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讲授课程:物理海洋学、动力气象学、地球物理流体力学、海洋数值模拟 教育经历: 1998-2002 本科 学士 南京气象学院 天气动力学专业 2002-2005 研究生 硕士 南京气象学院 气象学 (2003-2005 国家海洋局第一海洋研究所 客座研究生) 论文题目:北太平洋气候系统年代际演变的主要特征及其海气耦合机制初探 导师:于非研究员、郭品文教授 2006-2011 研究生 博士 南京信息工程大学 大气科学 论文题目:BA增暖期间温盐环流“过冲”现象的存在事实、产生机制及其气候影响分析 导师:刘征宇教授、郭品文教授 工作经历: 2021.10至今 南京信息工程大学海洋科学学院,教授 2016.6-2021.10 南京信息工程大学大气科学学院,副教授、教授 · 2012.1-2016.6 南京信息工程大学海洋科学学院,讲师,副教授(2013.04开始),系副主任(2012.02-2013.06)、主任(2013.06-2014.06) · 2005.6-2012.1 南京信息工程大学大气科学学院海洋科学系,助教,讲师(2007.9开始),教工支部书记兼系副主任(2006.12开始) 2007.11-2009.8 美国威斯康欣大学麦迪逊分校气候研究中心访问(合作者:刘征宇教授) 2012.9-2012.11 美国威斯康欣大学麦迪逊分校气候研究中心访问(合作者:刘征宇教授) 2016.1-2016.6 美国威斯康欣大学麦迪逊分校气候研究中心访问(合作者:刘征宇教授) 项目 1. AMOC年代际波动的双模态及其在增暖下的演变,国家自然科学基金面上项目(41776017),主持,67万,2018.1-2021.12,结题。 2. 热盐环流影响东亚冬、夏季风反位相演变的显著性及机制研究,国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(41206024),主持,26万,2013.1-2015.12,结题。 3. 过去气候变化定量重建方法和我国区域气候重建,国家重大科学研究计划(2016YFA0600500),主研,100万,2016.6-2021.6,结题。 4. 近21000年来地球气候-同位素协同演变的模拟研究,国家自然科学基金重点项目( 41630527),主研,协作单位主持,30万,2017.01-2021.12,在研。 5. 北极海冰减退中的海洋热量储存与转换器效应,973项目(2015CB953902),主研,48万,2015.1-2019.12,结题. 6. 近21000年地球气候演变的模拟研究,国家自然科学基金重点项目(41130105),主研、协作单位主持,40万,2012.1-2016.12,结题。





查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1. Cheng, J.*, Wu, H.*, Liu, Z.*, Gu, P., Wang, J., Zhao, C., Li, Q., Chen, H., Lu, H., Hu, H., Gao, Y., Yu, M. & Song, Y.(2021) Vegetation Feedback causes Delayed Ecosystem Response to East Asian Summer Monsoon Rainfall during the Holocene. Nature Communications, 12, 1843, doi: 10.1038/s41467-021-22087-2. 2. Jun Cheng*, Zhengyu Liu*, Shaoqing Zhang, Wei Liu, Lina Dong, Peng Liu, Hongli Li, (2016) Reduced interdecadal variability of Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation under global warming, PNAS, 113(12): 3175–3178. 3. Jun Cheng*, Zhengyu Liu*, Shaoqing Zhang, Wei Liu, Lina Dong, Peng Liu, Hongli Li, (2016) Reply to Parker: Robust response of AMOC interdecadal variability to future intense warming, PNAS, 113(20): E2762-E2763. 4. Cheng, J.*, Ma, Y., Wu, H., Long, H. and Liu, Z. (2020) Migration of Afro-Asian Monsoon Fringe Since Last Glacial Maximum. Front. Earth Sci. 8:322. doi: 10.3389/feart.2020.00322 5. Cheng, J.*, Ma, W., Liu, Z., & Wu, H. (2019). Varying sensitivity of East Asia summer monsoon circulation to temperature change since Last Glacial Maximum. Geophysical Research Letters, 46, 9103–9109. https://doi.org/10.1029/2019GL083405 6. Jun Cheng*, Zhengyu Liu, Feng He, Bette Otto-Bliesner, Esther Brady, Jean Lynch-Stieglitz. (2014) Model–proxy comparison for overshoot phenomenon of Atlantic thermohaline circulation at Bølling–Allerød. Chinese Science Bulletin. 2014,33,4510-4515. 7. Cheng J.*, P. Guo, F. Zhang, Z. Liu, L. Liu, and W. Qiu. Reconstructing changes in Atlantic thermohaline circulation during the 20th century under two possible scenarios. Science China: Earth Sciences, 2013, 56(2), 258-269, doi: 10.1007/s11430-012-4465-5. 