engineering.Acta Materialia 97,404–412(2015) 58.J Wang*,GP Li.Effect of Dzyaloshinsky–Moriya interaction on magnetic vortex:A real-space phase-field study.Computational Materials Science 108,316–322(2015) 57.T Shimada,J Wang,T Ueda,Y Uratani,K Arisue,M Mrovec,C Elsasser,T Kitamura.Multiferroic Vacancies at Ferroelectric PbTiO3 Surfaces.Physical Review Letters 115,107202(2015) 56.LV Lich*,T Shimada*,K Nagano,HJ Yu,J Wang,K Huang,T Kitamura.Anomalous toughening in nanoscale ferroelectrics with polarization vortices.Acta Materialia 88,147–155(2015) 55.Y Tong,M Liu,HM Chen*,GP Li,H Fang,J Wang,Z.Ma.The effect of strain on the domain switching of ferroelectric polycrystals.Journal of Applied Physics 117,074102(2015) 54.T Shimada*,J Wang,T Ueda,Y Uratani,K Arisue,M Mrovec,C Elsasser,T Kitamura.Multiferroic Grain Boundaries in Oxygen-Deficient Ferroelectric Lead Titanate.Nano Letters 15,27:8722;33(2015) 53.Man Liu,J Wang*.Giant electrocaloric effect in ferroelectric nanotubes near room temperature.Scientific Reports 5:7728(2015) 52.JQ Yuan,J Wang*.Magnetization states in epitaxial thin films subjected to misfit strains and demagnetization field,Physica B 457:62–65(2015) 2014 51.YJ Zhang,GP Li,T Shimada,J Wang*,T Kitamura.Disappearance of ferroelectric critical thickness in epitaxial ultrathin BaZrO3 films.Physical Review B 90,184107(2014) 50.J Wang*,K Nagano,T Shimada,T Kitamura.Strain-Mediated Multilevel Ferroelectric Random Access Memory Operating through a Magnetic Field.RSC Advances.4,45382-45388(2014) 49.T Shimada*,K Arisue,J Wang,T Kitamura.Ab initio study of multiferroic BiFeO3(110)surfaces.Physical Review B 89,245437(2014) 48.J Wang*,WL Shu,H Fang,M Kamlah.Phase field simulations of the poling process and nonlinear behavior of 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