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袁逖飞,男。香港大学硕士,日内瓦大学博士,从事脑可塑性与精神疾病的教学和科研工作。近期代表性论文发表在 Neuron, Mol Psychiatry, Biol Psychiatry等杂志上。 主讲课程 基础神经生物学; 当代神经科学进展 承担课题 国家自然科学基金(面上项目,青年项目,及国际合作与交流项目), 中国科协"青年人才托举工程", 江苏省自然科学基金, 江苏省"青蓝工程"学术带头人, 南师大"百人计划"等。 本课题组欢迎任何学科背景,对脑科学研究有强烈兴趣的短期与长期人员加盟! 研究生基本要求: (1)只接受愿意成为独立研究人员的学生 (2)学硕毕业发表单篇或累计5分以上论文 实验室研究生及工作人员部分发表论文: Liu X(刘晓丽,2016级硕士), Liu T(刘婷,2016级硕士), Huang X (黄晓丹,2014级硕士).(2017) Front Psychol 8:1151.(SSCI, IF 2.3) Huang X (黄晓丹,2014级硕士), .. Li A(李昂,2015级硕士), Liu Q(刘庆明,2016级博士), ...Yuan TF (2017) Mol Psychiatry, In press doi:10.1038/mp.2017.143 (IF 13.2) Huang X(黄晓丹,2014级硕士), ..Zhang C(张长征,博士后).(2017) Neurosci Bull 33(3):357-358.(IF 2.5) Zhang C(张长征,博士后), Liu X(刘晓东,2016级硕士), Yuan TF. Mol Psychiatry. 22(6):790-791 (IF 13.2) Liu T(刘婷,2016级硕士)..Yuan T..(2017) Front Psychol 8:899(SSCI, IF 2.3) Liu T(刘婷,2016级硕士),...Yuan TF (2017) CNS NDDT, In press,DOI: 10.2174/1871527316999170505164804 (IF 2.5) Liu X(刘晓东,2016级硕士), Zhang C(张长征,博士后), ..Yuan TF (2017) CNS NDDT, In press, DOI: 10.2174/1871527316999170505110106 (IF 2.5) Zhou D, Pang F(逄锋,2015级硕士)...Yuan TF (2017) Neurosci Bull 33(3):307-311.(IF 2.5) Liu H (刘厚,2016级硕士),Yuan TF (2016) Sci Rep 23;6:39788 (IF4.5) 社会工作 国家自然科学基金评审,国家公派留学基金评审等。 中国神经科学学会应激神经生物学分会副主任委员兼秘书长 Frontiers in Psychology (SSCI), J Neg Res Biomed等杂志副主编 PeerJ/Plos One/J Mol Neurosci/Behav Brain Funct/SpringerPlus/J Alzheimer Dis等杂志编辑 Stem Cells/Sci Rep/Mol Neurobiol等40多个SCI杂志审稿人 个人荣誉 欧盟玛丽.居里基金ITN fellowship(2010-2013) 欧盟 EMBO Short term fellowship (2015) 江苏医学科学进步二等奖 (2015) 英国牛顿 Newton Mobility Award (2016) 江苏省"青蓝工程"中青年学术带头人(2016) 中国科协青年人才托举工程 (2017)


(1)药物成瘾和精神疾病的动物模型中,多巴胺神经元及相关神经环路的可塑性变化。主要使用离体脑片膜片钳电生理记录、在体多通道电生理记录、光遗传学、组织形态学、行为学等技术,开展相关研究。 (2)在药物成瘾与精神疾病病人上,利用非侵入性神经调控技术(TMS, tDCS)结合脑电(EEG/ERP/TEP)/脑成像(MRI/DTI/fMRI)对皮层功能进行探索与测量,并在此基础上寻求对相关疾病的治疗方式(结合虚拟现实等手段进行脑功能干预)。