8. Cheng, J.*, Liu, Z., He, F., Guo, P., Cheng, Z. & Otto-Bliesner, B. (2010) Model evidence for climatic impact of thermohaline circulation on China at the century scale. Chinese Sci Bull, 55, 3215–3221, doi: 10.1007/s11434-010-4089-0 9. Jun Cheng*, Zhengyu Liu, Feng He, Bette Otto-Bliesner, Esther Brady, and Mark Wehrenberg. Simulated two-stage recovery of Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation during last deglaciation. In AGU Monograph: Abrupt Climate Change: Mechanisms, Patterns, and Impacts, Geophysical Monograph Series, 193: 75-92, 2011. doi: 10.1029/2010GM001014. Invited paper. 10. Cheng, J.*, Liu, Z., He, F., Otto-Bliesner, B. L., and Colose, C.: Impact of North Atlantic – GIN Sea exchange on deglaciation evolution of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation, Clim. Past, 2011, 7(3): 935-940, doi:10.5194/cp-7-935-2011. 11. 程军,刘一陶,吴海斌,刘征宇. 2022. 全新世东亚夏季风演变的争议:一种基于机理解析的调和 [J]. 地球环境学报, 13(2): 240-242. 12. 程军,张近童,刘一陶,轨道尺度下东亚夏季风降水的北方主导演变模态,地球环境学报,已接受 13. 程军,顾鹏,马依依.增暖背景下东亚夏季风区降水演变的空间模态及其形成机制大气科学学报. 45(2):239-246. https://doi.org/10.13878/j.cnki.dqkxxb.20200601001 14. 程军,刘征宇,张福颖,杨洋, 中国各季节气候对热盐环流减弱的不同响应,大气科学学报,2011,34(6):653-661。 15. 程军, LIU ZhengYu, HE Feng, 郭品文, 陈中笑, OTTO-BLIESNER Bette, 温盐环流在百年尺度上影响中国气候的一个数值模拟证据. 科学通报, 2010, 55(24):2406-2412. 16. 程军,张瑾,(2017)北大西洋高纬度海区湍流热通量对全球增暖的响应,大气科学学报,40(6):769-777. 17. 程军, 郭品文, 张福颖, 刘征宇, 刘林蔚, 丘文先,基于两种情形模式特征的20世纪热盐环流强度距平重建.中国科学:地球科学,2012,42(11),1778-1790。 18. 程军,于非,蒲书箴,郭品文,北太平洋热含量的年代际变化特征及其与阿留申低压的关系,海洋科学进展,2004,22(4):417-428。 19. 杨心怡,程军*,顾鹏,MPI-ESM-LR模式中RCP8.5情景下春季北极海冰突变对东亚夏季降水的影响, 大气科学学报, 44(1): 140-150. 20. Yu Tianlei, Cheng Jun*, Lin Pengfei, Yu Yongqiang, Guo, Pinwen. (2018) Responses and mechanisms of East Asian winter and summer monsoons to weakened Atlantic meridional overturning circulation using the FGOALS-g2 model,Int. J. Climatol, 38:2618-2626. 21. Tianlei Yu, Pinwen Guo*, Jun Cheng*, Aixue Hu, Pengfei Lin, Yongqiang Yu, Reduced connection between the East Asian Summer Monsoon and Southern Hemisphere Circulation on interannual timescales under intense global warming, Climate Dynamics 51,3943-3955. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-018-4121-7 22. Zhang, W., Wu, H.*, Cheng, J.* et al. Holocene seasonal temperature evolution and spatial variability over the Northern Hemisphere landmass. Nat Commun 13, 5334 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-022-33107-0 非第一作者文章: 1. Liu Z, Otto–Bliesner B L, He F, E. C. Brady,R. Tomas, P. U. Clark,A. E. Carlson,J. Lynch-Stieglitz, W. Curry, E. Brook, D. Erickson, R. Jacob, J. Kutzbach, J. Cheng. Transient Simulation of Last Deglaciation with a New Mechanism for Bølling–Allerød Warming. Science, 2009, 325: 310–314. 2. Liu, Z. A.E. Carlson, F. He, E. C. Brady, B.L. Otto-Bliesner, B. Briegleb, M. Wehrenberg, P.U. Clark, S. Wu, J. Cheng, J. Zhang and D. Noone, Younger Dryas Cooling and the Greenland Climate Response to CO2. PNAS, 2012,109(28),11101-11104. 