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袁芮,复旦大学法学学士(主修社会工作,辅修英汉双语翻译),香港中文大学社会福利哲学博士,英国布里斯托大学、美国布朗大学访问学者。 获奖情况 1. 2021年,获“四川大学课堂教学质量优秀奖” 2. 2019年,获“四川大学哲学社会科学重要成果奖” 3. 2018年,获“四川大学哲学社会科学重要成果奖”“四川大学优秀人文社科人才奖” 4. 2017, Brown International Advanced Research Institutes, Brown University, USA 5. 2013, Global Scholarship for Research Excellence, University of Bristol, UK 科研项目 主持项目: 1.2020.1-2023.12,教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目:社会工作视野中困境儿童正面成长保护因子的识别及干预研究(项目编号:20YJC840040) 2.2021.6-2022.6,四川省社会科学规划项目青年项目:凉山彝族地区困境儿童正面成长的影响机制及社会工作干预研究(项目编号:SC21C033) 3.2019.5-2021.5,中央高校基本科研业务费研究专项(公共管理学院自主立项项目):青年就业支持研究——基于人力资本发展的视角(项目编号:2019自研-公管05) 4.2018.10-2021.9,四川大学引进人才科研启动经费资助项目:困境未成年人的心理与社会发展及社会工作服务模式研究(项目编号:YJ201883) 5.2013.9-12, Global Scholarship for Research Excellence. Risk and resilience: Exploring the subjective experiences of Chinese international students in UK 参与项目: 1.2017.9-2020.8,香港赛马会慈善信托基金:Research study on the intergenerational transmission of trauma 2.2017.1-2020.1,香港赛马会慈善信托基金:Project evaluation and impact assessment of the ICYSC Modernisation 2.0 3.2016.9-2019.8,香港赛马会慈善信托基金,香港伤健共融网络有限公司:Project Generation Next for children of disabled parents 4.2016.1-2018.12,周大福慈善基金,香港基督教女青年会:Program evaluation on a family-centered project for children with special educational needs and their families 5.2015.7-2016.7,香港民政事务局,香港中央政策组:A study on family mediation services in Hong Kong 6.2015.1-2017.1,香港医院管理局护理深造学院:Advanced family nursing course 人才培养 本科生课程:社会工作导论、社会工作行政管理、社会统计软件应用、毕业论文 研究生课程:社会学专业外语 指导社会工作专业硕士研究生 (MSW) 本科生获得“大创”省级立项1项




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1. Yuan, R. , & Ngai, S.S.Y. (2012). Social exclusion and neighborhood support: A case study of empty-nest elderly in urban Shanghai. Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 55(7), 587-608. (SSCI, Q4) 2. Yuan, R. , & Ngai, S.S.Y. (2016). Agentic personality as mediator of social capital on developmental outcomes in the transition to adulthood: Evidence from Shanghai, China. Journal of Adolescence, 46, 1-13. (SSCI, Q2) 3. Yuan, R. , & Ngai, S.S.Y. (2018). “My youth, I call the shots”: The role of social capital in the transition to adulthood among Chinese university students. Children and Youth Services Review, 94, 140-147. (SSCI, Q1) 4. Yuan, R. , & Ngai, S.S.Y. (2019). Generating identity capital from family capital and personal agency: A mediation analysis. Journal of Adult Development, 26(1), 71-80. (SSCI, Q4). 5. Yuan, R. (2021). Incorporating life skills education in vocational training: Toward empowerment-based skills advancement for young women migrant workers in China. Journal of Social Service Research, 47(6), 860-871. (SSCI, Q4) 6. Yuan, R. , & Huang, D. (2021). Exploring the organizational resilience of a school-embedded social work agency: A teaching/ learning case study. Human Service Organizations: Management, Leadership, & Governance, 45(5), 493-505. (SSCI, Q3) 7. Yuan, R. (2016). Engaging or disengaging: A review of social services for disengaged youth in Shanghai, China. International Journal of Emergency Mental Health, 18(1), 758-759. 