查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

2013-2017 节选论文 成瘾及脑刺激相关论文 Huang X, Chen YY, Shen Y, Cao X, Li A, Liu Q, Li Z, Zhang LB, Dai W, Tan T, Arias-Carrion O*, Xue YX*, Su H*, Yuan TF * (2017) Methamphetamine abuse impairs motor cortical plasticity and function. Mol Psychiatry 22: 1274-1281 (IF 13.2) Shen Y, Cao X, Shan C, Dai W, Yuan TF *. (2017) Heroin Addiction Impairs Human Cortical Plasticity. Biol Psychiatry 81:e49-e50 (IF 11.2) Zhou D, Pang F, Liu S, Shen Y, Liu L, Fang Z, Wang C*, Hu Z*, Yuan TF* (2017) Altered Motor-Striatal Plasticity and Cortical Functioning in Patients with Schizophrenia. Neuroscience Bulletin 33:307-311 (IF 2.5) Wang Y, Shen Y, Cao X, Shan C, Pan J, He H, Ma Y *, Yuan TF * (2016) Transcranial direct current stimulation of the frontal-parietal-temporal area attenuates cue-induced craving for heroin. J Psychiatric Res 79: 1-3. (IF 3.9) Shen Y, Cao X, Tan T, Shan C, Wang Y, Pan J, He H, Yuan TF *. (2016) 10 Hz repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation of the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex reduces Heroin cue craving in long-term addicts. Biol Psychiatry 80:e13-14 (IF 11.2) Yuan TF, Mameli M, O'Connor E, Narayan PD, Verpelli C, Sala C, Perez-Otano I, Luscher C, Bellone C *. (2013) Expression of cocaine-evoked synaptic plasticity by GluN3A-containing NMDA receptors. Neuron 80(4): 1025-1038. (IF 13.9) 应激及行为相关论文 Tian R, Hou G*, Song L, Zhang J, Yuan TF* (2017) Chronic grouped social restriction triggers long-lasting immune system adaptations. 8(20):33652-33657 (IF 6.359) Zhang C, Liu X, Yuan TF* (2017)Somatostatin-positive GABAergic interneuron: new targets for depression. Mol Psychiatry. 22(6):790-791 (IF 13.2) Liu H, Yuan TF* (2016) Physical Interaction Is Required in Social Buffering Induced by a Familiar Conspecific. Sci Rep 6:39788.(IF 4.5) Shi, Z, Ren H, Huang Z, Peng Y, He B, Yao X *, Yuan TF *, Su H*. (2017) Fish oil prevents Lipopolysaccharide -induced depressive-like behavior by inhibiting neuroinflammation. Mol Neurobiol, In press(IF 5.137) Yuan TF #, *, Li A#, Sun X#, Ouyang H, Campos C, Rocha NBF, Arias-Carrion O, Machado S, Hou G *, So KF *. (2016) Transgenerational inheritance of paternal neurobehavioral phenotypes: stress, addiction, ageing and metabolism. Mol Neurobiol 53(9):6367-6376 (IF 5.137) Hou G *, Zhao Y, Yang X, Yuan TF *. (2015) Autophagy does not contribute to the asymmetrical hippocampal injury in chronic stress. Physiol Behav 144: 1-6 (IF 2.9). Yuan TF *, Slotnick B. Roles of olfactory system dysfunction in depression. Prog Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry 2014; 54: 26-30. (IF 3.689) Hou G *, Xiong W, Wang M, Chen X, Yuan TF *. Chronic stress influences sexual motivation and causes damage to testicular cells in male rats. J Sex Med 2014; 11: 653-663. (IF 3.150) 脑损伤与修复 He B, Zheng M, Liu Q, Shi Z, Long S, Lu X, Pei Z, Yuan TF, Su H*, Yao X* (2017) Injected Amyloid Beta in the Olfactory Bulb Transfers to Other Brain Regions via Neural Connections in Mice. Mol Neurobiol (In press) Tan Y, Ren H, Shi Z, Yao X, He C, Kang JX, Wan JB, Li P, Yuan TF *, Su H*. (2016) Endogenous Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) prevents Aβ1-42 oligomers induced neuronal injury. Mol Neurobiol 53: 3146-3153. (IF 5.137) Zhang Y, Peng B, Wang S, Liang YX, Yang J, So KF *, Yuan TF * (2016) Image processing methods to elucidate spatial characteristics of retinal microglia after optic nerve transection. Scientific Reports 6: 21816. (IF 4.5) Chen W, Ye Q, Ji X, Zhang S, Yang X, Zhou Q, Cong F, Chen W, Zhang X, Zhang B, Xia Y*, Yuan TF *, Shan C* (2015) Mirror neuron system based therapy for aphasia rehabilitation. Front Psychol 6:1665. (IF 2.6, SSCI) Yuan TF *, #, Liang YX #, Peng B #, Lin B *, So KF*. Local proliferation is the main source of rod microglia after optic nerve transection. Scientific Reports 2015; 5:10788 (IF 4.5) (# for equal contribution) Yuan TF #, Liang YX #, Tay DKC, So KF *, Ellis-Behnke RG*. Rostral migratory stream vasculature as the niche for neural proliferation and cell migration. Cell Transplantation 2015; 24: 377-390. (# for equal contribution) (IF 3.127) Wang W, Zhang X, Xia Y, Ye Q, Ji X, Yang X, Zhou Q, Cong F, Chen W, Zhang B, Yuan TF *, Shan C*. Mirror neuron therapy for hemispatial neglect patients. Scientific Reports 2015; 5: 8664. (IF 4.5)