3. Shaun A. Marcott, Peter U. Clark, Laurie Padman, Gary P. Klinkhammer, Scott R. Springer, Zhengyu Liu, Bette L. Otto-Bliesner, Anders E. Carlson, Andy Ungerer, June Padman, Feng He, Jun Cheng, and Andreas Schmittner, Ice-shelf collapse from subsurface warming as a trigger for Heinrich events, PNAS, 2011, 108(33): 13415-13419. 4. Xu, Z. J. A. Mason, C. Xu, S. Yi, S. Bathiany, H. Yizhaq, Y. Zhou, J. Cheng, M. Holmgren, H. Lu, Critical transitions in Chinese dunes during the past 12,000 years. Sci. Adv. 6, eaay8020 (2020). 5. Xinyu Wen, Zhengyu Liu, Shaowu Wang, Jun Cheng, Jiang Zhu, (2016) Correlation and anti-correlation of the East Asian summer and winter monsoon during the last 21,000 years, Nature Communication, 7,11999. 6. Zhang Wenchao, Haibin Wu, Qin Li, Zhengyu Liu, Jun Cheng, 2022, Large training dataset is crucial for analogue-based precipitation reconstruction during the early Holocene, Science Bulletin, 67(11):1118-1121, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scib.2022.03.007. 7. Shi, F., Lu, H., Guo, Z., Yin, Q., Wu, H., Xu, C., Zhang, E., Shi, J., Cheng, J., Xiao, X. & Zhao, C. (2021). The position of the Current Warm Period in the context of the past 22,000 years of summer climate in China. Geophysical Research Letters, 48, e2020GL091940. https://doi.org/10.1029/2020GL091940 8. Zhao, C., Cheng, J., Wang, J., Yan, H., Leng, C., Zhang, C., et al. (2021). Paleoclimate significance of reconstructed rainfall isotope changes in Asian monsoon region. Geophysical Research Letters, 48, e2021GL092460. https://doi.org/10.1029/2021GL092460 9. Wenchao Zhang, Haibin Wu, Junyan Geng, Jun Cheng, Model-data divergence in global seasonal temperature response to astronomical insolation during the Holocene, Science Bulletin, 2022, 67(1), 25-28, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scib.2021.09.004. 10. Li, Q., Wu, H., Cheng, J., Zhu, S., Zhang, C., Wu, J., Zhang, Y. (2021). Spatial variation of East Asian winter monsoon evolution between northern and southern China since the last glacial maximum. Quaternary Research, 1-14. doi:10.1017/qua.2020.101 11. Jiang, M., Han, Z., Li, X., Wang, Y., Stevens, T., Cheng, J., Lv, C., Zhou, Y., Yang, Q., Xu, Z., Yi, S. and Lu, H. (2020), Beach ridges of Dali Lake in Inner Mongolia reveal precipitation variation during the Holocene. J. Quaternary Sci, 35: 716-725. https://doi.org/10.1002/jqs.3195 12. Xu, H., Goldsmith, Y., Lan, J., Tan, L., Wang, X., Zhou, X., Cheng, J., Lang, Y. & Liu, C. (2020). Juxtaposition of western Pacific subtropical high on Asian Summer Monsoon shapes subtropical East Asian precipitation. Geophysical Research Letters, 47, e2019GL084705. https://doi.org/10.1029/2019GL084705 13. Wei Liu, Zhengyu Liu, Jun Cheng, Haibo Hu. (2015) On the stability of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation during the last deglaciation. Climate Dynamics, 44(5): 1257-1275. 