8.Ngai, S.S.Y., Cheung, C.K., & Yuan, R. (2016). Effects of vocational training on unemployed youth’s work motivation and work commitment: Mediating roles of training adequacy and self-actualization. Children and Youth Services Review, 63, 93-100. (SSCI, Q1) 9.Ngai, S.S.Y., Cheung, C.K., Yuan, R. , & Lin, S. (2016). Work motivation of unemployed youths: Moderating effects of financial dependence on parents. Children and Youth Services Review, 71, 157-165. (SSCI, Q1) 10.Ma, J.L.C., Yuan, R. , Leung, T.Y.K., & Wong, O.L. (2017). Learning outcome of a family therapy training course for psychiatric nurses in a Chinese context. Contemporary Family Therapy, 4, 1-9. (SSCI, Q4) 11.Chang, C.W., Yuan, R. , & Chen, J.K. (2018). Social support and depression among Chinese adolescents: The mediating roles of self-esteem and self-efficacy. Children and Youth Services Review, 88, 128-134. (SSCI, Q1). 12.Ma, J.L.C., Yuan, R. , Leung, T.Y.K., & Wong, O.L. (2018). Subjective learning experiences of psychiatric nurses being trained in family therapy: A qualitative inquiry in Hong Kong. Asian Journal of Family Therapy, 2(2), 27-41. 13.Wong, M.M.C., Ma, J.L.C., & Yuan, R. (2019). Effects of mediator competence and mediation process on user satisfaction with child custody, finances, and property outcomes. Asian Social Work and Policy Review, 13(3), 242-251. (ESCI) 14.Leung, G. S. M., Lai, J. S. K., Cheung, M. C., Wu, Q., & Yuan, R. (online). Caregivers’ traumatic experiences and children’s psychosocial difficulties: The mediation effect of caregivers’ sense of coherence. Applied Research in Quality of Life. (SSCI, Q1) 15. 袁芮 . 社会工作介入婚姻暴力中的伦理议题——以案主自决和保密原则为例[J]. 伦理学研究,2016,3:104-110.(CSSCI,北大核心) 16. 袁芮 . 混合福利视角下的城市居家养老服务分析[J]. 社会工作,2016,2:65-72+125. 17. 袁芮 . 三级预防视角下社会工作介入心理障碍的策略——以四川省汶川地震灾区的创伤后应激障碍为例[J]. 社会福利(理论版),2017,9:44-48.(CSSCI) 18. 袁芮 . 社会资本视角下青年人身份资本的形成路径分析——基于上海的实证调查[J]. 兰州学刊,2018,1:184-198. (CSSCI) 19. 袁芮 . 成人初显期的心理社会发展及对社会工作的启示——基于社会资本与能动性的实证分析[J]. 华东理工大学学报(社会科学版),2018,2:77-89.(CSSCI) 20. 袁芮 . 家庭治疗在本土情境中的运用——以鲍温家庭系统理论为例[J]. 社会工作与管理,2018,18(2):36-43.(人大报刊复印资料《社会工作》全文转载) 21. 袁芮 . 空巢与归巢:孝亲观念的现代意义及社区照顾的模式探析[J].社会建设,2018,4(1):53-61. 22.黄丹、 袁芮 . “旧瓶装新酒”:青少年社会工作嵌入学校性教育服务的经验初探[J]. 社会建设,2018,4(6):67-76. 二、书本著作与研究报告: 1. 袁芮 、张勇、雷莉娜、唐添虹. 流动青年就业支持——基于青年就业项目的行动研究[M]. 成都:四川大学出版社,2019。 2.马丽庄、邱吴丽端、 袁芮 . 专业督导在机构发展中的角色与挑战——以山东济南为例[A]. 载顾东辉编,社会工作评论[C]. 上海:复旦大学出版社,2017,129-145。 3.Wong, M.M.C., Ma, J.L.C., Yuan, R. , & Xia, L.L. (2017). A study on family mediation in Hong Kong. Family Council & Central Policy Unit, HKSAR government.