14. Zhengyu Liu, Xinyu Wen, E.C. Brady, B. Otto-Bliesner, Ge Yu, Huayu Lu, Hai Cheng, Yongjin Wang, Weipeng Zheng, Yihui Ding, R.L. Edwards, Jun Cheng, Wei Liu, Hao Yang, Chinese cave records and the East Asia Summer Monsoon, Quaternary Science Reviews, 2014,83,115-128. 15. Fern T. Gibbons, Delia W. Oppo, Mahyar Mohtadi,Yair Rosenthal, Jun Cheng, Zhengyu Liu, Braddock K. Linsley, Deglacialδ18O and hydrologic variability in the tropical Pacific and Indian Oceans, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2014, 387, 240-251. 16. Huayu Lu, Shuangwen Yi, Zhengyu Liu, Joseph A. Mason, Dabang Jiang, Jun Cheng, Thomas Stevens, Zhiwei Xu, Enlou Zhang, Liya Jin, Zhaohui Zhang, Zhengtang Guo, Yi Wang, and Bette Otto-Bliesner, Variation of East Asian monsoon precipitation during the past 21 k.y. and potential CO2 forcing, GEOLOGY, 2013, 41(9), 1023–1026. 17. C. Zhao, E.J. Rohling, Z. Liu, X. Yang, E. Zhang, J. Cheng et al., Possible obliquity-forced warmth in southern Asia during the last glacial stage, Science Bulletin, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scib.2020.11.016 18. Xiaofan Ma, Wei Liu, Natalie Burls, Changlin Chen, Jun Cheng, Gang Huang, Xichen Li. Evolving AMOC multidecadal variability under different CO2 forcings in a coupled climate model. Clim Dyn (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-021-05730-y. 19. Wu, S. Zheng-Yu Liu, Jun Cheng, Chun Li, (2018) Response of North Pacific and North Atlantic decadal variability to weak global warming, Advances in Climate Change Research,9(2): 95-101,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.accre.2018.03.001. 20. Song Yunping, Hai Xu, Jianghu Lan, Jin Zhang, Kang'en Zhou, Siwei Shi, Jing Wang, Chukun Hu, Jun Cheng, Bing Hong, Xinying Zhou, 2022,Enhanced human activity altered the late Holocene vegetation composition in subtropical East Asia, Global and Planetary Change, 214,103850, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gloplacha.2022.103850. 21. Wang Yuchen, Zhiyong Han, Yuwen Zhou, Jun Cheng, Xusheng Li, Yong Wang, Shuangwen Yi , Huayu Lu, 2022, A quantitative reconstruction of Holocene annual precipitation in the marginal zone of the East Asian summer monsoon. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 596, 110968. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2022.110968 22. 夏松,刘鹏,江志红,程军. CMIP5 和CMIP6 模式在历史试验下对AMO和PDO的模拟评估. 地球科学进展,2021,36(1):58-68. 23. 吴鹏飞,刘征宇,程军等.2014.中全新世以来东亚夏季气温对轨道强迫时空响应不一致的模拟研究.地球物理学报,57(6):1757-1768 24. 张福颖,郭品文,程军,倪东鸿,不同平均强度热盐环流的年代际波动特征,解放军理工大学学报(自然科学版),2013,14(1):94-100 25. 吴鹏飞,刘征宇,程军,孙照渤,中全新世以来东亚夏季降水时空演变不一致性的模拟研究,第 四 纪 研 究,2013,33(6):1138-1147. 26. 张福颖,郭品文,程军,热带太平洋与印度洋相互作用的年代际变化及其数值模拟,大气科学学报,2012,35(1),32-40. 27. 张福颖,郭品文,程军,倪东鸿,张春莹,不同热盐环流平均强度下北大西洋气候响应的差异,大气科学学报,2012,35(6),712-719.


第四纪科学研究会古气候模拟专业委员会委员 2018.6- 2022.6 第四纪科学研究会古气候模拟委员会委员,AGU会员
